
251 lines
9.2 KiB
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2024-02-14 14:10:47 +00:00
import { z } from 'astro/zod';
import { rssSchema } from './schema.js';
export { rssSchema };
export type RSSOptions = {
/** Title of the RSS Feed */
title: z.infer<typeof rssOptionsValidator>['title'];
/** Description of the RSS Feed */
description: z.infer<typeof rssOptionsValidator>['description'];
* Specify the base URL to use for RSS feed links.
* We recommend using the [endpoint context object](,
* which includes the `site` configured in your project's `astro.config.*`
site: z.infer<typeof rssOptionsValidator>['site'] | URL;
/** List of RSS feed items to render. */
items: RSSFeedItem[] | GlobResult;
/** Specify arbitrary metadata on opening <xml> tag */
xmlns?: z.infer<typeof rssOptionsValidator>['xmlns'];
* Specifies a local custom XSL stylesheet. Ex. '/public/custom-feed.xsl'
stylesheet?: z.infer<typeof rssOptionsValidator>['stylesheet'];
/** Specify custom data in opening of file */
customData?: z.infer<typeof rssOptionsValidator>['customData'];
trailingSlash?: z.infer<typeof rssOptionsValidator>['trailingSlash'];
export type RSSFeedItem = {
/** Link to item */
link: z.infer<typeof rssSchema>['link'];
/** Full content of the item. Should be valid HTML */
content?: z.infer<typeof rssSchema>['content'];
/** Title of item */
title: z.infer<typeof rssSchema>['title'];
/** Publication date of item */
pubDate: z.infer<typeof rssSchema>['pubDate'];
/** Item description */
description?: z.infer<typeof rssSchema>['description'];
/** Append some other XML-valid data to this item */
customData?: z.infer<typeof rssSchema>['customData'];
/** Categories or tags related to the item */
categories?: z.infer<typeof rssSchema>['categories'];
/** The item author's email address */
author?: z.infer<typeof rssSchema>['author'];
/** A URL of a page for comments related to the item */
commentsUrl?: z.infer<typeof rssSchema>['commentsUrl'];
/** The RSS channel that the item came from */
source?: z.infer<typeof rssSchema>['source'];
/** A media object that belongs to the item */
enclosure?: z.infer<typeof rssSchema>['enclosure'];
type ValidatedRSSFeedItem = z.infer<typeof rssSchema>;
type GlobResult = z.infer<typeof globResultValidator>;
declare const globResultValidator: z.ZodRecord<z.ZodString, z.ZodFunction<z.ZodTuple<[], z.ZodUnknown>, z.ZodPromise<z.ZodAny>>>;
declare const rssOptionsValidator: z.ZodObject<{
title: z.ZodString;
description: z.ZodString;
site: z.ZodEffects<z.ZodString, string, unknown>;
items: z.ZodEffects<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodArray<z.ZodObject<{
title: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
description: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
pubDate: z.ZodEffects<z.ZodEffects<z.ZodOptional<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodDate]>>, Date | undefined, string | number | Date | undefined>, Date | undefined, string | number | Date | undefined>;
customData: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
categories: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">>;
author: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
commentsUrl: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
source: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodObject<{
url: z.ZodString;
title: z.ZodString;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
title: string;
url: string;
}, {
title: string;
url: string;
enclosure: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodObject<{
url: z.ZodString;
length: z.ZodNumber;
type: z.ZodString;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
length: number;
type: string;
url: string;
}, {
length: number;
type: string;
url: string;
link: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
content: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
title?: string | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
pubDate?: Date | undefined;
customData?: string | undefined;
categories?: string[] | undefined;
author?: string | undefined;
commentsUrl?: string | undefined;
source?: {
title: string;
url: string;
} | undefined;
enclosure?: {
length: number;
type: string;
url: string;
} | undefined;
link?: string | undefined;
content?: string | undefined;
}, {
title?: string | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
pubDate?: string | number | Date | undefined;
customData?: string | undefined;
categories?: string[] | undefined;
author?: string | undefined;
commentsUrl?: string | undefined;
source?: {
title: string;
url: string;
} | undefined;
enclosure?: {
length: number;
type: string;
url: string;
} | undefined;
link?: string | undefined;
content?: string | undefined;
}>, "many">, z.ZodRecord<z.ZodString, z.ZodFunction<z.ZodTuple<[], z.ZodUnknown>, z.ZodPromise<z.ZodAny>>>]>, {
title?: string | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
pubDate?: Date | undefined;
customData?: string | undefined;
categories?: string[] | undefined;
author?: string | undefined;
commentsUrl?: string | undefined;
source?: {
title: string;
url: string;
} | undefined;
enclosure?: {
length: number;
type: string;
url: string;
} | undefined;
link?: string | undefined;
content?: string | undefined;
}[], {
title?: string | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
pubDate?: string | number | Date | undefined;
customData?: string | undefined;
categories?: string[] | undefined;
author?: string | undefined;
commentsUrl?: string | undefined;
source?: {
title: string;
url: string;
} | undefined;
enclosure?: {
length: number;
type: string;
url: string;
} | undefined;
link?: string | undefined;
content?: string | undefined;
}[] | Record<string, (...args: unknown[]) => Promise<any>>>;
xmlns: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodRecord<z.ZodString, z.ZodString>>;
stylesheet: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodBoolean]>>;
customData: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
trailingSlash: z.ZodDefault<z.ZodBoolean>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
title: string;
description: string;
trailingSlash: boolean;
site: string;
items: {
title?: string | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
pubDate?: Date | undefined;
customData?: string | undefined;
categories?: string[] | undefined;
author?: string | undefined;
commentsUrl?: string | undefined;
source?: {
title: string;
url: string;
} | undefined;
enclosure?: {
length: number;
type: string;
url: string;
} | undefined;
link?: string | undefined;
content?: string | undefined;
xmlns?: Record<string, string> | undefined;
stylesheet?: string | boolean | undefined;
customData?: string | undefined;
}, {
title: string;
description: string;
items: ({
title?: string | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
pubDate?: string | number | Date | undefined;
customData?: string | undefined;
categories?: string[] | undefined;
author?: string | undefined;
commentsUrl?: string | undefined;
source?: {
title: string;
url: string;
} | undefined;
enclosure?: {
length: number;
type: string;
url: string;
} | undefined;
link?: string | undefined;
content?: string | undefined;
}[] | Record<string, (...args: unknown[]) => Promise<any>>) & ({
title?: string | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
pubDate?: string | number | Date | undefined;
customData?: string | undefined;
categories?: string[] | undefined;
author?: string | undefined;
commentsUrl?: string | undefined;
source?: {
title: string;
url: string;
} | undefined;
enclosure?: {
length: number;
type: string;
url: string;
} | undefined;
link?: string | undefined;
content?: string | undefined;
}[] | Record<string, (...args: unknown[]) => Promise<any>> | undefined);
site?: unknown;
xmlns?: Record<string, string> | undefined;
stylesheet?: string | boolean | undefined;
customData?: string | undefined;
trailingSlash?: boolean | undefined;
export default function getRssResponse(rssOptions: RSSOptions): Promise<Response>;
export declare function getRssString(rssOptions: RSSOptions): Promise<string>;
export declare function pagesGlobToRssItems(items: GlobResult): Promise<ValidatedRSSFeedItem[]>;