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2024-02-14 14:10:47 +00:00
* The `querystring` module provides utilities for parsing and formatting URL
* query strings. It can be accessed using:
* ```js
* const querystring = require('querystring');
* ```
* The `querystring` API is considered Legacy. While it is still maintained,
* new code should use the `URLSearchParams` API instead.
* @deprecated Legacy
* @see [source](
declare module 'querystring' {
interface StringifyOptions {
encodeURIComponent?: ((str: string) => string) | undefined;
interface ParseOptions {
maxKeys?: number | undefined;
decodeURIComponent?: ((str: string) => string) | undefined;
interface ParsedUrlQuery extends NodeJS.Dict<string | string[]> {}
interface ParsedUrlQueryInput extends NodeJS.Dict<string | number | boolean | ReadonlyArray<string> | ReadonlyArray<number> | ReadonlyArray<boolean> | null> {}
* The `querystring.stringify()` method produces a URL query string from a
* given `obj` by iterating through the object's "own properties".
* It serializes the following types of values passed in `obj`:[string]( |
* [number]( |
* [bigint]( |
* [boolean]( |
* [string\[\]]( |
* [number\[\]]( |
* [bigint\[\]]( |
* [boolean\[\]]( The numeric values must be finite. Any other input values will be coerced to
* empty strings.
* ```js
* querystring.stringify({ foo: 'bar', baz: ['qux', 'quux'], corge: '' });
* // Returns 'foo=bar&#x26;baz=qux&#x26;baz=quux&#x26;corge='
* querystring.stringify({ foo: 'bar', baz: 'qux' }, ';', ':');
* // Returns 'foo:bar;baz:qux'
* ```
* By default, characters requiring percent-encoding within the query string will
* be encoded as UTF-8\. If an alternative encoding is required, then an alternative`encodeURIComponent` option will need to be specified:
* ```js
* // Assuming gbkEncodeURIComponent function already exists,
* querystring.stringify({ w: '中文', foo: 'bar' }, null, null,
* { encodeURIComponent: gbkEncodeURIComponent });
* ```
* @since v0.1.25
* @param obj The object to serialize into a URL query string
* @param [sep='&'] The substring used to delimit key and value pairs in the query string.
* @param [eq='='] . The substring used to delimit keys and values in the query string.
function stringify(obj?: ParsedUrlQueryInput, sep?: string, eq?: string, options?: StringifyOptions): string;
* The `querystring.parse()` method parses a URL query string (`str`) into a
* collection of key and value pairs.
* For example, the query string `'foo=bar&#x26;abc=xyz&#x26;abc=123'` is parsed into:
* ```js
* {
* foo: 'bar',
* abc: ['xyz', '123']
* }
* ```
* The object returned by the `querystring.parse()` method _does not_prototypically inherit from the JavaScript `Object`. This means that typical`Object` methods such as `obj.toString()`,
* `obj.hasOwnProperty()`, and others
* are not defined and _will not work_.
* By default, percent-encoded characters within the query string will be assumed
* to use UTF-8 encoding. If an alternative character encoding is used, then an
* alternative `decodeURIComponent` option will need to be specified:
* ```js
* // Assuming gbkDecodeURIComponent function already exists...
* querystring.parse('w=%D6%D0%CE%C4&#x26;foo=bar', null, null,
* { decodeURIComponent: gbkDecodeURIComponent });
* ```
* @since v0.1.25
* @param str The URL query string to parse
* @param [sep='&'] The substring used to delimit key and value pairs in the query string.
* @param [eq='='] . The substring used to delimit keys and values in the query string.
function parse(str: string, sep?: string, eq?: string, options?: ParseOptions): ParsedUrlQuery;
* The querystring.encode() function is an alias for querystring.stringify().
const encode: typeof stringify;
* The querystring.decode() function is an alias for querystring.parse().
const decode: typeof parse;
* The `querystring.escape()` method performs URL percent-encoding on the given`str` in a manner that is optimized for the specific requirements of URL
* query strings.
* The `querystring.escape()` method is used by `querystring.stringify()` and is
* generally not expected to be used directly. It is exported primarily to allow
* application code to provide a replacement percent-encoding implementation if
* necessary by assigning `querystring.escape` to an alternative function.
* @since v0.1.25
function escape(str: string): string;
* The `querystring.unescape()` method performs decoding of URL percent-encoded
* characters on the given `str`.
* The `querystring.unescape()` method is used by `querystring.parse()` and is
* generally not expected to be used directly. It is exported primarily to allow
* application code to provide a replacement decoding implementation if
* necessary by assigning `querystring.unescape` to an alternative function.
* By default, the `querystring.unescape()` method will attempt to use the
* JavaScript built-in `decodeURIComponent()` method to decode. If that fails,
* a safer equivalent that does not throw on malformed URLs will be used.
* @since v0.1.25
function unescape(str: string): string;
declare module 'node:querystring' {
export * from 'querystring';