
354 lines
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2024-02-14 14:10:47 +00:00
'use strict';var _slicedToArray = function () {function sliceIterator(arr, i) {var _arr = [];var _n = true;var _d = false;var _e = undefined;try {for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s =; _n = true) {_arr.push(_s.value);if (i && _arr.length === i) break;}} catch (err) {_d = true;_e = err;} finally {try {if (!_n && _i["return"]) _i["return"]();} finally {if (_d) throw _e;}}return _arr;}return function (arr, i) {if (Array.isArray(arr)) {return arr;} else if (Symbol.iterator in Object(arr)) {return sliceIterator(arr, i);} else {throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance");}};}();var _resolve = require('eslint-module-utils/resolve');var _resolve2 = _interopRequireDefault(_resolve);
var _semver = require('semver');var _semver2 = _interopRequireDefault(_semver);
var _arrayPrototype = require('array.prototype.flatmap');var _arrayPrototype2 = _interopRequireDefault(_arrayPrototype);
var _docsUrl = require('../docsUrl');var _docsUrl2 = _interopRequireDefault(_docsUrl);function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj };}function _toArray(arr) {return Array.isArray(arr) ? arr : Array.from(arr);}
var typescriptPkg = void 0;
try {
typescriptPkg = require('typescript/package.json'); // eslint-disable-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies
} catch (e) {/**/}
function checkImports(imported, context) {var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true;var _didIteratorError = false;var _iteratorError = undefined;try {
for (var _iterator = imported.entries()[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =; _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {var _ref = _step.value;var _ref2 = _slicedToArray(_ref, 2);var _module = _ref2[0];var nodes = _ref2[1];
if (nodes.length > 1) {
var message = '\'' + String(_module) + '\' imported multiple times.';var _nodes = _toArray(
nodes),first = _nodes[0],rest = _nodes.slice(1);
var sourceCode = context.getSourceCode();
var fix = getFix(first, rest, sourceCode, context);{
node: first.source,
message: message,
fix: fix // Attach the autofix (if any) to the first import.
});var _iteratorNormalCompletion2 = true;var _didIteratorError2 = false;var _iteratorError2 = undefined;try {
for (var _iterator2 = rest[Symbol.iterator](), _step2; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion2 = (_step2 =; _iteratorNormalCompletion2 = true) {var node = _step2.value;{
node: node.source,
message: message });
}} catch (err) {_didIteratorError2 = true;_iteratorError2 = err;} finally {try {if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion2 && _iterator2['return']) {_iterator2['return']();}} finally {if (_didIteratorError2) {throw _iteratorError2;}}}
}} catch (err) {_didIteratorError = true;_iteratorError = err;} finally {try {if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator['return']) {_iterator['return']();}} finally {if (_didIteratorError) {throw _iteratorError;}}}
function getFix(first, rest, sourceCode, context) {
// Sorry ESLint <= 3 users, no autofix for you. Autofixing duplicate imports
// requires multiple `fixer.whatever()` calls in the `fix`: We both need to
// update the first one, and remove the rest. Support for multiple
// `fixer.whatever()` in a single `fix` was added in ESLint 4.1.
// `sourceCode.getCommentsBefore` was added in 4.0, so that's an easy thing to
// check for.
if (typeof sourceCode.getCommentsBefore !== 'function') {
return undefined;
// Adjusting the first import might make it multiline, which could break
// `eslint-disable-next-line` comments and similar, so bail if the first
// import has comments. Also, if the first import is `import * as ns from
// './foo'` there's nothing we can do.
if (hasProblematicComments(first, sourceCode) || hasNamespace(first)) {
return undefined;
var defaultImportNames = new Set(
(0, _arrayPrototype2['default'])([].concat(first, rest || []), function (x) {return getDefaultImportName(x) || [];}));
// Bail if there are multiple different default import names it's up to the
// user to choose which one to keep.
if (defaultImportNames.size > 1) {
return undefined;
// Leave it to the user to handle comments. Also skip `import * as ns from
// './foo'` imports, since they cannot be merged into another import.
var restWithoutComments = rest.filter(function (node) {return !hasProblematicComments(node, sourceCode) && !hasNamespace(node);});
var specifiers = restWithoutComments.
map(function (node) {
var tokens = sourceCode.getTokens(node);
var openBrace = tokens.find(function (token) {return isPunctuator(token, '{');});
var closeBrace = tokens.find(function (token) {return isPunctuator(token, '}');});
if (openBrace == null || closeBrace == null) {
return undefined;
return {
importNode: node,
identifiers: sourceCode.text.slice(openBrace.range[1], closeBrace.range[0]).split(','), // Split the text into separate identifiers (retaining any whitespace before or after)
isEmpty: !hasSpecifiers(node) };
var unnecessaryImports = restWithoutComments.filter(function (node) {return !hasSpecifiers(node) &&
!hasNamespace(node) &&
!specifiers.some(function (specifier) {return specifier.importNode === node;});});
var shouldAddDefault = getDefaultImportName(first) == null && defaultImportNames.size === 1;
var shouldAddSpecifiers = specifiers.length > 0;
var shouldRemoveUnnecessary = unnecessaryImports.length > 0;
if (!(shouldAddDefault || shouldAddSpecifiers || shouldRemoveUnnecessary)) {
return undefined;
return function (fixer) {
var tokens = sourceCode.getTokens(first);
var openBrace = tokens.find(function (token) {return isPunctuator(token, '{');});
var closeBrace = tokens.find(function (token) {return isPunctuator(token, '}');});
var firstToken = sourceCode.getFirstToken(first);var _defaultImportNames = _slicedToArray(
defaultImportNames, 1),defaultImportName = _defaultImportNames[0];
var firstHasTrailingComma = closeBrace != null && isPunctuator(sourceCode.getTokenBefore(closeBrace), ',');
var firstIsEmpty = !hasSpecifiers(first);
var firstExistingIdentifiers = firstIsEmpty ?
new Set() :
new Set(sourceCode.text.slice(openBrace.range[1], closeBrace.range[0]).
map(function (x) {return x.trim();}));var _specifiers$reduce =
function (_ref3, specifier) {var _ref4 = _slicedToArray(_ref3, 3),result = _ref4[0],needsComma = _ref4[1],existingIdentifiers = _ref4[2];
var isTypeSpecifier = specifier.importNode.importKind === 'type';
var preferInline = context.options[0] && context.options[0]['prefer-inline'];
// a user might set prefer-inline but not have a supporting TypeScript version. Flow does not support inline types so this should fail in that case as well.
if (preferInline && (!typescriptPkg || !_semver2['default'].satisfies(typescriptPkg.version, '>= 4.5'))) {
throw new Error('Your version of TypeScript does not support inline type imports.');
// Add *only* the new identifiers that don't already exist, and track any new identifiers so we don't add them again in the next loop
var _specifier$identifier = specifier.identifiers.reduce(function (_ref5, cur) {var _ref6 = _slicedToArray(_ref5, 2),text = _ref6[0],set = _ref6[1];
var trimmed = cur.trim(); // Trim whitespace before/after to compare to our set of existing identifiers
var curWithType = trimmed.length > 0 && preferInline && isTypeSpecifier ? 'type ' + String(cur) : cur;
if (existingIdentifiers.has(trimmed)) {
return [text, set];
return [text.length > 0 ? String(text) + ',' + String(curWithType) : curWithType, set.add(trimmed)];
}, ['', existingIdentifiers]),_specifier$identifier2 = _slicedToArray(_specifier$identifier, 2),specifierText = _specifier$identifier2[0],updatedExistingIdentifiers = _specifier$identifier2[1];
return [
needsComma && !specifier.isEmpty && specifierText.length > 0 ? String(
result) + ',' + String(specifierText) : '' + String(
result) + String(specifierText),
specifier.isEmpty ? needsComma : true,
['', !firstHasTrailingComma && !firstIsEmpty, firstExistingIdentifiers]),_specifiers$reduce2 = _slicedToArray(_specifiers$reduce, 1),specifiersText = _specifiers$reduce2[0];
var fixes = [];
if (shouldAddDefault && openBrace == null && shouldAddSpecifiers) {
// `import './foo'` → `import def, {...} from './foo'`
fixer.insertTextAfter(firstToken, ' ' + String(defaultImportName) + ', {' + String(specifiersText) + '} from'));
} else if (shouldAddDefault && openBrace == null && !shouldAddSpecifiers) {
// `import './foo'` → `import def from './foo'`
fixes.push(fixer.insertTextAfter(firstToken, ' ' + String(defaultImportName) + ' from'));
} else if (shouldAddDefault && openBrace != null && closeBrace != null) {
// `import {...} from './foo'` → `import def, {...} from './foo'`
fixes.push(fixer.insertTextAfter(firstToken, ' ' + String(defaultImportName) + ','));
if (shouldAddSpecifiers) {
// `import def, {...} from './foo'` → `import def, {..., ...} from './foo'`
fixes.push(fixer.insertTextBefore(closeBrace, specifiersText));
} else if (!shouldAddDefault && openBrace == null && shouldAddSpecifiers) {
if (first.specifiers.length === 0) {
// `import './foo'` → `import {...} from './foo'`
fixes.push(fixer.insertTextAfter(firstToken, ' {' + String(specifiersText) + '} from'));
} else {
// `import def from './foo'` → `import def, {...} from './foo'`
fixes.push(fixer.insertTextAfter(first.specifiers[0], ', {' + String(specifiersText) + '}'));
} else if (!shouldAddDefault && openBrace != null && closeBrace != null) {
// `import {...} './foo'` → `import {..., ...} from './foo'`
fixes.push(fixer.insertTextBefore(closeBrace, specifiersText));
// Remove imports whose specifiers have been moved into the first import.
var _iteratorNormalCompletion3 = true;var _didIteratorError3 = false;var _iteratorError3 = undefined;try {for (var _iterator3 = specifiers[Symbol.iterator](), _step3; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion3 = (_step3 =; _iteratorNormalCompletion3 = true) {var specifier = _step3.value;
var importNode = specifier.importNode;
var charAfterImportRange = [importNode.range[1], importNode.range[1] + 1];
var charAfterImport = sourceCode.text.substring(charAfterImportRange[0], charAfterImportRange[1]);
if (charAfterImport === '\n') {
// Remove imports whose default import has been moved to the first import,
// and side-effect-only imports that are unnecessary due to the first
// import.
} catch (err) {_didIteratorError3 = true;_iteratorError3 = err;} finally {try {if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion3 && _iterator3['return']) {_iterator3['return']();}} finally {if (_didIteratorError3) {throw _iteratorError3;}}}var _iteratorNormalCompletion4 = true;var _didIteratorError4 = false;var _iteratorError4 = undefined;try {for (var _iterator4 = unnecessaryImports[Symbol.iterator](), _step4; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion4 = (_step4 =; _iteratorNormalCompletion4 = true) {var node = _step4.value;
var charAfterImportRange = [node.range[1], node.range[1] + 1];
var charAfterImport = sourceCode.text.substring(charAfterImportRange[0], charAfterImportRange[1]);
if (charAfterImport === '\n') {
}} catch (err) {_didIteratorError4 = true;_iteratorError4 = err;} finally {try {if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion4 && _iterator4['return']) {_iterator4['return']();}} finally {if (_didIteratorError4) {throw _iteratorError4;}}}
return fixes;
function isPunctuator(node, value) {
return node.type === 'Punctuator' && node.value === value;
// Get the name of the default import of `node`, if any.
function getDefaultImportName(node) {
var defaultSpecifier = node.specifiers.
find(function (specifier) {return specifier.type === 'ImportDefaultSpecifier';});
return defaultSpecifier != null ? : undefined;
// Checks whether `node` has a namespace import.
function hasNamespace(node) {
var specifiers = node.specifiers.
filter(function (specifier) {return specifier.type === 'ImportNamespaceSpecifier';});
return specifiers.length > 0;
// Checks whether `node` has any non-default specifiers.
function hasSpecifiers(node) {
var specifiers = node.specifiers.
filter(function (specifier) {return specifier.type === 'ImportSpecifier';});
return specifiers.length > 0;
// It's not obvious what the user wants to do with comments associated with
// duplicate imports, so skip imports with comments when autofixing.
function hasProblematicComments(node, sourceCode) {
return (
hasCommentBefore(node, sourceCode) ||
hasCommentAfter(node, sourceCode) ||
hasCommentInsideNonSpecifiers(node, sourceCode));
// Checks whether `node` has a comment (that ends) on the previous line or on
// the same line as `node` (starts).
function hasCommentBefore(node, sourceCode) {
return sourceCode.getCommentsBefore(node).
some(function (comment) {return comment.loc.end.line >= node.loc.start.line - 1;});
// Checks whether `node` has a comment (that starts) on the same line as `node`
// (ends).
function hasCommentAfter(node, sourceCode) {
return sourceCode.getCommentsAfter(node).
some(function (comment) {return comment.loc.start.line === node.loc.end.line;});
// Checks whether `node` has any comments _inside,_ except inside the `{...}`
// part (if any).
function hasCommentInsideNonSpecifiers(node, sourceCode) {
var tokens = sourceCode.getTokens(node);
var openBraceIndex = tokens.findIndex(function (token) {return isPunctuator(token, '{');});
var closeBraceIndex = tokens.findIndex(function (token) {return isPunctuator(token, '}');});
// Slice away the first token, since we're no looking for comments _before_
// `node` (only inside). If there's a `{...}` part, look for comments before
// the `{`, but not before the `}` (hence the `+1`s).
var someTokens = openBraceIndex >= 0 && closeBraceIndex >= 0 ?
tokens.slice(1, openBraceIndex + 1).concat(tokens.slice(closeBraceIndex + 1)) :
return someTokens.some(function (token) {return sourceCode.getCommentsBefore(token).length > 0;});
module.exports = {
meta: {
type: 'problem',
docs: {
category: 'Style guide',
description: 'Forbid repeated import of the same module in multiple places.',
url: (0, _docsUrl2['default'])('no-duplicates') },
fixable: 'code',
schema: [
type: 'object',
properties: {
considerQueryString: {
type: 'boolean' },
'prefer-inline': {
type: 'boolean' } },
additionalProperties: false }] },
create: function () {function create(context) {
// Prepare the resolver from options.
var considerQueryStringOption = context.options[0] &&
var defaultResolver = function () {function defaultResolver(sourcePath) {return (0, _resolve2['default'])(sourcePath, context) || sourcePath;}return defaultResolver;}();
var resolver = considerQueryStringOption ? function (sourcePath) {
var parts = sourcePath.match(/^([^?]*)\?(.*)$/);
if (!parts) {
return defaultResolver(sourcePath);
return String(defaultResolver(parts[1])) + '?' + String(parts[2]);
} : defaultResolver;
var moduleMaps = new Map();
function getImportMap(n) {
if (!moduleMaps.has(n.parent)) {
moduleMaps.set(n.parent, {
imported: new Map(),
nsImported: new Map(),
defaultTypesImported: new Map(),
namedTypesImported: new Map() });
var map = moduleMaps.get(n.parent);
var preferInline = context.options[0] && context.options[0]['prefer-inline'];
if (!preferInline && n.importKind === 'type') {
return n.specifiers.length > 0 && n.specifiers[0].type === 'ImportDefaultSpecifier' ? map.defaultTypesImported : map.namedTypesImported;
if (!preferInline && n.specifiers.some(function (spec) {return spec.importKind === 'type';})) {
return map.namedTypesImported;
return hasNamespace(n) ? map.nsImported : map.imported;
return {
ImportDeclaration: function () {function ImportDeclaration(n) {
// resolved path will cover aliased duplicates
var resolvedPath = resolver(n.source.value);
var importMap = getImportMap(n);
if (importMap.has(resolvedPath)) {
} else {
importMap.set(resolvedPath, [n]);
}return ImportDeclaration;}(),
'Program:exit': function () {function ProgramExit() {var _iteratorNormalCompletion5 = true;var _didIteratorError5 = false;var _iteratorError5 = undefined;try {
for (var _iterator5 = moduleMaps.values()[Symbol.iterator](), _step5; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion5 = (_step5 =; _iteratorNormalCompletion5 = true) {var map = _step5.value;
checkImports(map.imported, context);
checkImports(map.nsImported, context);
checkImports(map.defaultTypesImported, context);
checkImports(map.namedTypesImported, context);
}} catch (err) {_didIteratorError5 = true;_iteratorError5 = err;} finally {try {if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion5 && _iterator5['return']) {_iterator5['return']();}} finally {if (_didIteratorError5) {throw _iteratorError5;}}}
}return ProgramExit;}() };
}return create;}() };