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2024-02-14 14:10:47 +00:00
Remove any index signatures from the given object type, so that only explicitly defined properties remain.
- Remove overly permissive signatures from third-party types.
This type was taken from this [StackOverflow answer](
It relies on the fact that an empty object (`{}`) is assignable to an object with just an index signature, like `Record<string, unknown>`, but not to an object with explicitly defined keys, like `Record<'foo' | 'bar', unknown>`.
(The actual value type, `unknown`, is irrelevant and could be any type. Only the key type matters.)
const indexed: Record<string, unknown> = {}; // Allowed
const keyed: Record<'foo', unknown> = {}; // Error
// => TS2739: Type '{}' is missing the following properties from type 'Record<"foo" | "bar", unknown>': foo, bar
Instead of causing a type error like the above, you can also use a [conditional type]( to test whether a type is assignable to another:
type Indexed = {} extends Record<string, unknown>
? '✅ `{}` is assignable to `Record<string, unknown>`'
: '❌ `{}` is NOT assignable to `Record<string, unknown>`';
// => '✅ `{}` is assignable to `Record<string, unknown>`'
type Keyed = {} extends Record<'foo' | 'bar', unknown>
? "✅ `{}` is assignable to `Record<'foo' | 'bar', unknown>`"
: "❌ `{}` is NOT assignable to `Record<'foo' | 'bar', unknown>`";
// => "❌ `{}` is NOT assignable to `Record<'foo' | 'bar', unknown>`"
Using a [mapped type](, you can then check for each `KeyType` of `ObjectType`...
import type {RemoveIndexSignature} from 'type-fest';
type RemoveIndexSignature<ObjectType> = {
[KeyType in keyof ObjectType // Map each key of `ObjectType`...
]: ObjectType[KeyType]; // its original value, i.e. `RemoveIndexSignature<Foo> == Foo`.
...whether an empty object (`{}`) would be assignable to an object with that `KeyType` (`Record<KeyType, unknown>`)...
import type {RemoveIndexSignature} from 'type-fest';
type RemoveIndexSignature<ObjectType> = {
[KeyType in keyof ObjectType
// Is `{}` assignable to `Record<KeyType, unknown>`?
as {} extends Record<KeyType, unknown>
? ... // ✅ `{}` is assignable to `Record<KeyType, unknown>`
: ... // ❌ `{}` is NOT assignable to `Record<KeyType, unknown>`
]: ObjectType[KeyType];
If `{}` is assignable, it means that `KeyType` is an index signature and we want to remove it. If it is not assignable, `KeyType` is a "real" key and we want to keep it.
import type {RemoveIndexSignature} from 'type-fest';
type RemoveIndexSignature<ObjectType> = {
[KeyType in keyof ObjectType
as {} extends Record<KeyType, unknown>
? never // => Remove this `KeyType`.
: KeyType // => Keep this `KeyType` as it is.
]: ObjectType[KeyType];
import type {RemoveIndexSignature} from 'type-fest';
interface Example {
// These index signatures will be removed.
[x: string]: any
[x: number]: any
[x: symbol]: any
[x: `head-${string}`]: string
[x: `${string}-tail`]: string
[x: `head-${string}-tail`]: string
[x: `${bigint}`]: string
[x: `embedded-${number}`]: string
// These explicitly defined keys will remain.
foo: 'bar';
qux?: 'baz';
type ExampleWithoutIndexSignatures = RemoveIndexSignature<Example>;
// => { foo: 'bar'; qux?: 'baz' | undefined; }
@category Object
export type RemoveIndexSignature<ObjectType> = {
[KeyType in keyof ObjectType as {} extends Record<KeyType, unknown>
? never
: KeyType]: ObjectType[KeyType];