import path from "node:path"; import * as p from "@clack/prompts"; import arg from "arg"; import fse from "fs-extra"; import c from "picocolors"; import { createProject } from "./scripts/createProject.js"; import { exitPrompt, getModulePaths, isPackageManager } from "./utils/index.js"; export async function main() { const exit = () => process.exit(0); process.on("SIGINT", exit); process.on("SIGTERM", exit); console.clear(); const argv = process.argv.slice(2).filter((arg) => arg !== "--"); const flags = arg( { "--help": Boolean, "--install": Boolean, "--git": Boolean, "--dry": Boolean, "--pkg-manager": String, "-h": "--help", "-i": "--install", "-g": "--git", "-p": "--pkg-manager", }, { argv, permissive: true }, ); const { "--help": help, "--install": installDeps, "--git": initGitRepo, "--dry": dryRun, "--pkg-manager": pkgManager, } = flags; // 0. Show help text and bail if (help) { console.log(getHelp()); return; } // Get Package Version for Intro const { pathname } = getModulePaths(import.meta.url); const iJSON = path.resolve(pathname, "..", "..", "package.json"); const pJSON = await fse.readJson(iJSON); const pkgVer = pJSON.version; // 1. Say hello! p.intro( c.bgMagenta( ` ${c.bold( "Astro-GhostCMS Create Utility - By MatthiesenXYZ", )} ${c.underline(c.bold(`( v${pkgVer} )`)))} ${c.italic( dryRun ? "[Dry Run] " : " ", )}`, ), ), ); const gettingStarted = `${c.white( c.bold( "Want to Initiate a git repo at the same time as deploying your project?", ), )} \n - ${c.white( `Use ${c.yellow("--git")} at the end of the command`, )} \n ${c.white( c.bold(`Using a package manager other than ${c.cyan(c.bold("pnpm"))}?`), )} \n - ${c.white( `Use ${c.yellow("--pkg-manager npm")} or ${c.yellow( "--pkg-manager yarn", )}.`, )}`; p.note(gettingStarted); // 2. Get template to set up let [template, ...args] = flags._; if (template && !isValidTemplate(template)) { p.log.warning(`"${template}" isn't a valid template`)); template = null; } if (!template) { const answer = await{ message: `${c.cyan("Which template would you like to use?")}`, options: [ { value: "basic", label: `${c.magenta("Basic")} - ${c.cyan( c.italic("Integration w/ Default Theme"), )}`, }, { value: "catppuccin", label: `${c.magenta("Catppuccin-TW")} - ${c.cyan( c.italic("Integration w/ Catppuccin TailwindCSS theme"), )}`, }, { value: "brutal", label: `${c.magenta("BrutalbyElian")} - ${c.cyan( c.italic("Integration w/ BrutalbyElian UnoCSS theme"), )}`, }, { value: "starterkit", label: `${c.magenta("Starter Kit")} - ${c.cyan( c.italic("Integration in API-Only Mode with customizable theme"), )}`, }, ], initialValue: "basic", }); if (p.isCancel(answer)) exitPrompt(); template = answer; } // 2. Construct context to pass to template functions /** @type {Context} */ const ctx = { dryRun, installDeps, initGitRepo, template: template, pkgManager: isPackageManager(pkgManager) ? pkgManager : null, args, }; // 3. Call template functions switch (template) { case "basic": await createProject(ctx).catch(console.error); break; case "starterkit": await createProject(ctx).catch(console.error); break; case "catppuccin": await createProject(ctx).catch(console.error); break; case "brutal": await createProject(ctx).catch(console.error); break; default: throw new Error(`Unknown template: ${template}`)); } // 4. Huzzah! p.outro( c.reset( `Problems? ${c.underline( c.cyan(""), )}`, ), ); } function getHelp() { return `${c.yellow("Need Help? Check the Docs!")} ${c.underline( c.cyan(""), )}`; } /** * @param {string|null|undefined} template * @returns {template is Template} */ function isValidTemplate(template) { return ["basic", "starterkit", "catppuccin", "brutal"].includes(template); } /** * @typedef {import("./types.js").Template} Template * @typedef {import("./types.js").PackageManager} PackageManager * @typedef {import("./types.js").Context} Context */