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2024-02-14 14:10:47 +00:00
import type {KeysOfUnion} from './internal';
Extract the element of an array that also works for array union.
Returns `never` if T is not an array.
It creates a type-safe way to access the element type of `unknown` type.
type ArrayElement<T> = T extends readonly unknown[] ? T[0] : never;
Extract the object field type if T is an object and K is a key of T, return `never` otherwise.
It creates a type-safe way to access the member type of `unknown` type.
type ObjectValue<T, K> = K extends keyof T ? T[K] : never;
Create a type from `ParameterType` and `InputType` and change keys exclusive to `InputType` to `never`.
- Generate a list of keys that exists in `InputType` but not in `ParameterType`.
- Mark these excess keys as `never`.
type ExactObject<ParameterType, InputType> = {[Key in keyof ParameterType]: Exact<ParameterType[Key], ObjectValue<InputType, Key>>}
& Record<Exclude<keyof InputType, KeysOfUnion<ParameterType>>, never>;
Create a type that does not allow extra properties, meaning it only allows properties that are explicitly declared.
This is useful for function type-guarding to reject arguments with excess properties. Due to the nature of TypeScript, it does not complain if excess properties are provided unless the provided value is an object literal.
*Please upvote [this issue]( if you want to have this type as a built-in in TypeScript.*
type OnlyAcceptName = {name: string};
function onlyAcceptName(args: OnlyAcceptName) {}
// TypeScript complains about excess properties when an object literal is provided.
onlyAcceptName({name: 'name', id: 1});
//=> `id` is excess
// TypeScript does not complain about excess properties when the provided value is a variable (not an object literal).
const invalidInput = {name: 'name', id: 1};
onlyAcceptName(invalidInput); // No errors
Having `Exact` allows TypeScript to reject excess properties.
import {Exact} from 'type-fest';
type OnlyAcceptName = {name: string};
function onlyAcceptNameImproved<T extends Exact<OnlyAcceptName, T>>(args: T) {}
const invalidInput = {name: 'name', id: 1};
onlyAcceptNameImproved(invalidInput); // Compilation error
[Read more](
@category Utilities
export type Exact<ParameterType, InputType> =
// Convert union of array to array of union: A[] & B[] => (A & B)[]
ParameterType extends unknown[] ? Array<Exact<ArrayElement<ParameterType>, ArrayElement<InputType>>>
// In TypeScript, Array is a subtype of ReadonlyArray, so always test Array before ReadonlyArray.
: ParameterType extends readonly unknown[] ? ReadonlyArray<Exact<ArrayElement<ParameterType>, ArrayElement<InputType>>>
: ParameterType extends object ? ExactObject<ParameterType, InputType>
: ParameterType;