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2024-02-14 14:10:47 +00:00
export declare const Modifier: unique symbol;
export declare const Hint: unique symbol;
export declare const Kind: unique symbol;
export declare const PatternBoolean = "(true|false)";
export declare const PatternNumber = "(0|[1-9][0-9]*)";
export declare const PatternString = "(.*)";
export declare const PatternBooleanExact: string;
export declare const PatternNumberExact: string;
export declare const PatternStringExact: string;
export type TupleToIntersect<T extends any[]> = T extends [infer I] ? I : T extends [infer I, ...infer R] ? I & TupleToIntersect<R> : never;
export type TupleToUnion<T extends any[]> = {
[K in keyof T]: T[K];
export type UnionToIntersect<U> = (U extends unknown ? (arg: U) => 0 : never) extends (arg: infer I) => 0 ? I : never;
export type UnionLast<U> = UnionToIntersect<U extends unknown ? (x: U) => 0 : never> extends (x: infer L) => 0 ? L : never;
export type UnionToTuple<U, L = UnionLast<U>> = [U] extends [never] ? [] : [...UnionToTuple<Exclude<U, L>>, L];
export type Assert<T, E> = T extends E ? T : never;
export type Evaluate<T> = T extends infer O ? {
[K in keyof O]: O[K];
} : never;
export type Ensure<T> = T extends infer U ? U : never;
export type TModifier = TReadonlyOptional<TSchema> | TOptional<TSchema> | TReadonly<TSchema>;
export type TReadonly<T extends TSchema> = T & {
[Modifier]: 'Readonly';
export type TOptional<T extends TSchema> = T & {
[Modifier]: 'Optional';
export type TReadonlyOptional<T extends TSchema> = T & {
[Modifier]: 'ReadonlyOptional';
export interface SchemaOptions {
$schema?: string;
/** Id for this schema */
$id?: string;
/** Title of this schema */
title?: string;
/** Description of this schema */
description?: string;
/** Default value for this schema */
default?: any;
/** Example values matching this schema */
examples?: any;
[prop: string]: any;
export interface TKind {
[Kind]: string;
export interface TSchema extends SchemaOptions, TKind {
[Modifier]?: string;
[Hint]?: string;
params: unknown[];
static: unknown;
export type TAnySchema = TSchema | TAny | TArray | TBigInt | TBoolean | TConstructor | TDate | TEnum | TFunction | TInteger | TIntersect | TLiteral | TNot | TNull | TNumber | TObject | TPromise | TRecord | TRef | TString | TSymbol | TTemplateLiteral | TThis | TTuple | TUndefined | TUnion | TUint8Array | TUnknown | TVoid;
export type TNumeric = TInteger | TNumber;
export interface NumericOptions<N extends number | bigint> extends SchemaOptions {
exclusiveMaximum?: N;
exclusiveMinimum?: N;
maximum?: N;
minimum?: N;
multipleOf?: N;
export interface TAny extends TSchema {
[Kind]: 'Any';
static: any;
export interface ArrayOptions extends SchemaOptions {
uniqueItems?: boolean;
minItems?: number;
maxItems?: number;
export interface TArray<T extends TSchema = TSchema> extends TSchema, ArrayOptions {
[Kind]: 'Array';
static: Static<T, this['params']>[];
type: 'array';
items: T;
export interface TBigInt extends TSchema, NumericOptions<bigint> {
[Kind]: 'BigInt';
static: bigint;
type: 'null';
typeOf: 'BigInt';
export interface TBoolean extends TSchema {
[Kind]: 'Boolean';
static: boolean;
type: 'boolean';
export type TConstructorParameters<T extends TConstructor<TSchema[], TSchema>> = TTuple<T['parameters']>;
export type TInstanceType<T extends TConstructor<TSchema[], TSchema>> = T['returns'];
export type TCompositeEvaluateArray<T extends readonly TSchema[], P extends unknown[]> = {
[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends TSchema ? Static<T[K], P> : never;
export type TCompositeArray<T extends readonly TObject[]> = {
[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends TObject<infer P> ? P : {};
export type TCompositeProperties<I extends unknown, T extends readonly any[]> = Evaluate<T extends [infer A, ...infer B] ? TCompositeProperties<I & A, B> : I extends object ? I : {}>;
export interface TComposite<T extends TObject[] = TObject[]> extends TObject {
[Hint]: 'Composite';
static: Evaluate<TCompositeProperties<unknown, TCompositeEvaluateArray<T, this['params']>>>;
properties: TCompositeProperties<unknown, TCompositeArray<T>>;
export type TConstructorParameterArray<T extends readonly TSchema[], P extends unknown[]> = [...{
[K in keyof T]: Static<Assert<T[K], TSchema>, P>;
export interface TConstructor<T extends TSchema[] = TSchema[], U extends TSchema = TSchema> extends TSchema {
[Kind]: 'Constructor';
static: new (...param: TConstructorParameterArray<T, this['params']>) => Static<U, this['params']>;
type: 'object';
instanceOf: 'Constructor';
parameters: T;
returns: U;
export interface DateOptions extends SchemaOptions {
exclusiveMaximumTimestamp?: number;
exclusiveMinimumTimestamp?: number;
maximumTimestamp?: number;
minimumTimestamp?: number;
export interface TDate extends TSchema, DateOptions {
[Kind]: 'Date';
static: Date;
type: 'object';
instanceOf: 'Date';
export interface TEnumOption<T> {
type: 'number' | 'string';
const: T;
export interface TEnum<T extends Record<string, string | number> = Record<string, string | number>> extends TSchema {
[Kind]: 'Union';
static: T[keyof T];
anyOf: TLiteral<string | number>[];
export type TExtends<L extends TSchema, R extends TSchema, T extends TSchema, U extends TSchema> = (Static<L> extends Static<R> ? T : U) extends infer O ? UnionToTuple<O> extends [infer X, infer Y] ? TUnion<[Assert<X, TSchema>, Assert<Y, TSchema>]> : Assert<O, TSchema> : never;
export type TExcludeTemplateLiteralResult<T extends string> = TUnionResult<Assert<UnionToTuple<{
[K in T]: TLiteral<K>;
}[T]>, TSchema[]>>;
export type TExcludeTemplateLiteral<T extends TTemplateLiteral, U extends TSchema> = Exclude<Static<T>, Static<U>> extends infer S ? TExcludeTemplateLiteralResult<Assert<S, string>> : never;
export type TExcludeArray<T extends TSchema[], U extends TSchema> = Assert<UnionToTuple<{
[K in keyof T]: Static<Assert<T[K], TSchema>> extends Static<U> ? never : T[K];
}[number]>, TSchema[]> extends infer R ? TUnionResult<Assert<R, TSchema[]>> : never;
export type TExclude<T extends TSchema, U extends TSchema> = T extends TTemplateLiteral ? TExcludeTemplateLiteral<T, U> : T extends TUnion<infer S> ? TExcludeArray<S, U> : T extends U ? TNever : T;
export type TExtractTemplateLiteralResult<T extends string> = TUnionResult<Assert<UnionToTuple<{
[K in T]: TLiteral<K>;
}[T]>, TSchema[]>>;
export type TExtractTemplateLiteral<T extends TTemplateLiteral, U extends TSchema> = Extract<Static<T>, Static<U>> extends infer S ? TExtractTemplateLiteralResult<Assert<S, string>> : never;
export type TExtractArray<T extends TSchema[], U extends TSchema> = Assert<UnionToTuple<{
[K in keyof T]: Static<Assert<T[K], TSchema>> extends Static<U> ? T[K] : never;
}[number]>, TSchema[]> extends infer R ? TUnionResult<Assert<R, TSchema[]>> : never;
export type TExtract<T extends TSchema, U extends TSchema> = T extends TTemplateLiteral ? TExtractTemplateLiteral<T, U> : T extends TUnion<infer S> ? TExtractArray<S, U> : T extends U ? T : T;
export type TFunctionParameters<T extends readonly TSchema[], P extends unknown[]> = [...{
[K in keyof T]: Static<Assert<T[K], TSchema>, P>;
export interface TFunction<T extends readonly TSchema[] = TSchema[], U extends TSchema = TSchema> extends TSchema {
[Kind]: 'Function';
static: (...param: TFunctionParameters<T, this['params']>) => Static<U, this['params']>;
type: 'object';
instanceOf: 'Function';
parameters: T;
returns: U;
export interface TInteger extends TSchema, NumericOptions<number> {
[Kind]: 'Integer';
static: number;
type: 'integer';
export type TUnevaluatedProperties = undefined | TSchema | boolean;
export interface IntersectOptions extends SchemaOptions {
unevaluatedProperties?: TUnevaluatedProperties;
export interface TIntersect<T extends TSchema[] = TSchema[]> extends TSchema, IntersectOptions {
[Kind]: 'Intersect';
static: TupleToIntersect<{
[K in keyof T]: Static<Assert<T[K], TSchema>, this['params']>;
type?: 'object';
allOf: [...T];
export type TKeyOfTuple<T extends TSchema> = {
[K in keyof Static<T>]: TLiteral<Assert<K, TLiteralValue>>;
} extends infer U ? UnionToTuple<Exclude<{
[K in keyof U]: U[K];
}[keyof U], undefined>> : never;
export type TKeyOf<T extends TSchema = TSchema> = (T extends TRecursive<infer S> ? TKeyOfTuple<S> : T extends TComposite ? TKeyOfTuple<T> : T extends TIntersect ? TKeyOfTuple<T> : T extends TUnion ? TKeyOfTuple<T> : T extends TObject ? TKeyOfTuple<T> : T extends TRecord<infer K> ? [K] : [
]) extends infer R ? TUnionResult<Assert<R, TSchema[]>> : never;
export type TLiteralValue = string | number | boolean;
export interface TLiteral<T extends TLiteralValue = TLiteralValue> extends TSchema {
[Kind]: 'Literal';
static: T;
const: T;
export interface TNever extends TSchema {
[Kind]: 'Never';
static: never;
not: {};
export interface TNot<Not extends TSchema = TSchema, T extends TSchema = TSchema> extends TSchema {
[Kind]: 'Not';
static: Static<T>;
allOf: [{
not: Not;
}, T];
export interface TNull extends TSchema {
[Kind]: 'Null';
static: null;
type: 'null';
export interface TNumber extends TSchema, NumericOptions<number> {
[Kind]: 'Number';
static: number;
type: 'number';
export type ReadonlyOptionalPropertyKeys<T extends TProperties> = {
[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends TReadonlyOptional<TSchema> ? K : never;
}[keyof T];
export type ReadonlyPropertyKeys<T extends TProperties> = {
[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends TReadonly<TSchema> ? K : never;
}[keyof T];
export type OptionalPropertyKeys<T extends TProperties> = {
[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends TOptional<TSchema> ? K : never;
}[keyof T];
export type RequiredPropertyKeys<T extends TProperties> = keyof Omit<T, ReadonlyOptionalPropertyKeys<T> | ReadonlyPropertyKeys<T> | OptionalPropertyKeys<T>>;
export type PropertiesReducer<T extends TProperties, R extends Record<keyof any, unknown>> = Evaluate<(Readonly<Partial<Pick<R, ReadonlyOptionalPropertyKeys<T>>>> & Readonly<Pick<R, ReadonlyPropertyKeys<T>>> & Partial<Pick<R, OptionalPropertyKeys<T>>> & Required<Pick<R, RequiredPropertyKeys<T>>>)>;
export type PropertiesReduce<T extends TProperties, P extends unknown[]> = PropertiesReducer<T, {
[K in keyof T]: Static<T[K], P>;
export type TProperties = Record<keyof any, TSchema>;
export type ObjectProperties<T> = T extends TObject<infer U> ? U : never;
export type ObjectPropertyKeys<T> = T extends TObject<infer U> ? keyof U : never;
export type TAdditionalProperties = undefined | TSchema | boolean;
export interface ObjectOptions extends SchemaOptions {
additionalProperties?: TAdditionalProperties;
minProperties?: number;
maxProperties?: number;
export interface TObject<T extends TProperties = TProperties> extends TSchema, ObjectOptions {
[Kind]: 'Object';
static: PropertiesReduce<T, this['params']>;
additionalProperties?: TAdditionalProperties;
type: 'object';
properties: T;
required?: string[];
export type TOmitArray<T extends TSchema[], K extends keyof any> = Assert<{
[K2 in keyof T]: TOmit<Assert<T[K2], TSchema>, K>;
}, TSchema[]>;
export type TOmitProperties<T extends TProperties, K extends keyof any> = Evaluate<Assert<Omit<T, K>, TProperties>>;
export type TOmit<T extends TSchema = TSchema, K extends keyof any = keyof any> = T extends TRecursive<infer S> ? TRecursive<TOmit<S, K>> : T extends TComposite<infer S> ? TComposite<TOmitArray<S, K>> : T extends TIntersect<infer S> ? TIntersect<TOmitArray<S, K>> : T extends TUnion<infer S> ? TUnion<TOmitArray<S, K>> : T extends TObject<infer S> ? TObject<TOmitProperties<S, K>> : T;
export type TParameters<T extends TFunction> = TTuple<T['parameters']>;
export type TPartialObjectArray<T extends TObject[]> = Assert<{
[K in keyof T]: TPartial<Assert<T[K], TObject>>;
}, TObject[]>;
export type TPartialArray<T extends TSchema[]> = Assert<{
[K in keyof T]: TPartial<Assert<T[K], TSchema>>;
}, TSchema[]>;
export type TPartialProperties<T extends TProperties> = Evaluate<Assert<{
[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends TReadonlyOptional<infer U> ? TReadonlyOptional<U> : T[K] extends TReadonly<infer U> ? TReadonlyOptional<U> : T[K] extends TOptional<infer U> ? TOptional<U> : TOptional<T[K]>;
}, TProperties>>;
export type TPartial<T extends TSchema> = T extends TRecursive<infer S> ? TRecursive<TPartial<S>> : T extends TComposite<infer S> ? TComposite<TPartialArray<S>> : T extends TIntersect<infer S> ? TIntersect<TPartialArray<S>> : T extends TUnion<infer S> ? TUnion<TPartialArray<S>> : T extends TObject<infer S> ? TObject<TPartialProperties<S>> : T;
export type TPickArray<T extends TSchema[], K extends keyof any> = {
[K2 in keyof T]: TPick<Assert<T[K2], TSchema>, K>;
export type TPickProperties<T extends TProperties, K extends keyof any> = Pick<T, Assert<Extract<K, keyof T>, keyof T>> extends infer R ? ({
[K in keyof R]: Assert<R[K], TSchema> extends TSchema ? R[K] : never;
}) : never;
export type TPick<T extends TSchema = TSchema, K extends keyof any = keyof any> = T extends TRecursive<infer S> ? TRecursive<TPick<S, K>> : T extends TComposite<infer S> ? TComposite<TPickArray<S, K>> : T extends TIntersect<infer S> ? TIntersect<TPickArray<S, K>> : T extends TUnion<infer S> ? TUnion<TPickArray<S, K>> : T extends TObject<infer S> ? TObject<TPickProperties<S, K>> : T;
export interface TPromise<T extends TSchema = TSchema> extends TSchema {
[Kind]: 'Promise';
static: Promise<Static<T, this['params']>>;
type: 'object';
instanceOf: 'Promise';
item: TSchema;
export type RecordTemplateLiteralObjectType<K extends TTemplateLiteral, T extends TSchema> = Ensure<TObject<Evaluate<{
[_ in Static<K>]: T;
export type RecordTemplateLiteralType<K extends TTemplateLiteral, T extends TSchema> = IsTemplateLiteralFinite<K> extends true ? RecordTemplateLiteralObjectType<K, T> : TRecord<K, T>;
export type RecordUnionLiteralType<K extends TUnion<TLiteral<string | number>[]>, T extends TSchema> = Static<K> extends string ? Ensure<TObject<{
[X in Static<K>]: T;
}>> : never;
export type RecordLiteralType<K extends TLiteral<string | number>, T extends TSchema> = Ensure<TObject<{
[K2 in K['const']]: T;
export type RecordNumberType<K extends TInteger | TNumber, T extends TSchema> = Ensure<TRecord<K, T>>;
export type RecordStringType<K extends TString, T extends TSchema> = Ensure<TRecord<K, T>>;
export type RecordKey = TUnion<TLiteral<string | number>[]> | TLiteral<string | number> | TTemplateLiteral | TInteger | TNumber | TString;
export interface TRecord<K extends RecordKey = RecordKey, T extends TSchema = TSchema> extends TSchema {
[Kind]: 'Record';
static: Record<Static<K>, Static<T, this['params']>>;
type: 'object';
patternProperties: {
[pattern: string]: T;
additionalProperties: false;
export interface TThis extends TSchema {
[Kind]: 'This';
static: this['params'][0];
$ref: string;
export type TRecursiveReduce<T extends TSchema> = Static<T, [TRecursiveReduce<T>]>;
export interface TRecursive<T extends TSchema> extends TSchema {
[Hint]: 'Recursive';
static: TRecursiveReduce<T>;
export interface TRef<T extends TSchema = TSchema> extends TSchema {
[Kind]: 'Ref';
static: Static<T, this['params']>;
$ref: string;
export type TReturnType<T extends TFunction> = T['returns'];
export type TRequiredArray<T extends TSchema[]> = Assert<{
[K in keyof T]: TRequired<Assert<T[K], TSchema>>;
}, TSchema[]>;
export type TRequiredProperties<T extends TProperties> = Evaluate<Assert<{
[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends TReadonlyOptional<infer U> ? TReadonly<U> : T[K] extends TReadonly<infer U> ? TReadonly<U> : T[K] extends TOptional<infer U> ? U : T[K];
}, TProperties>>;
export type TRequired<T extends TSchema> = T extends TRecursive<infer S> ? TRecursive<TRequired<S>> : T extends TComposite<infer S> ? TComposite<TRequiredArray<S>> : T extends TIntersect<infer S> ? TIntersect<TRequiredArray<S>> : T extends TUnion<infer S> ? TUnion<TRequiredArray<S>> : T extends TObject<infer S> ? TObject<TRequiredProperties<S>> : T;
export type StringFormatOption = 'date-time' | 'time' | 'date' | 'email' | 'idn-email' | 'hostname' | 'idn-hostname' | 'ipv4' | 'ipv6' | 'uri' | 'uri-reference' | 'iri' | 'uuid' | 'iri-reference' | 'uri-template' | 'json-pointer' | 'relative-json-pointer' | 'regex';
export interface StringOptions<Format extends string> extends SchemaOptions {
minLength?: number;
maxLength?: number;
pattern?: string;
format?: Format;
contentEncoding?: '7bit' | '8bit' | 'binary' | 'quoted-printable' | 'base64';
contentMediaType?: string;
export interface TString<Format extends string = string> extends TSchema, StringOptions<Format> {
[Kind]: 'String';
static: string;
type: 'string';
export type SymbolValue = string | number | undefined;
export interface TSymbol extends TSchema, SchemaOptions {
[Kind]: 'Symbol';
static: symbol;
type: 'null';
typeOf: 'Symbol';
export type IsTemplateLiteralFiniteCheck<T> = T extends TTemplateLiteral<infer U> ? IsTemplateLiteralFiniteArray<Assert<U, TTemplateLiteralKind[]>> : T extends TUnion<infer U> ? IsTemplateLiteralFiniteArray<Assert<U, TTemplateLiteralKind[]>> : T extends TString ? false : T extends TBoolean ? false : T extends TNumber ? false : T extends TInteger ? false : T extends TBigInt ? false : T extends TLiteral ? true : false;
export type IsTemplateLiteralFiniteArray<T extends TTemplateLiteralKind[]> = T extends [infer L, ...infer R] ? IsTemplateLiteralFiniteCheck<L> extends false ? false : IsTemplateLiteralFiniteArray<Assert<R, TTemplateLiteralKind[]>> : T extends [infer L] ? IsTemplateLiteralFiniteCheck<L> extends false ? false : true : true;
export type IsTemplateLiteralFinite<T> = T extends TTemplateLiteral<infer U> ? IsTemplateLiteralFiniteArray<U> : false;
export type TTemplateLiteralKind = TUnion | TLiteral | TInteger | TTemplateLiteral | TNumber | TBigInt | TString | TBoolean | TNever;
export type TTemplateLiteralConst<T, Acc extends string> = T extends TUnion<infer U> ? {
[K in keyof U]: TTemplateLiteralUnion<Assert<[U[K]], TTemplateLiteralKind[]>, Acc>;
}[number] : T extends TTemplateLiteral ? `${Static<T>}` : T extends TLiteral<infer U> ? `${U}` : T extends TString ? `${string}` : T extends TNumber ? `${number}` : T extends TBigInt ? `${bigint}` : T extends TBoolean ? `${boolean}` : never;
export type TTemplateLiteralUnion<T extends TTemplateLiteralKind[], Acc extends string = ''> = T extends [infer L, ...infer R] ? `${TTemplateLiteralConst<L, Acc>}${TTemplateLiteralUnion<Assert<R, TTemplateLiteralKind[]>, Acc>}` : T extends [infer L] ? `${TTemplateLiteralConst<L, Acc>}${Acc}` : Acc;
export interface TTemplateLiteral<T extends TTemplateLiteralKind[] = TTemplateLiteralKind[]> extends TSchema {
[Kind]: 'TemplateLiteral';
static: TTemplateLiteralUnion<T>;
type: 'string';
pattern: string;
export type TTupleIntoArray<T extends TTuple<TSchema[]>> = T extends TTuple<infer R> ? Assert<R, TSchema[]> : never;
export interface TTuple<T extends TSchema[] = TSchema[]> extends TSchema {
[Kind]: 'Tuple';
static: {
[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends TSchema ? Static<T[K], this['params']> : T[K];
type: 'array';
items?: T;
additionalItems?: false;
minItems: number;
maxItems: number;
export interface TUndefined extends TSchema {
[Kind]: 'Undefined';
static: undefined;
type: 'null';
typeOf: 'Undefined';
export type TUnionOfLiteralArray<T extends TLiteral<string>[]> = {
[K in keyof T]: Assert<T[K], TLiteral>['const'];
export type TUnionOfLiteral<T extends TUnion<TLiteral<string>[]>> = TUnionOfLiteralArray<T['anyOf']>;
export type TUnionResult<T extends TSchema[]> = T extends [] ? TNever : T extends [infer S] ? S : TUnion<T>;
export type TUnionTemplateLiteral<T extends TTemplateLiteral, S extends string = Static<T>> = Ensure<TUnionResult<Assert<UnionToTuple<{
[K in S]: TLiteral<K>;
}[S]>, TLiteral[]>>>;
export interface TUnion<T extends TSchema[] = TSchema[]> extends TSchema {
[Kind]: 'Union';
static: {
[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends TSchema ? Static<T[K], this['params']> : never;
anyOf: T;
export interface Uint8ArrayOptions extends SchemaOptions {
maxByteLength?: number;
minByteLength?: number;
export interface TUint8Array extends TSchema, Uint8ArrayOptions {
[Kind]: 'Uint8Array';
static: Uint8Array;
instanceOf: 'Uint8Array';
type: 'object';
export interface TUnknown extends TSchema {
[Kind]: 'Unknown';
static: unknown;
export interface UnsafeOptions extends SchemaOptions {
[Kind]?: string;
export interface TUnsafe<T> extends TSchema {
[Kind]: string;
static: T;
export interface TVoid extends TSchema {
[Kind]: 'Void';
static: void;
type: 'null';
typeOf: 'Void';
/** Creates a TypeScript static type from a TypeBox type */
export type Static<T extends TSchema, P extends unknown[] = []> = (T & {
params: P;
export type TypeRegistryValidationFunction<TSchema> = (schema: TSchema, value: unknown) => boolean;
/** A registry for user defined types */
export declare namespace TypeRegistry {
/** Returns the entries in this registry */
function Entries(): Map<string, TypeRegistryValidationFunction<any>>;
/** Clears all user defined types */
function Clear(): void;
/** Returns true if this registry contains this kind */
function Has(kind: string): boolean;
/** Sets a validation function for a user defined type */
function Set<TSchema = unknown>(kind: string, func: TypeRegistryValidationFunction<TSchema>): void;
/** Gets a custom validation function for a user defined type */
function Get(kind: string): TypeRegistryValidationFunction<any> | undefined;
export type FormatRegistryValidationFunction = (value: string) => boolean;
/** A registry for user defined string formats */
export declare namespace FormatRegistry {
/** Returns the entries in this registry */
function Entries(): Map<string, FormatRegistryValidationFunction>;
/** Clears all user defined string formats */
function Clear(): void;
/** Returns true if the user defined string format exists */
function Has(format: string): boolean;
/** Sets a validation function for a user defined string format */
function Set(format: string, func: FormatRegistryValidationFunction): void;
/** Gets a validation function for a user defined string format */
function Get(format: string): FormatRegistryValidationFunction | undefined;
export declare class TypeGuardUnknownTypeError extends Error {
readonly schema: unknown;
constructor(schema: unknown);
/** Provides functions to test if JavaScript values are TypeBox types */
export declare namespace TypeGuard {
/** Returns true if the given schema is TAny */
function TAny(schema: unknown): schema is TAny;
/** Returns true if the given schema is TArray */
function TArray(schema: unknown): schema is TArray;
/** Returns true if the given schema is TBigInt */
function TBigInt(schema: unknown): schema is TBigInt;
/** Returns true if the given schema is TBoolean */
function TBoolean(schema: unknown): schema is TBoolean;
/** Returns true if the given schema is TConstructor */
function TConstructor(schema: unknown): schema is TConstructor;
/** Returns true if the given schema is TDate */
function TDate(schema: unknown): schema is TDate;
/** Returns true if the given schema is TFunction */
function TFunction(schema: unknown): schema is TFunction;
/** Returns true if the given schema is TInteger */
function TInteger(schema: unknown): schema is TInteger;
/** Returns true if the given schema is TIntersect */
function TIntersect(schema: unknown): schema is TIntersect;
/** Returns true if the given schema is TKind */
function TKind(schema: unknown): schema is Record<typeof Kind | string, unknown>;
/** Returns true if the given schema is TLiteral */
function TLiteral(schema: unknown): schema is TLiteral;
/** Returns true if the given schema is TNever */
function TNever(schema: unknown): schema is TNever;
/** Returns true if the given schema is TNot */
function TNot(schema: unknown): schema is TNot;
/** Returns true if the given schema is TNull */
function TNull(schema: unknown): schema is TNull;
/** Returns true if the given schema is TNumber */
function TNumber(schema: unknown): schema is TNumber;
/** Returns true if the given schema is TObject */
function TObject(schema: unknown): schema is TObject;
/** Returns true if the given schema is TPromise */
function TPromise(schema: unknown): schema is TPromise;
/** Returns true if the given schema is TRecord */
function TRecord(schema: unknown): schema is TRecord;
/** Returns true if the given schema is TRef */
function TRef(schema: unknown): schema is TRef;
/** Returns true if the given schema is TString */
function TString(schema: unknown): schema is TString;
/** Returns true if the given schema is TSymbol */
function TSymbol(schema: unknown): schema is TSymbol;
/** Returns true if the given schema is TTemplateLiteral */
function TTemplateLiteral(schema: unknown): schema is TTemplateLiteral;
/** Returns true if the given schema is TThis */
function TThis(schema: unknown): schema is TThis;
/** Returns true if the given schema is TTuple */
function TTuple(schema: unknown): schema is TTuple;
/** Returns true if the given schema is TUndefined */
function TUndefined(schema: unknown): schema is TUndefined;
/** Returns true if the given schema is TUnion */
function TUnion(schema: unknown): schema is TUnion;
/** Returns true if the given schema is TUnion<Literal<string>[]> */
function TUnionLiteral(schema: unknown): schema is TUnion<TLiteral<string>[]>;
/** Returns true if the given schema is TUint8Array */
function TUint8Array(schema: unknown): schema is TUint8Array;
/** Returns true if the given schema is TUnknown */
function TUnknown(schema: unknown): schema is TUnknown;
/** Returns true if the given schema is a raw TUnsafe */
function TUnsafe(schema: unknown): schema is TUnsafe<unknown>;
/** Returns true if the given schema is TVoid */
function TVoid(schema: unknown): schema is TVoid;
/** Returns true if this schema has the ReadonlyOptional modifier */
function TReadonlyOptional<T extends TSchema>(schema: T): schema is TReadonlyOptional<T>;
/** Returns true if this schema has the Readonly modifier */
function TReadonly<T extends TSchema>(schema: T): schema is TReadonly<T>;
/** Returns true if this schema has the Optional modifier */
function TOptional<T extends TSchema>(schema: T): schema is TOptional<T>;
/** Returns true if the given schema is TSchema */
function TSchema(schema: unknown): schema is TSchema;
/** Fast undefined check used for properties of type undefined */
export declare namespace ExtendsUndefined {
function Check(schema: TSchema): boolean;
export declare enum TypeExtendsResult {
Union = 0,
True = 1,
False = 2
export declare namespace TypeExtends {
function Extends(left: TSchema, right: TSchema): TypeExtendsResult;
/** Specialized Clone for Types */
export declare namespace TypeClone {
/** Clones a type. */
function Clone<T extends TSchema>(schema: T, options: SchemaOptions): T;
export declare namespace ObjectMap {
function Map<T = TSchema>(schema: TSchema, callback: (object: TObject) => TObject, options: SchemaOptions): T;
export declare namespace KeyResolver {
function Resolve<T extends TSchema>(schema: T): string[];
export declare namespace TemplateLiteralPattern {
function Create(kinds: TTemplateLiteralKind[]): string;
export declare namespace TemplateLiteralResolver {
function Resolve(template: TTemplateLiteral): TString | TUnion | TLiteral;
export declare class TemplateLiteralParserError extends Error {
constructor(message: string);
export declare namespace TemplateLiteralParser {
type Expression = And | Or | Const;
type Const = {
type: 'const';
const: string;
type And = {
type: 'and';
expr: Expression[];
type Or = {
type: 'or';
expr: Expression[];
/** Parses a pattern and returns an expression tree */
function Parse(pattern: string): Expression;
/** Parses a pattern and strips forward and trailing ^ and $ */
function ParseExact(pattern: string): Expression;
export declare namespace TemplateLiteralFinite {
function Check(expression: TemplateLiteralParser.Expression): boolean;
export declare namespace TemplateLiteralGenerator {
function Generate(expression: TemplateLiteralParser.Expression): IterableIterator<string>;
export declare class TypeBuilder {
/** `[Utility]` Creates a schema without `static` and `params` types */
protected Create<T>(schema: Omit<T, 'static' | 'params'>): T;
/** `[Standard]` Omits compositing symbols from this schema */
Strict<T extends TSchema>(schema: T): T;
export declare class StandardTypeBuilder extends TypeBuilder {
/** `[Modifier]` Creates a Optional property */
Optional<T extends TSchema>(schema: T): TOptional<T>;
/** `[Modifier]` Creates a ReadonlyOptional property */
ReadonlyOptional<T extends TSchema>(schema: T): TReadonlyOptional<T>;
/** `[Modifier]` Creates a Readonly object or property */
Readonly<T extends TSchema>(schema: T): TReadonly<T>;
/** `[Standard]` Creates an Any type */
Any(options?: SchemaOptions): TAny;
/** `[Standard]` Creates an Array type */
Array<T extends TSchema>(items: T, options?: ArrayOptions): TArray<T>;
/** `[Standard]` Creates a Boolean type */
Boolean(options?: SchemaOptions): TBoolean;
/** `[Standard]` Creates a Composite object type. */
Composite<T extends TObject[]>(objects: [...T], options?: ObjectOptions): TComposite<T>;
/** `[Standard]` Creates a Enum type */
Enum<T extends Record<string, string | number>>(item: T, options?: SchemaOptions): TEnum<T>;
/** `[Standard]` A conditional type expression that will return the true type if the left type extends the right */
Extends<L extends TSchema, R extends TSchema, T extends TSchema, U extends TSchema>(left: L, right: R, trueType: T, falseType: U, options?: SchemaOptions): TExtends<L, R, T, U>;
/** `[Standard]` Excludes from the left type any type that is not assignable to the right */
Exclude<L extends TSchema, R extends TSchema>(left: L, right: R, options?: SchemaOptions): TExclude<L, R>;
/** `[Standard]` Extracts from the left type any type that is assignable to the right */
Extract<L extends TSchema, R extends TSchema>(left: L, right: R, options?: SchemaOptions): TExtract<L, R>;
/** `[Standard]` Creates an Integer type */
Integer(options?: NumericOptions<number>): TInteger;
/** `[Standard]` Creates a Intersect type */
Intersect(allOf: [], options?: SchemaOptions): TNever;
/** `[Standard]` Creates a Intersect type */
Intersect<T extends [TSchema]>(allOf: [...T], options?: SchemaOptions): T[0];
Intersect<T extends TSchema[]>(allOf: [...T], options?: IntersectOptions): TIntersect<T>;
/** `[Standard]` Creates a KeyOf type */
KeyOf<T extends TSchema>(schema: T, options?: SchemaOptions): TKeyOf<T>;
/** `[Standard]` Creates a Literal type */
Literal<T extends TLiteralValue>(value: T, options?: SchemaOptions): TLiteral<T>;
/** `[Standard]` Creates a Never type */
Never(options?: SchemaOptions): TNever;
/** `[Standard]` Creates a Not type. The first argument is the disallowed type, the second is the allowed. */
Not<N extends TSchema, T extends TSchema>(not: N, schema: T, options?: SchemaOptions): TNot<N, T>;
/** `[Standard]` Creates a Null type */
Null(options?: SchemaOptions): TNull;
/** `[Standard]` Creates a Number type */
Number(options?: NumericOptions<number>): TNumber;
/** `[Standard]` Creates an Object type */
Object<T extends TProperties>(properties: T, options?: ObjectOptions): TObject<T>;
/** `[Standard]` Creates a mapped type whose keys are omitted from the given type */
Omit<T extends TSchema, K extends (keyof Static<T>)[]>(schema: T, keys: readonly [...K], options?: SchemaOptions): TOmit<T, K[number]>;
/** `[Standard]` Creates a mapped type whose keys are omitted from the given type */
Omit<T extends TSchema, K extends TUnion<TLiteral<string>[]>>(schema: T, keys: K, options?: SchemaOptions): TOmit<T, TUnionOfLiteral<K>>;
/** `[Standard]` Creates a mapped type whose keys are omitted from the given type */
Omit<T extends TSchema, K extends TLiteral<string>>(schema: T, key: K, options?: SchemaOptions): TOmit<T, K['const']>;
/** `[Standard]` Creates a mapped type whose keys are omitted from the given type */
Omit<T extends TSchema, K extends TNever>(schema: T, key: K, options?: SchemaOptions): TOmit<T, never>;
/** `[Standard]` Creates a mapped type where all properties are Optional */
Partial<T extends TSchema>(schema: T, options?: ObjectOptions): TPartial<T>;
/** `[Standard]` Creates a mapped type whose keys are picked from the given type */
Pick<T extends TSchema, K extends (keyof Static<T>)[]>(schema: T, keys: readonly [...K], options?: SchemaOptions): TPick<T, K[number]>;
/** `[Standard]` Creates a mapped type whose keys are picked from the given type */
Pick<T extends TSchema, K extends TUnion<TLiteral<string>[]>>(schema: T, keys: K, options?: SchemaOptions): TPick<T, TUnionOfLiteral<K>>;
/** `[Standard]` Creates a mapped type whose keys are picked from the given type */
Pick<T extends TSchema, K extends TLiteral<string>>(schema: T, key: K, options?: SchemaOptions): TPick<T, K['const']>;
/** `[Standard]` Creates a mapped type whose keys are picked from the given type */
Pick<T extends TSchema, K extends TNever>(schema: T, key: K, options?: SchemaOptions): TPick<T, never>;
/** `[Standard]` Creates a Record type */
Record<K extends TUnion<TLiteral<string | number>[]>, T extends TSchema>(key: K, schema: T, options?: ObjectOptions): RecordUnionLiteralType<K, T>;
/** `[Standard]` Creates a Record type */
Record<K extends TLiteral<string | number>, T extends TSchema>(key: K, schema: T, options?: ObjectOptions): RecordLiteralType<K, T>;
/** `[Standard]` Creates a Record type */
Record<K extends TTemplateLiteral, T extends TSchema>(key: K, schema: T, options?: ObjectOptions): RecordTemplateLiteralType<K, T>;
/** `[Standard]` Creates a Record type */
Record<K extends TInteger | TNumber, T extends TSchema>(key: K, schema: T, options?: ObjectOptions): RecordNumberType<K, T>;
/** `[Standard]` Creates a Record type */
Record<K extends TString, T extends TSchema>(key: K, schema: T, options?: ObjectOptions): RecordStringType<K, T>;
/** `[Standard]` Creates a Recursive type */
Recursive<T extends TSchema>(callback: (thisType: TThis) => T, options?: SchemaOptions): TRecursive<T>;
/** `[Standard]` Creates a Ref type. The referenced type must contain a $id */
Ref<T extends TSchema>(schema: T, options?: SchemaOptions): TRef<T>;
/** `[Standard]` Creates a mapped type where all properties are Required */
Required<T extends TSchema>(schema: T, options?: SchemaOptions): TRequired<T>;
/** `[Standard]` Creates a String type */
String<Format extends string>(options?: StringOptions<StringFormatOption | Format>): TString<Format>;
/** `[Standard]` Creates a template literal type */
TemplateLiteral<T extends TTemplateLiteralKind[]>(kinds: [...T], options?: SchemaOptions): TTemplateLiteral<T>;
/** `[Standard]` Creates a Tuple type */
Tuple<T extends TSchema[]>(items: [...T], options?: SchemaOptions): TTuple<T>;
/** `[Standard]` Creates a Union type */
Union(anyOf: [], options?: SchemaOptions): TNever;
/** `[Standard]` Creates a Union type */
Union<T extends [TSchema]>(anyOf: [...T], options?: SchemaOptions): T[0];
/** `[Standard]` Creates a Union type */
Union<T extends TSchema[]>(anyOf: [...T], options?: SchemaOptions): TUnion<T>;
/** `[Experimental]` Remaps a TemplateLiteral into a Union representation. This function is known to cause TS compiler crashes for finite templates with large generation counts. Use with caution. */
Union<T extends TTemplateLiteral>(template: T): TUnionTemplateLiteral<T>;
/** `[Standard]` Creates an Unknown type */
Unknown(options?: SchemaOptions): TUnknown;
/** `[Standard]` Creates a Unsafe type that infers for the generic argument */
Unsafe<T>(options?: UnsafeOptions): TUnsafe<T>;
export declare class ExtendedTypeBuilder extends StandardTypeBuilder {
/** `[Extended]` Creates a BigInt type */
BigInt(options?: NumericOptions<bigint>): TBigInt;
/** `[Extended]` Extracts the ConstructorParameters from the given Constructor type */
ConstructorParameters<T extends TConstructor<any[], any>>(schema: T, options?: SchemaOptions): TConstructorParameters<T>;
/** `[Extended]` Creates a Constructor type */
Constructor<T extends TTuple<TSchema[]>, U extends TSchema>(parameters: T, returns: U, options?: SchemaOptions): TConstructor<TTupleIntoArray<T>, U>;
/** `[Extended]` Creates a Constructor type */
Constructor<T extends TSchema[], U extends TSchema>(parameters: [...T], returns: U, options?: SchemaOptions): TConstructor<T, U>;
/** `[Extended]` Creates a Date type */
Date(options?: DateOptions): TDate;
/** `[Extended]` Creates a Function type */
Function<T extends TTuple<TSchema[]>, U extends TSchema>(parameters: T, returns: U, options?: SchemaOptions): TFunction<TTupleIntoArray<T>, U>;
/** `[Extended]` Creates a Function type */
Function<T extends TSchema[], U extends TSchema>(parameters: [...T], returns: U, options?: SchemaOptions): TFunction<T, U>;
/** `[Extended]` Extracts the InstanceType from the given Constructor */
InstanceType<T extends TConstructor<any[], any>>(schema: T, options?: SchemaOptions): TInstanceType<T>;
/** `[Extended]` Extracts the Parameters from the given Function type */
Parameters<T extends TFunction<any[], any>>(schema: T, options?: SchemaOptions): TParameters<T>;
/** `[Extended]` Creates a Promise type */
Promise<T extends TSchema>(item: T, options?: SchemaOptions): TPromise<T>;
/** `[Extended]` Creates a regular expression type */
RegEx(regex: RegExp, options?: SchemaOptions): TString;
/** `[Extended]` Extracts the ReturnType from the given Function */
ReturnType<T extends TFunction<any[], any>>(schema: T, options?: SchemaOptions): TReturnType<T>;
/** `[Extended]` Creates a Symbol type */
Symbol(options?: SchemaOptions): TSymbol;
/** `[Extended]` Creates a Undefined type */
Undefined(options?: SchemaOptions): TUndefined;
/** `[Extended]` Creates a Uint8Array type */
Uint8Array(options?: Uint8ArrayOptions): TUint8Array;
/** `[Extended]` Creates a Void type */
Void(options?: SchemaOptions): TVoid;
/** JSON Schema TypeBuilder with Static Resolution for TypeScript */
export declare const StandardType: StandardTypeBuilder;
/** JSON Schema TypeBuilder with Static Resolution for TypeScript */
export declare const Type: ExtendedTypeBuilder;