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2024-02-14 14:10:47 +00:00
* This module is compiled away!
* Here is the list of all types of tokens exposed by micromark, with a short
* explanation of what they include and where they are found.
* In picking names, generally, the rule is to be as explicit as possible
* instead of reusing names.
* For example, there is a `definitionDestination` and a `resourceDestination`,
* instead of one shared name.
// Note: when changing the next record, you must also change `TokenTypeMap`
// in `micromark-util-types/index.d.ts`.
export const types = /** @type {const} */ ({
// Generic type for data, such as in a title, a destination, etc.
data: 'data',
// Generic type for syntactic whitespace (tabs, virtual spaces, spaces).
// Such as, between a fenced code fence and an info string.
whitespace: 'whitespace',
// Generic type for line endings (line feed, carriage return, carriage return +
// line feed).
lineEnding: 'lineEnding',
// A line ending, but ending a blank line.
lineEndingBlank: 'lineEndingBlank',
// Generic type for whitespace (tabs, virtual spaces, spaces) at the start of a
// line.
linePrefix: 'linePrefix',
// Generic type for whitespace (tabs, virtual spaces, spaces) at the end of a
// line.
lineSuffix: 'lineSuffix',
// Whole ATX heading:
// ```markdown
// #
// ## Alpha
// ### Bravo ###
// ```
// Includes `atxHeadingSequence`, `whitespace`, `atxHeadingText`.
atxHeading: 'atxHeading',
// Sequence of number signs in an ATX heading (`###`).
atxHeadingSequence: 'atxHeadingSequence',
// Content in an ATX heading (`alpha`).
// Includes text.
atxHeadingText: 'atxHeadingText',
// Whole autolink (`<>` or `<>`)
// Includes `autolinkMarker` and `autolinkProtocol` or `autolinkEmail`.
autolink: 'autolink',
// Email autolink w/o markers (``)
autolinkEmail: 'autolinkEmail',
// Marker around an `autolinkProtocol` or `autolinkEmail` (`<` or `>`).
autolinkMarker: 'autolinkMarker',
// Protocol autolink w/o markers (``)
autolinkProtocol: 'autolinkProtocol',
// A whole character escape (`\-`).
// Includes `escapeMarker` and `characterEscapeValue`.
characterEscape: 'characterEscape',
// The escaped character (`-`).
characterEscapeValue: 'characterEscapeValue',
// A whole character reference (`&amp;`, `&#8800;`, or `&#x1D306;`).
// Includes `characterReferenceMarker`, an optional
// `characterReferenceMarkerNumeric`, in which case an optional
// `characterReferenceMarkerHexadecimal`, and a `characterReferenceValue`.
characterReference: 'characterReference',
// The start or end marker (`&` or `;`).
characterReferenceMarker: 'characterReferenceMarker',
// Mark reference as numeric (`#`).
characterReferenceMarkerNumeric: 'characterReferenceMarkerNumeric',
// Mark reference as numeric (`x` or `X`).
characterReferenceMarkerHexadecimal: 'characterReferenceMarkerHexadecimal',
// Value of character reference w/o markers (`amp`, `8800`, or `1D306`).
characterReferenceValue: 'characterReferenceValue',
// Whole fenced code:
// ````markdown
// ```js
// alert(1)
// ```
// ````
codeFenced: 'codeFenced',
// A fenced code fence, including whitespace, sequence, info, and meta
// (` ```js `).
codeFencedFence: 'codeFencedFence',
// Sequence of grave accent or tilde characters (` ``` `) in a fence.
codeFencedFenceSequence: 'codeFencedFenceSequence',
// Info word (`js`) in a fence.
// Includes string.
codeFencedFenceInfo: 'codeFencedFenceInfo',
// Meta words (`highlight="1"`) in a fence.
// Includes string.
codeFencedFenceMeta: 'codeFencedFenceMeta',
// A line of code.
codeFlowValue: 'codeFlowValue',
// Whole indented code:
// ```markdown
// alert(1)
// ```
// Includes `lineEnding`, `linePrefix`, and `codeFlowValue`.
codeIndented: 'codeIndented',
// A text code (``` `alpha` ```).
// Includes `codeTextSequence`, `codeTextData`, `lineEnding`, and can include
// `codeTextPadding`.
codeText: 'codeText',
codeTextData: 'codeTextData',
// A space or line ending right after or before a tick.
codeTextPadding: 'codeTextPadding',
// A text code fence (` `` `).
codeTextSequence: 'codeTextSequence',
// Whole content:
// ```markdown
// [a]: b
// c
// =
// d
// ```
// Includes `paragraph` and `definition`.
content: 'content',
// Whole definition:
// ```markdown
// [micromark]:
// ```
// Includes `definitionLabel`, `definitionMarker`, `whitespace`,
// `definitionDestination`, and optionally `lineEnding` and `definitionTitle`.
definition: 'definition',
// Destination of a definition (`` or
// `<>`).
// Includes `definitionDestinationLiteral` or `definitionDestinationRaw`.
definitionDestination: 'definitionDestination',
// Enclosed destination of a definition
// (`<>`).
// Includes `definitionDestinationLiteralMarker` and optionally
// `definitionDestinationString`.
definitionDestinationLiteral: 'definitionDestinationLiteral',
// Markers of an enclosed definition destination (`<` or `>`).
definitionDestinationLiteralMarker: 'definitionDestinationLiteralMarker',
// Unenclosed destination of a definition
// (``).
// Includes `definitionDestinationString`.
definitionDestinationRaw: 'definitionDestinationRaw',
// Text in an destination (``).
// Includes string.
definitionDestinationString: 'definitionDestinationString',
// Label of a definition (`[micromark]`).
// Includes `definitionLabelMarker` and `definitionLabelString`.
definitionLabel: 'definitionLabel',
// Markers of a definition label (`[` or `]`).
definitionLabelMarker: 'definitionLabelMarker',
// Value of a definition label (`micromark`).
// Includes string.
definitionLabelString: 'definitionLabelString',
// Marker between a label and a destination (`:`).
definitionMarker: 'definitionMarker',
// Title of a definition (`"x"`, `'y'`, or `(z)`).
// Includes `definitionTitleMarker` and optionally `definitionTitleString`.
definitionTitle: 'definitionTitle',
// Marker around a title of a definition (`"`, `'`, `(`, or `)`).
definitionTitleMarker: 'definitionTitleMarker',
// Data without markers in a title (`z`).
// Includes string.
definitionTitleString: 'definitionTitleString',
// Emphasis (`*alpha*`).
// Includes `emphasisSequence` and `emphasisText`.
emphasis: 'emphasis',
// Sequence of emphasis markers (`*` or `_`).
emphasisSequence: 'emphasisSequence',
// Emphasis text (`alpha`).
// Includes text.
emphasisText: 'emphasisText',
// The character escape marker (`\`).
escapeMarker: 'escapeMarker',
// A hard break created with a backslash (`\\n`).
// Note: does not include the line ending.
hardBreakEscape: 'hardBreakEscape',
// A hard break created with trailing spaces (` \n`).
// Does not include the line ending.
hardBreakTrailing: 'hardBreakTrailing',
// Flow HTML:
// ```markdown
// <div
// ```
// Inlcudes `lineEnding`, `htmlFlowData`.
htmlFlow: 'htmlFlow',
htmlFlowData: 'htmlFlowData',
// HTML in text (the tag in `a <i> b`).
// Includes `lineEnding`, `htmlTextData`.
htmlText: 'htmlText',
htmlTextData: 'htmlTextData',
// Whole image (`![alpha](bravo)`, `![alpha][bravo]`, `![alpha][]`, or
// `![alpha]`).
// Includes `label` and an optional `resource` or `reference`.
image: 'image',
// Whole link label (`[*alpha*]`).
// Includes `labelLink` or `labelImage`, `labelText`, and `labelEnd`.
label: 'label',
// Text in an label (`*alpha*`).
// Includes text.
labelText: 'labelText',
// Start a link label (`[`).
// Includes a `labelMarker`.
labelLink: 'labelLink',
// Start an image label (`![`).
// Includes `labelImageMarker` and `labelMarker`.
labelImage: 'labelImage',
// Marker of a label (`[` or `]`).
labelMarker: 'labelMarker',
// Marker to start an image (`!`).
labelImageMarker: 'labelImageMarker',
// End a label (`]`).
// Includes `labelMarker`.
labelEnd: 'labelEnd',
// Whole link (`[alpha](bravo)`, `[alpha][bravo]`, `[alpha][]`, or `[alpha]`).
// Includes `label` and an optional `resource` or `reference`.
link: 'link',
// Whole paragraph:
// ```markdown
// alpha
// bravo.
// ```
// Includes text.
paragraph: 'paragraph',
// A reference (`[alpha]` or `[]`).
// Includes `referenceMarker` and an optional `referenceString`.
reference: 'reference',
// A reference marker (`[` or `]`).
referenceMarker: 'referenceMarker',
// Reference text (`alpha`).
// Includes string.
referenceString: 'referenceString',
// A resource (`( "alpha")`).
// Includes `resourceMarker`, an optional `resourceDestination` with an optional
// `whitespace` and `resourceTitle`.
resource: 'resource',
// A resource destination (``).
// Includes `resourceDestinationLiteral` or `resourceDestinationRaw`.
resourceDestination: 'resourceDestination',
// A literal resource destination (`<>`).
// Includes `resourceDestinationLiteralMarker` and optionally
// `resourceDestinationString`.
resourceDestinationLiteral: 'resourceDestinationLiteral',
// A resource destination marker (`<` or `>`).
resourceDestinationLiteralMarker: 'resourceDestinationLiteralMarker',
// A raw resource destination (``).
// Includes `resourceDestinationString`.
resourceDestinationRaw: 'resourceDestinationRaw',
// Resource destination text (``).
// Includes string.
resourceDestinationString: 'resourceDestinationString',
// A resource marker (`(` or `)`).
resourceMarker: 'resourceMarker',
// A resource title (`"alpha"`, `'alpha'`, or `(alpha)`).
// Includes `resourceTitleMarker` and optionally `resourceTitleString`.
resourceTitle: 'resourceTitle',
// A resource title marker (`"`, `'`, `(`, or `)`).
resourceTitleMarker: 'resourceTitleMarker',
// Resource destination title (`alpha`).
// Includes string.
resourceTitleString: 'resourceTitleString',
// Whole setext heading:
// ```markdown
// alpha
// bravo
// =====
// ```
// Includes `setextHeadingText`, `lineEnding`, `linePrefix`, and
// `setextHeadingLine`.
setextHeading: 'setextHeading',
// Content in a setext heading (`alpha\nbravo`).
// Includes text.
setextHeadingText: 'setextHeadingText',
// Underline in a setext heading, including whitespace suffix (`==`).
// Includes `setextHeadingLineSequence`.
setextHeadingLine: 'setextHeadingLine',
// Sequence of equals or dash characters in underline in a setext heading (`-`).
setextHeadingLineSequence: 'setextHeadingLineSequence',
// Strong (`**alpha**`).
// Includes `strongSequence` and `strongText`.
strong: 'strong',
// Sequence of strong markers (`**` or `__`).
strongSequence: 'strongSequence',
// Strong text (`alpha`).
// Includes text.
strongText: 'strongText',
// Whole thematic break:
// ```markdown
// * * *
// ```
// Includes `thematicBreakSequence` and `whitespace`.
thematicBreak: 'thematicBreak',
// A sequence of one or more thematic break markers (`***`).
thematicBreakSequence: 'thematicBreakSequence',
// Whole block quote:
// ```markdown
// > a
// >
// > b
// ```
// Includes `blockQuotePrefix` and flow.
blockQuote: 'blockQuote',
// The `>` or `> ` of a block quote.
blockQuotePrefix: 'blockQuotePrefix',
// The `>` of a block quote prefix.
blockQuoteMarker: 'blockQuoteMarker',
// The optional ` ` of a block quote prefix.
blockQuotePrefixWhitespace: 'blockQuotePrefixWhitespace',
// Whole unordered list:
// ```markdown
// - a
// b
// ```
// Includes `listItemPrefix`, flow, and optionally `listItemIndent` on further
// lines.
listOrdered: 'listOrdered',
// Whole ordered list:
// ```markdown
// 1. a
// b
// ```
// Includes `listItemPrefix`, flow, and optionally `listItemIndent` on further
// lines.
listUnordered: 'listUnordered',
// The indent of further list item lines.
listItemIndent: 'listItemIndent',
// A marker, as in, `*`, `+`, `-`, `.`, or `)`.
listItemMarker: 'listItemMarker',
// The thing that starts a list item, such as `1. `.
// Includes `listItemValue` if ordered, `listItemMarker`, and
// `listItemPrefixWhitespace` (unless followed by a line ending).
listItemPrefix: 'listItemPrefix',
// The whitespace after a marker.
listItemPrefixWhitespace: 'listItemPrefixWhitespace',
// The numerical value of an ordered item.
listItemValue: 'listItemValue',
// Internal types used for subtokenizers, compiled away
chunkDocument: 'chunkDocument',
chunkContent: 'chunkContent',
chunkFlow: 'chunkFlow',
chunkText: 'chunkText',
chunkString: 'chunkString'