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2024-02-14 14:10:47 +00:00
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
(function (factory) {
if (typeof module === "object" && typeof module.exports === "object") {
var v = factory(require, exports);
if (v !== undefined) module.exports = v;
else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
define(["require", "exports", "../cssLanguageTypes", "../utils/strings", "../utils/resources"], factory);
})(function (require, exports) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.PathCompletionParticipant = void 0;
const cssLanguageTypes_1 = require("../cssLanguageTypes");
const strings_1 = require("../utils/strings");
const resources_1 = require("../utils/resources");
class PathCompletionParticipant {
constructor(readDirectory) {
this.readDirectory = readDirectory;
this.literalCompletions = [];
this.importCompletions = [];
onCssURILiteralValue(context) {
onCssImportPath(context) {
async computeCompletions(document, documentContext) {
const result = { items: [], isIncomplete: false };
for (const literalCompletion of this.literalCompletions) {
const uriValue = literalCompletion.uriValue;
const fullValue = stripQuotes(uriValue);
if (fullValue === '.' || fullValue === '..') {
result.isIncomplete = true;
else {
const items = await this.providePathSuggestions(uriValue, literalCompletion.position, literalCompletion.range, document, documentContext);
for (let item of items) {
for (const importCompletion of this.importCompletions) {
const pathValue = importCompletion.pathValue;
const fullValue = stripQuotes(pathValue);
if (fullValue === '.' || fullValue === '..') {
result.isIncomplete = true;
else {
let suggestions = await this.providePathSuggestions(pathValue, importCompletion.position, importCompletion.range, document, documentContext);
if (document.languageId === 'scss') {
suggestions.forEach(s => {
if ((0, strings_1.startsWith)(s.label, '_') && (0, strings_1.endsWith)(s.label, '.scss')) {
if (s.textEdit) {
s.textEdit.newText = s.label.slice(1, -5);
else {
s.label = s.label.slice(1, -5);
for (let item of suggestions) {
return result;
async providePathSuggestions(pathValue, position, range, document, documentContext) {
const fullValue = stripQuotes(pathValue);
const isValueQuoted = (0, strings_1.startsWith)(pathValue, `'`) || (0, strings_1.startsWith)(pathValue, `"`);
const valueBeforeCursor = isValueQuoted
? fullValue.slice(0, position.character - (range.start.character + 1))
: fullValue.slice(0, position.character - range.start.character);
const currentDocUri = document.uri;
const fullValueRange = isValueQuoted ? shiftRange(range, 1, -1) : range;
const replaceRange = pathToReplaceRange(valueBeforeCursor, fullValue, fullValueRange);
const valueBeforeLastSlash = valueBeforeCursor.substring(0, valueBeforeCursor.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); // keep the last slash
let parentDir = documentContext.resolveReference(valueBeforeLastSlash || '.', currentDocUri);
if (parentDir) {
try {
const result = [];
const infos = await this.readDirectory(parentDir);
for (const [name, type] of infos) {
// Exclude paths that start with `.`
if (name.charCodeAt(0) !== CharCode_dot && (type === cssLanguageTypes_1.FileType.Directory || (0, resources_1.joinPath)(parentDir, name) !== currentDocUri)) {
result.push(createCompletionItem(name, type === cssLanguageTypes_1.FileType.Directory, replaceRange));
return result;
catch (e) {
// ignore
return [];
exports.PathCompletionParticipant = PathCompletionParticipant;
const CharCode_dot = '.'.charCodeAt(0);
function stripQuotes(fullValue) {
if ((0, strings_1.startsWith)(fullValue, `'`) || (0, strings_1.startsWith)(fullValue, `"`)) {
return fullValue.slice(1, -1);
else {
return fullValue;
function pathToReplaceRange(valueBeforeCursor, fullValue, fullValueRange) {
let replaceRange;
const lastIndexOfSlash = valueBeforeCursor.lastIndexOf('/');
if (lastIndexOfSlash === -1) {
replaceRange = fullValueRange;
else {
// For cases where cursor is in the middle of attribute value, like <script src="./s|rc/test.js">
// Find the last slash before cursor, and calculate the start of replace range from there
const valueAfterLastSlash = fullValue.slice(lastIndexOfSlash + 1);
const startPos = shiftPosition(fullValueRange.end, -valueAfterLastSlash.length);
// If whitespace exists, replace until it
const whitespaceIndex = valueAfterLastSlash.indexOf(' ');
let endPos;
if (whitespaceIndex !== -1) {
endPos = shiftPosition(startPos, whitespaceIndex);
else {
endPos = fullValueRange.end;
replaceRange = cssLanguageTypes_1.Range.create(startPos, endPos);
return replaceRange;
function createCompletionItem(name, isDir, replaceRange) {
if (isDir) {
name = name + '/';
return {
label: escapePath(name),
kind: cssLanguageTypes_1.CompletionItemKind.Folder,
textEdit: cssLanguageTypes_1.TextEdit.replace(replaceRange, escapePath(name)),
command: {
title: 'Suggest',
command: 'editor.action.triggerSuggest'
else {
return {
label: escapePath(name),
kind: cssLanguageTypes_1.CompletionItemKind.File,
textEdit: cssLanguageTypes_1.TextEdit.replace(replaceRange, escapePath(name))
// Escape
function escapePath(p) {
return p.replace(/(\s|\(|\)|,|"|')/g, '\\$1');
function shiftPosition(pos, offset) {
return cssLanguageTypes_1.Position.create(pos.line, pos.character + offset);
function shiftRange(range, startOffset, endOffset) {
const start = shiftPosition(range.start, startOffset);
const end = shiftPosition(range.end, endOffset);
return cssLanguageTypes_1.Range.create(start, end);