
1400 lines
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2024-02-20 00:35:26 +00:00
import { normalize } from 'pathe';
import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
import c from 'picocolors';
import { v as version, s as startVitest } from './vendor/cli-api.RIYLcWhB.js';
import './vendor/index.ir9i0ywP.js';
import { f as divider } from './vendor/index.QcWmThJv.js';
import { d as defaultPort, a as defaultBrowserPort } from './vendor/constants.K-Wf1PUy.js';
import { t as toArray } from './vendor/base.knFzp7G3.js';
import './vendor/coverage.E7sG1b3r.js';
import './vendor/index.GVFv9dZ0.js';
import 'node:console';
import 'vite';
import 'node:path';
import 'node:url';
import 'node:process';
import 'node:fs';
import './vendor/_commonjsHelpers.jjO7Zipk.js';
import 'os';
import 'path';
import './vendor/index.xL8XjTLv.js';
import 'util';
import 'stream';
import 'fs';
import 'vite-node/client';
import '@vitest/snapshot/manager';
import 'vite-node/server';
import './path.js';
import 'node:v8';
import 'node:os';
import 'node:events';
import 'tinypool';
import './vendor/index.8bPxjt7g.js';
import 'node:worker_threads';
import '@vitest/utils';
import '@vitest/runner/utils';
import 'local-pkg';
import 'std-env';
import 'node:crypto';
import 'vite-node/utils';
import 'magic-string';
import 'acorn-walk';
import '@vitest/utils/ast';
import 'strip-literal';
import 'node:module';
import 'node:readline';
import 'readline';
import './vendor/global.CkGT_TMy.js';
import 'node:perf_hooks';
import './chunks/runtime-console.Iloo9fIt.js';
import 'node:stream';
import './vendor/date.Ns1pGd_X.js';
import './vendor/tasks.IknbGB2n.js';
import '@vitest/utils/source-map';
import 'node:fs/promises';
import 'execa';
import 'module';
import 'assert';
function toArr(any) {
return any == null ? [] : Array.isArray(any) ? any : [any];
function toVal(out, key, val, opts) {
var x, old=out[key], nxt=(
!!~opts.string.indexOf(key) ? (val == null || val === true ? '' : String(val))
: typeof val === 'boolean' ? val
: !!~opts.boolean.indexOf(key) ? (val === 'false' ? false : val === 'true' || (out._.push((x = +val,x * 0 === 0) ? x : val),!!val))
: (x = +val,x * 0 === 0) ? x : val
out[key] = old == null ? nxt : (Array.isArray(old) ? old.concat(nxt) : [old, nxt]);
function mri2 (args, opts) {
args = args || [];
opts = opts || {};
var k, arr, arg, name, val, out={ _:[] };
var i=0, j=0, idx=0, len=args.length;
const alibi = opts.alias !== void 0;
const strict = opts.unknown !== void 0;
const defaults = opts.default !== void 0;
opts.alias = opts.alias || {};
opts.string = toArr(opts.string);
opts.boolean = toArr(opts.boolean);
if (alibi) {
for (k in opts.alias) {
arr = opts.alias[k] = toArr(opts.alias[k]);
for (i=0; i < arr.length; i++) {
(opts.alias[arr[i]] = arr.concat(k)).splice(i, 1);
for (i=opts.boolean.length; i-- > 0;) {
arr = opts.alias[opts.boolean[i]] || [];
for (j=arr.length; j-- > 0;) opts.boolean.push(arr[j]);
for (i=opts.string.length; i-- > 0;) {
arr = opts.alias[opts.string[i]] || [];
for (j=arr.length; j-- > 0;) opts.string.push(arr[j]);
if (defaults) {
for (k in opts.default) {
name = typeof opts.default[k];
arr = opts.alias[k] = opts.alias[k] || [];
if (opts[name] !== void 0) {
for (i=0; i < arr.length; i++) {
const keys = strict ? Object.keys(opts.alias) : [];
for (i=0; i < len; i++) {
arg = args[i];
if (arg === '--') {
out._ = out._.concat(args.slice(++i));
for (j=0; j < arg.length; j++) {
if (arg.charCodeAt(j) !== 45) break; // "-"
if (j === 0) {
} else if (arg.substring(j, j + 3) === 'no-') {
name = arg.substring(j + 3);
if (strict && !~keys.indexOf(name)) {
return opts.unknown(arg);
out[name] = false;
} else {
for (idx=j+1; idx < arg.length; idx++) {
if (arg.charCodeAt(idx) === 61) break; // "="
name = arg.substring(j, idx);
val = arg.substring(++idx) || (i+1 === len || (''+args[i+1]).charCodeAt(0) === 45 || args[++i]);
arr = (j === 2 ? [name] : name);
for (idx=0; idx < arr.length; idx++) {
name = arr[idx];
if (strict && !~keys.indexOf(name)) return opts.unknown('-'.repeat(j) + name);
toVal(out, name, (idx + 1 < arr.length) || val, opts);
if (defaults) {
for (k in opts.default) {
if (out[k] === void 0) {
out[k] = opts.default[k];
if (alibi) {
for (k in out) {
arr = opts.alias[k] || [];
while (arr.length > 0) {
out[arr.shift()] = out[k];
return out;
const removeBrackets = (v) => v.replace(/[<[].+/, "").trim();
const findAllBrackets = (v) => {
const ANGLED_BRACKET_RE_GLOBAL = /<([^>]+)>/g;
const SQUARE_BRACKET_RE_GLOBAL = /\[([^\]]+)\]/g;
const res = [];
const parse = (match) => {
let variadic = false;
let value = match[1];
if (value.startsWith("...")) {
value = value.slice(3);
variadic = true;
return {
required: match[0].startsWith("<"),
let angledMatch;
while (angledMatch = ANGLED_BRACKET_RE_GLOBAL.exec(v)) {
let squareMatch;
while (squareMatch = SQUARE_BRACKET_RE_GLOBAL.exec(v)) {
return res;
const getMriOptions = (options) => {
const result = {alias: {}, boolean: []};
for (const [index, option] of options.entries()) {
if (option.names.length > 1) {
result.alias[option.names[0]] = option.names.slice(1);
if (option.isBoolean) {
if (option.negated) {
const hasStringTypeOption = options.some((o, i) => {
return i !== index && o.names.some((name) => option.names.includes(name)) && typeof o.required === "boolean";
if (!hasStringTypeOption) {
} else {
return result;
const findLongest = (arr) => {
return arr.sort((a, b) => {
return a.length > b.length ? -1 : 1;
const padRight = (str, length) => {
return str.length >= length ? str : `${str}${" ".repeat(length - str.length)}`;
const camelcase = (input) => {
return input.replace(/([a-z])-([a-z])/g, (_, p1, p2) => {
return p1 + p2.toUpperCase();
const setDotProp = (obj, keys, val, transforms) => {
let i = 0;
let length = keys.length;
let t = obj;
let x;
let convertKey = (i) => {
let key = keys[i];
while(i >= 0) {
key = keys[i] + '.' + key;
return key
for (; i < length; ++i) {
x = t[keys[i]];
const transform = transforms[convertKey(i)] || ((v) => v);
t = t[keys[i]] = transform(i === length - 1 ? val : x != null ? x : !!~keys[i + 1].indexOf(".") || !(+keys[i + 1] > -1) ? {} : []);
const getFileName = (input) => {
const m = /([^\\\/]+)$/.exec(input);
return m ? m[1] : "";
const camelcaseOptionName = (name) => {
return name.split(".").map((v, i) => {
return i === 0 ? camelcase(v) : v;
class CACError extends Error {
constructor(message) {
super(message); =;
if (typeof Error.captureStackTrace === "function") {
Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);
} else {
this.stack = new Error(message).stack;
class Option {
constructor(rawName, description, config) {
this.rawName = rawName;
this.description = description;
this.config = Object.assign({}, config);
rawName = rawName.replace(/\.\*/g, "");
this.negated = false;
this.names = removeBrackets(rawName).split(",").map((v) => {
let name = v.trim().replace(/^-{1,2}/, "");
if (name.startsWith("no-")) {
this.negated = true;
name = name.replace(/^no-/, "");
return camelcaseOptionName(name);
}).sort((a, b) => a.length > b.length ? 1 : -1); = this.names[this.names.length - 1];
if (this.negated && this.config.default == null) {
this.config.default = true;
if (rawName.includes("<")) {
this.required = true;
} else if (rawName.includes("[")) {
this.required = false;
} else {
this.isBoolean = true;
const processArgs = process.argv;
const platformInfo = `${process.platform}-${process.arch} node-${process.version}`;
class Command {
constructor(rawName, description, config = {}, cli) {
this.rawName = rawName;
this.description = description;
this.config = config;
this.cli = cli;
this.options = [];
this.aliasNames = []; = removeBrackets(rawName);
this.args = findAllBrackets(rawName);
this.examples = [];
usage(text) {
this.usageText = text;
return this;
allowUnknownOptions() {
this.config.allowUnknownOptions = true;
return this;
ignoreOptionDefaultValue() {
this.config.ignoreOptionDefaultValue = true;
return this;
version(version, customFlags = "-v, --version") {
this.versionNumber = version;
this.option(customFlags, "Display version number");
return this;
example(example) {
return this;
option(rawName, description, config) {
const option = new Option(rawName, description, config);
return this;
alias(name) {
return this;
action(callback) {
this.commandAction = callback;
return this;
isMatched(name) {
return === name || this.aliasNames.includes(name);
get isDefaultCommand() {
return === "" || this.aliasNames.includes("!");
get isGlobalCommand() {
return this instanceof GlobalCommand;
hasOption(name) {
name = name.split(".")[0];
return this.options.find((option) => {
return option.names.includes(name);
outputHelp() {
const {name, commands} = this.cli;
const {
options: globalOptions,
} = this.cli.globalCommand;
let sections = [
body: `${name}${versionNumber ? `/${versionNumber}` : ""}`
title: "Usage",
body: ` $ ${name} ${this.usageText || this.rawName}`
const showCommands = (this.isGlobalCommand || this.isDefaultCommand) && commands.length > 0;
if (showCommands) {
const longestCommandName = findLongest( => command.rawName));
title: "Commands",
body: => {
return ` ${padRight(command.rawName, longestCommandName.length)} ${command.description}`;
title: `For more info, run any command with the \`--help\` flag`,
body: => ` $ ${name}${ === "" ? "" : ` ${}`} --help`).join("\n")
let options = this.isGlobalCommand ? globalOptions : [...this.options, ...globalOptions || []];
if (!this.isGlobalCommand && !this.isDefaultCommand) {
options = options.filter((option) => !== "version");
if (options.length > 0) {
const longestOptionName = findLongest( => option.rawName));
title: "Options",
body: => {
return ` ${padRight(option.rawName, longestOptionName.length)} ${option.description} ${option.config.default === void 0 ? "" : `(default: ${option.config.default})`}`;
if (this.examples.length > 0) {
title: "Examples",
body: => {
if (typeof example === "function") {
return example(name);
return example;
if (helpCallback) {
sections = helpCallback(sections) || sections;
console.log( => {
return section.title ? `${section.title}:
${section.body}` : section.body;
outputVersion() {
const {name} = this.cli;
const {versionNumber} = this.cli.globalCommand;
if (versionNumber) {
console.log(`${name}/${versionNumber} ${platformInfo}`);
checkRequiredArgs() {
const minimalArgsCount = this.args.filter((arg) => arg.required).length;
if (this.cli.args.length < minimalArgsCount) {
throw new CACError(`missing required args for command \`${this.rawName}\``);
checkUnknownOptions() {
const {options, globalCommand} = this.cli;
if (!this.config.allowUnknownOptions) {
for (const name of Object.keys(options)) {
if (name !== "--" && !this.hasOption(name) && !globalCommand.hasOption(name)) {
throw new CACError(`Unknown option \`${name.length > 1 ? `--${name}` : `-${name}`}\``);
checkOptionValue() {
const {options: parsedOptions, globalCommand} = this.cli;
const options = [...globalCommand.options, ...this.options];
for (const option of options) {
// skip dot names because only top level options are required
if ('.')) {
const value = parsedOptions[];
if (option.required) {
const hasNegated = options.some((o) => o.negated && o.names.includes(;
if (value === true || value === false && !hasNegated) {
throw new CACError(`option \`${option.rawName}\` value is missing`);
class GlobalCommand extends Command {
constructor(cli) {
super("@@global@@", "", {}, cli);
var __assign = Object.assign;
class CAC extends EventEmitter {
constructor(name = "") {
super(); = name;
this.commands = [];
this.rawArgs = [];
this.args = [];
this.options = {};
this.globalCommand = new GlobalCommand(this);
this.globalCommand.usage("<command> [options]");
usage(text) {
return this;
command(rawName, description, config) {
const command = new Command(rawName, description || "", config, this);
command.globalCommand = this.globalCommand;
return command;
option(rawName, description, config) {
this.globalCommand.option(rawName, description, config);
return this;
help(callback) {
this.globalCommand.option("-h, --help", "Display this message");
this.globalCommand.helpCallback = callback;
this.showHelpOnExit = true;
return this;
version(version, customFlags = "-v, --version") {
this.globalCommand.version(version, customFlags);
this.showVersionOnExit = true;
return this;
example(example) {
return this;
outputHelp() {
if (this.matchedCommand) {
} else {
outputVersion() {
setParsedInfo({args, options}, matchedCommand, matchedCommandName) {
this.args = args;
this.options = options;
if (matchedCommand) {
this.matchedCommand = matchedCommand;
if (matchedCommandName) {
this.matchedCommandName = matchedCommandName;
return this;
unsetMatchedCommand() {
this.matchedCommand = void 0;
this.matchedCommandName = void 0;
parse(argv = processArgs, {
run = true
} = {}) {
this.rawArgs = argv;
if (! { = argv[1] ? getFileName(argv[1]) : "cli";
let shouldParse = true;
for (const command of this.commands) {
const parsed = this.mri(argv.slice(2), command);
const commandName = parsed.args[0];
if (command.isMatched(commandName)) {
shouldParse = false;
const parsedInfo = __assign(__assign({}, parsed), {
args: parsed.args.slice(1)
this.setParsedInfo(parsedInfo, command, commandName);
this.emit(`command:${commandName}`, command);
if (shouldParse) {
for (const command of this.commands) {
if ( === "") {
shouldParse = false;
const parsed = this.mri(argv.slice(2), command);
this.setParsedInfo(parsed, command);
this.emit(`command:!`, command);
if (shouldParse) {
const parsed = this.mri(argv.slice(2));
if ( && this.showHelpOnExit) {
run = false;
if (this.options.version && this.showVersionOnExit && this.matchedCommandName == null) {
run = false;
const parsedArgv = {args: this.args, options: this.options};
if (run) {
if (!this.matchedCommand && this.args[0]) {
return parsedArgv;
mri(argv, command) {
const cliOptions = [
...command ? command.options : []
const mriOptions = getMriOptions(cliOptions);
let argsAfterDoubleDashes = [];
const doubleDashesIndex = argv.indexOf("--");
if (doubleDashesIndex > -1) {
argsAfterDoubleDashes = argv.slice(doubleDashesIndex + 1);
argv = argv.slice(0, doubleDashesIndex);
let parsed = mri2(argv, mriOptions);
parsed = Object.keys(parsed).reduce((res, name) => {
return __assign(__assign({}, res), {
[camelcaseOptionName(name)]: parsed[name]
}, {_: []});
const args = parsed._;
const options = {
"--": argsAfterDoubleDashes
const ignoreDefault = command && command.config.ignoreOptionDefaultValue ? command.config.ignoreOptionDefaultValue : this.globalCommand.config.ignoreOptionDefaultValue;
let transforms = Object.create(null);
for (const cliOption of cliOptions) {
if (!ignoreDefault && cliOption.config.default !== void 0) {
for (const name of cliOption.names) {
options[name] = cliOption.config.default;
if (cliOption.config.type != null) {
if (transforms[] === void 0) {
transforms[] = cliOption.config.type;
for (const key of Object.keys(parsed)) {
if (key !== "_") {
const keys = key.split(".");
setDotProp(options, keys, parsed[key], transforms);
// setByType(options, transforms);
return {
runMatchedCommand() {
const {args, options, matchedCommand: command} = this;
if (!command || !command.commandAction)
const actionArgs = [];
command.args.forEach((arg, index) => {
if (arg.variadic) {
} else {
return command.commandAction.apply(this, actionArgs);
const cac = (name = "") => new CAC(name);
const apiConfig = (port) => ({
port: {
description: `Specify server port. Note if the port is already being used, Vite will automatically try the next available port so this may not be the actual port the server ends up listening on. If true will be set to ${port}`,
argument: "[port]"
host: {
description: "Specify which IP addresses the server should listen on. Set this to or true to listen on all addresses, including LAN and public addresses",
argument: "[host]"
strictPort: {
description: "Set to true to exit if port is already in use, instead of automatically trying the next available port"
middlewareMode: null
const poolThreadsCommands = {
isolate: {
description: "Isolate tests in threads pool (default: true)"
singleThread: {
description: "Run tests inside a single thread (default: false)"
maxThreads: {
description: "Maximum number of threads to run tests in",
argument: "<workers>"
minThreads: {
description: "Minimum number of threads to run tests in",
argument: "<workers>"
useAtomics: {
description: "Use Atomics to synchronize threads. This can improve performance in some cases, but might cause segfault in older Node versions (default: false)"
execArgv: null
const poolForksCommands = {
isolate: {
description: "Isolate tests in threads pool (default: true)"
singleFork: {
description: "Run tests inside a single child_process (default: false)"
maxForks: {
description: "Maximum number of processes to run tests in",
argument: "<workers>"
minForks: {
description: "Minimum number of processes to run tests in",
argument: "<workers>"
execArgv: null
function watermarkTransform(value) {
if (typeof value === "string")
return value.split(",").map(Number);
return value;
function transformNestedBoolean(value) {
if (typeof value === "boolean")
return { enabled: value };
return value;
const cliOptionsConfig = {
root: {
description: "Root path",
shorthand: "r",
argument: "<path>",
normalize: true
config: {
shorthand: "c",
description: "Path to config file",
argument: "<path>",
normalize: true
update: {
shorthand: "u",
description: "Update snapshot"
watch: {
shorthand: "w",
description: "Enable watch mode"
testNamePattern: {
description: "Run tests with full names matching the specified regexp pattern",
argument: "<pattern>",
shorthand: "t"
dir: {
description: "Base directory to scan for the test files",
argument: "<path>",
normalize: true
ui: {
description: "Enable UI"
open: {
description: "Open UI automatically (default: !process.env.CI)"
api: {
argument: "[port]",
description: `Specify server port. Note if the port is already being used, Vite will automatically try the next available port so this may not be the actual port the server ends up listening on. If true will be set to ${defaultPort}`,
subcommands: apiConfig(defaultPort)
silent: {
description: "Silent console output from tests"
hideSkippedTests: {
description: "Hide logs for skipped tests"
reporters: {
alias: "reporter",
description: "Specify reporters",
argument: "<name>",
subcommands: null,
// don't support custom objects
array: true
outputFile: {
argument: "<filename/-s>",
description: "Write test results to a file when supporter reporter is also specified, use cac's dot notation for individual outputs of multiple reporters (example: --outputFile.tap=./tap.txt)",
subcommands: null
coverage: {
description: "Enable coverage report",
argument: "",
// empty string means boolean
transform: transformNestedBoolean,
subcommands: {
all: {
description: "Whether to include all files, including the untested ones into report",
default: true
provider: {
description: 'Select the tool for coverage collection, available values are: "v8", "istanbul" and "custom"',
argument: "<name>"
enabled: {
description: "Enables coverage collection. Can be overridden using the --coverage CLI option (default: false)"
include: {
description: "Files included in coverage as glob patterns. May be specified more than once when using multiple patterns (default: **)",
argument: "<pattern>",
array: true
exclude: {
description: "Files to be excluded in coverage. May be specified more than once when using multiple extensions (default: Visit",
argument: "<pattern>",
array: true
extension: {
description: 'Extension to be included in coverage. May be specified more than once when using multiple extensions (default: [".js", ".cjs", ".mjs", ".ts", ".mts", ".cts", ".tsx", ".jsx", ".vue", ".svelte"])',
argument: "<extension>",
array: true
clean: {
description: "Clean coverage results before running tests (default: true)"
cleanOnRerun: {
description: "Clean coverage report on watch rerun (default: true)"
reportsDirectory: {
description: "Directory to write coverage report to (default: ./coverage)",
argument: "<path>",
normalize: true
reporter: {
description: 'Coverage reporters to use. Visit for more information (default: ["text", "html", "clover", "json"])',
argument: "<name>",
subcommands: null,
// don't support custom objects
array: true
reportOnFailure: {
description: "Generate coverage report even when tests fail (default: false)"
allowExternal: {
description: "Collect coverage of files outside the project root (default: false)"
skipFull: {
description: "Do not show files with 100% statement, branch, and function coverage (default: false)"
thresholds: {
description: null,
argument: "",
// no displayed
subcommands: {
perFile: {
description: "Check thresholds per file. See --coverage.thresholds.lines, --coverage.thresholds.functions, --coverage.thresholds.branches and --coverage.thresholds.statements for the actual thresholds (default: false)"
autoUpdate: {
description: 'Update threshold values: "lines", "functions", "branches" and "statements" to configuration file when current coverage is above the configured thresholds (default: false)'
lines: {
description: "Threshold for lines. Visit for more information. This option is not available for custom providers",
argument: "<number>"
functions: {
description: "Threshold for functions. Visit for more information. This option is not available for custom providers",
argument: "<number>"
branches: {
description: "Threshold for branches. Visit for more information. This option is not available for custom providers",
argument: "<number>"
statements: {
description: "Threshold for statements. Visit for more information. This option is not available for custom providers",
argument: "<number>"
100: {
description: "Shortcut to set all coverage thresholds to 100 (default: false)"
ignoreClassMethods: {
description: "Array of class method names to ignore for coverage. Visit for more information. This option is only available for the istanbul providers (default: [])",
argument: "<name>",
array: true
processingConcurrency: {
description: "Concurrency limit used when processing the coverage results. (default min between 20 and the number of CPUs)",
argument: "<number>"
customProviderModule: {
description: "Specifies the module name or path for the custom coverage provider module. Visit for more information. This option is only available for custom providers",
argument: "<path>",
normalize: true
watermarks: {
description: null,
argument: "",
// no displayed
subcommands: {
statements: {
description: "High and low watermarks for statements in the format of <high>,<low>",
argument: "<watermarks>",
transform: watermarkTransform
lines: {
description: "High and low watermarks for lines in the format of <high>,<low>",
argument: "<watermarks>",
transform: watermarkTransform
branches: {
description: "High and low watermarks for branches in the format of <high>,<low>",
argument: "<watermarks>",
transform: watermarkTransform
functions: {
description: "High and low watermarks for functions in the format of <high>,<low>",
argument: "<watermarks>",
transform: watermarkTransform
mode: {
description: "Override Vite mode (default: test or benchmark)",
argument: "<name>"
workspace: {
description: "Path to a workspace configuration file",
argument: "<path>",
normalize: true
isolate: {
description: "Run every test file in isolation. To disable isolation, use --no-isolate (default: true)"
globals: {
description: "Inject apis globally"
dom: {
description: "Mock browser API with happy-dom"
browser: {
description: "Run tests in the browser. Equivalent to --browser.enabled (default: false)",
argument: "<name>",
transform(browser) {
if (typeof browser === "boolean")
return { enabled: browser };
if (browser === "true" || browser === "false")
return { enabled: browser !== "false" };
if (typeof browser === "string")
return { enabled: true, name: browser };
return browser;
subcommands: {
enabled: {
description: "Run tests in the browser. Equivalent to --browser.enabled (default: false)"
name: {
description: "Run all tests in a specific browser. Some browsers are only available for specific providers (see --browser.provider). Visit for more information",
argument: "<name>"
headless: {
description: "Run the browser in headless mode (i.e. without opening the GUI (Graphical User Interface)). If you are running Vitest in CI, it will be enabled by default (default: process.env.CI)"
api: {
description: "Specify options for the browser API server. Does not affect the --api option",
argument: "[port]",
subcommands: apiConfig(defaultBrowserPort)
provider: {
description: 'Provider used to run browser tests. Some browsers are only available for specific providers. Can be "webdriverio", "playwright", or the path to a custom provider. Visit for more information (default: "webdriverio")',
argument: "<name>",
subcommands: null
// don't support custom objects
providerOptions: {
description: "Options that are passed down to a browser provider. Visit for more information",
argument: "<options>",
subcommands: null
// don't support custom objects
slowHijackESM: {
description: "Let Vitest use its own module resolution on the browser to enable APIs such as vi.mock and vi.spyOn. Visit for more information (default: false)"
isolate: {
description: "Run every browser test file in isolation. To disable isolation, use --browser.isolate=false (default: true)"
fileParallelism: {
description: "Should all test files run in parallel. Use --browser.file-parallelism=false to disable (default: same as --file-parallelism)"
pool: {
description: "Specify pool, if not running in the browser (default: threads)",
argument: "<pool>",
subcommands: null
// don't support custom objects
poolOptions: {
description: "Specify pool options",
argument: "<options>",
// we use casting here because TypeScript (for some reason) makes this into CLIOption<unknown>
// even when using casting, these types fail if the new option is added which is good
subcommands: {
threads: {
description: "Specify threads pool options",
argument: "<options>",
subcommands: poolThreadsCommands
vmThreads: {
description: "Specify VM threads pool options",
argument: "<options>",
subcommands: {
memoryLimit: {
description: "Memory limit for VM threads pool. If you see memory leaks, try to tinker this value.",
argument: "<limit>"
forks: {
description: "Specify forks pool options",
argument: "<options>",
subcommands: poolForksCommands
vmForks: {
description: "Specify VM forks pool options",
argument: "<options>",
subcommands: {
memoryLimit: {
description: "Memory limit for VM forks pool. If you see memory leaks, try to tinker this value.",
argument: "<limit>"
fileParallelism: {
description: "Should all test files run in parallel. Use --no-file-parallelism to disable (default: true)"
maxWorkers: {
description: "Maximum number of workers to run tests in",
argument: "<workers>"
minWorkers: {
description: "Minimum number of workers to run tests in",
argument: "<workers>"
environment: {
description: "Specify runner environment, if not running in the browser (default: node)",
argument: "<name>",
subcommands: null
// don't support custom objects
passWithNoTests: {
description: "Pass when no tests are found"
logHeapUsage: {
description: "Show the size of heap for each test when running in node"
allowOnly: {
description: "Allow tests and suites that are marked as only (default: !process.env.CI)"
dangerouslyIgnoreUnhandledErrors: {
description: "Ignore any unhandled errors that occur"
shard: {
description: "Test suite shard to execute in a format of <index>/<count>",
argument: "<shards>"
changed: {
description: "Run tests that are affected by the changed files (default: false)",
argument: "[since]"
sequence: {
description: "Options for how tests should be sorted",
argument: "<options>",
subcommands: {
shuffle: {
description: "Run tests in a random order. Enabling this option will impact Vitest's cache and have a performance impact. May be useful to find tests that accidentally depend on another run previously (default: false)"
concurrent: {
description: "Make tests run in parallel (default: false)"
seed: {
description: "Set the randomization seed. This option will have no effect if --sequence.shuffle is falsy. Visit for more information",
argument: "<seed>"
hooks: {
description: 'Changes the order in which hooks are executed. Accepted values are: "stack", "list" and "parallel". Visit for more information (default: "parallel")',
argument: "<order>"
setupFiles: {
description: 'Changes the order in which setup files are executed. Accepted values are: "list" and "parallel". If set to "list", will run setup files in the order they are defined. If set to "parallel", will run setup files in parallel (default: "parallel")',
argument: "<order>"
inspect: {
description: "Enable Node.js inspector"
inspectBrk: {
description: "Enable Node.js inspector with break"
testTimeout: {
description: "Default timeout of a test in milliseconds (default: 5000)",
argument: "<timeout>"
hookTimeout: {
description: "Default hook timeout in milliseconds (default: 10000)",
argument: "<timeout>"
bail: {
description: "Stop test execution when given number of tests have failed (default: 0)",
argument: "<number>"
retry: {
description: "Retry the test specific number of times if it fails (default: 0)",
argument: "<times>"
diff: {
description: "Path to a diff config that will be used to generate diff interface",
argument: "<path>",
normalize: true
exclude: {
description: "Additional file globs to be excluded from test",
argument: "<glob>"
expandSnapshotDiff: {
description: "Show full diff when snapshot fails"
disableConsoleIntercept: {
description: "Disable automatic interception of console logging (default: false)"
typecheck: {
description: "Enable typechecking alongside tests (default: false)",
argument: "",
// allow boolean
transform: transformNestedBoolean,
subcommands: {
enabled: {
description: "Enable typechecking alongside tests (default: false)"
only: {
description: "Run only typecheck tests. This automatically enables typecheck (default: false)"
checker: {
description: 'Specify the typechecker to use. Available values are: "tcs" and "vue-tsc" and a path to an executable (default: "tsc")',
argument: "<name>",
subcommands: null
allowJs: {
description: "Allow JavaScript files to be typechecked. By default takes the value from tsconfig.json"
ignoreSourceErrors: {
description: "Ignore type errors from source files"
tsconfig: {
description: "Path to a custom tsconfig file",
argument: "<path>",
normalize: true
include: null,
exclude: null
project: {
description: "The name of the project to run if you are using Vitest workspace feature. This can be repeated for multiple projects: --project=1 --project=2",
argument: "<name>"
slowTestThreshold: {
description: "Threshold in milliseconds for a test to be considered slow (default: 300)",
argument: "<threshold>"
teardownTimeout: {
description: "Default timeout of a teardown function in milliseconds (default: 10000)",
argument: "<timeout>"
cache: {
description: "Enable cache",
argument: "",
// allow only boolean
subcommands: {
dir: {
description: "Path to the cache directory",
argument: "<path>",
normalize: true
// cache can only be "false" or an object
transform(cache) {
if (cache)
return {};
return cache;
maxConcurrency: {
description: "Maximum number of concurrent tests in a suite (default: 5)",
argument: "<number>"
// CLI only options
run: {
description: "Disable watch mode"
segfaultRetry: {
description: "Retry the test suite if it crashes due to a segfault (default: true)",
argument: "<times>",
default: 0
color: {
description: "Removes colors from the console output",
alias: "no-color"
// disable CLI options
cliExclude: null,
server: null,
setupFiles: null,
globalSetup: null,
snapshotFormat: null,
snapshotSerializers: null,
includeSource: null,
watchExclude: null,
alias: null,
env: null,
environmentMatchGlobs: null,
environmentOptions: null,
unstubEnvs: null,
related: null,
restoreMocks: null,
runner: null,
mockReset: null,
forceRerunTriggers: null,
unstubGlobals: null,
uiBase: null,
benchmark: null,
include: null,
testTransformMode: null,
fakeTimers: null,
chaiConfig: null,
clearMocks: null,
css: null,
poolMatchGlobs: null,
deps: null,
name: null
function addCommand(cli, name, option) {
const commandName = option.alias || name;
let command = option.shorthand ? `-${option.shorthand}, --${commandName}` : `--${commandName}`;
if ("argument" in option)
command += ` ${option.argument}`;
function transform(value) {
if (!option.array && Array.isArray(value)) {
const received = => typeof s === "string" ? `"${s}"` : s).join(", ");
throw new Error(
`Expected a single value for option "${command}", received [${received}]`
if (option.transform)
return option.transform(value);
if (option.array)
return toArray(value);
if (option.normalize)
return normalize(String(value));
return value;
const hasSubcommands = "subcommands" in option && option.subcommands;
if (option.description) {
let description = option.description;
if (hasSubcommands)
description += `. Use '--help --${commandName}' for more info.`;
cli.option(command, description, {
type: transform
if (hasSubcommands) {
for (const commandName2 in option.subcommands) {
const subcommand = option.subcommands[commandName2];
if (subcommand)
addCommand(cli, `${name}.${commandName2}`, subcommand);
function createCLI() {
const cli = cac("vitest");
for (const optionName in cliOptionsConfig) {
const option = cliOptionsConfig[optionName];
if (option)
addCommand(cli, optionName, option);
} => {
const helpSection = info.find((current) => {
var _a;
return (_a = current.title) == null ? void 0 : _a.startsWith("For more info, run any command");
if (helpSection)
helpSection.body += "\n $ vitest --help --expand-help";
const options = info.find((current) => current.title === "Options");
if (typeof options !== "object")
return info;
const helpIndex = process.argv.findIndex((arg) => arg === "--help");
const subcommands = process.argv.slice(helpIndex + 1);
const defaultOutput = options.body.split("\n").filter((line) => /^\s+--\S+\./.test(line) === false).join("\n");
if (subcommands.length === 0) {
options.body = defaultOutput;
return info;
if (subcommands.length === 1 && (subcommands[0] === "--expand-help" || subcommands[0] === "--expandHelp"))
return info;
const subcommandMarker = "$SUB_COMMAND_MARKER$";
const banner = info.find((current) => /^vitest\/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/.test(current.body));
function addBannerWarning(warning) {
if (typeof (banner == null ? void 0 : banner.body) === "string") {
if (banner == null ? void 0 : banner.body.includes(warning))
banner.body = `${banner.body}
WARN: ${warning}`;
for (let i = 0; i < subcommands.length; i++) {
const subcommand = subcommands[i];
if (subcommand === "--expand-help" || subcommand === "--expandHelp") {
addBannerWarning("--expand-help subcommand ignored because, when used with --help, it must be the only subcommand");
if (subcommand.startsWith("--")) {
options.body = options.body.split("\n").map((line) => line.trim().startsWith(subcommand) ? `${subcommandMarker}${line}` : line).join("\n");
options.body = options.body.split("\n").map((line) => line.startsWith(subcommandMarker) ? line.split(subcommandMarker)[1] : "").filter((line) => line.length !== 0).join("\n");
if (!options.body) {
addBannerWarning("no options were found for your subcommands so we printed the whole output");
options.body = defaultOutput;
return info;
cli.command("run [...filters]").action(run);
cli.command("related [...filters]").action(runRelated);
cli.command("watch [...filters]").action(watch);
cli.command("dev [...filters]").action(watch);
cli.command("bench [...filters]").action(benchmark);
cli.command("typecheck [...filters]").action(() => {
throw new Error(`Running typecheck via "typecheck" command is removed. Please use "--typecheck" to run your regular tests alongside typechecking, or "--typecheck.only" to run only typecheck tests.`);
cli.command("[...filters]").action((filters, options) => start("test", filters, options));
return cli;
async function runRelated(relatedFiles, argv) {
argv.related = relatedFiles;
argv.passWithNoTests ?? (argv.passWithNoTests = true);
await start("test", [], argv);
async function watch(cliFilters, options) { = true;
await start("test", cliFilters, options);
async function run(cliFilters, options) { = true;
await start("test", cliFilters, options);
async function benchmark(cliFilters, options) {
console.warn(c.yellow("Benchmarking is an experimental feature.\nBreaking changes might not follow SemVer, please pin Vitest's version when using it."));
await start("benchmark", cliFilters, options);
function normalizeCliOptions(argv) {
if (argv.exclude) {
argv.cliExclude = toArray(argv.exclude);
delete argv.exclude;
return argv;
async function start(mode, cliFilters, options) {
try {
process.title = "node (vitest)";
} catch {
try {
const ctx = await startVitest(mode,, normalizeCliOptions(options));
if (!(ctx == null ? void 0 : ctx.shouldKeepServer()))
await (ctx == null ? void 0 : ctx.exit());
return ctx;
} catch (e) {
${" Unhandled Error "))))}`);