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2024-02-14 14:10:47 +00:00
{"version":3,"names":["_optionAssertions","require","VALIDATORS","name","assertString","manipulateOptions","assertFunction","pre","post","inherits","visitor","assertVisitorMap","parserOverride","generatorOverride","loc","value","obj","assertObject","Object","keys","forEach","prop","assertVisitorHandler","enter","exit","Error","msg","key","handler","validatePluginObject","rootPath","type","source","validator","optLoc","parent","invalidPluginPropertyError","code"],"sources":["../../../src/config/validation/plugins.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import {\n assertString,\n assertFunction,\n assertObject,\n msg,\n} from \"./option-assertions.ts\";\n\nimport type {\n ValidatorSet,\n Validator,\n OptionPath,\n RootPath,\n} from \"./option-assertions.ts\";\nimport type { ParserOptions } from \"@babel/parser\";\nimport type { Visitor } from \"@babel/traverse\";\nimport type { ValidatedOptions } from \"./options.ts\";\nimport type { File, PluginAPI, PluginPass } from \"../../index.ts\";\n\n// Note: The casts here are just meant to be static assertions to make sure\n// that the assertion functions actually assert that the value's type matches\n// the declared types.\nconst VALIDATORS: ValidatorSet = {\n name: assertString as Validator<PluginObject[\"name\"]>,\n manipulateOptions: assertFunction as Validator<\n PluginObject[\"manipulateOptions\"]\n >,\n pre: assertFunction as Validator<PluginObject[\"pre\"]>,\n post: assertFunction as Validator<PluginObject[\"post\"]>,\n inherits: assertFunction as Validator<PluginObject[\"inherits\"]>,\n visitor: assertVisitorMap as Validator<PluginObject[\"visitor\"]>,\n\n parserOverride: assertFunction as Validator<PluginObject[\"parserOverride\"]>,\n generatorOverride: assertFunction as Validator<\n PluginObject[\"generatorOverride\"]\n >,\n};\n\nfunction assertVisitorMap(loc: OptionPath, value: unknown): Visitor {\n const obj = assertObject(loc, value);\n if (obj) {\n Object.keys(obj).forEach(prop => {\n if (prop !== \"_exploded\" && prop !== \"_verified\") {\n assertVisitorHandler(prop, obj[prop]);\n }\n });\n\n if (obj.enter || obj.exit) {\n throw new Error(\n `${msg(\n loc,\n )} cannot contain catch-all \"enter\" or \"exit\" handlers. Please target individual nodes.`,\n );\n }\n }\n return obj as Visitor;\n}\n\nfunction assertVisitorHandler(\n key: string,\n value: unknown,\n): asserts value is VisitorHandler {\n if (value && typeof value === \"object\") {\n Object.keys(value).forEach((handler: string) => {\n if (handler !== \"enter\" && handler !== \"exit\") {\n throw new Error(\n `.visitor[\"${key}\"] may only have .enter and/or .exit handlers.`,\n );\n }\n });\n } else if (typeof value !== \"function\") {\n throw new Error(`.visitor[\"${key}\"] must be a function`);\n }\n}\n\ntype VisitorHandler =\n | Function\n | {\n enter?: Function;\n exit?: Function;\n };\n\nexport type PluginObject<S extends PluginPass = PluginPass> = {\n name?: string;\n manipulateOptions?: (\n options: ValidatedOptions,\n parserOpts: ParserOptions,\n ) => void;\n pre?: (this: S, file: File) => void;\n post?: (this: S, file: File) => void;\n inherits?: (\n api: PluginAPI,\n options: unknown,\n dirname: string,\n ) => PluginObject;\n visitor?: Visitor<S>;\n parserOverride?: Function;\n generatorOverride?: Function;\n};\n\nexport function validatePluginObject(obj: {\n [key: string]: unknown;\n}): PluginObject {\n const rootPath: RootPath = {\n type: \"root\",\n source: \"plugin\",\n };\n Object.keys(obj).forEach((key: string) => {\n const validator = VALIDATORS[key];\n\n if (validator) {\n const optLoc: OptionPath = {\n type: \"option\",\n name: key,\n parent: rootPath,\n };\n validator(optLoc, obj[key]);\n } else {\n const invalidPluginPropertyError = new Error(\n `.${key} is not a valid Plugin property`,\n );\n // @ts-expect-error todo(flow->ts) consider adding BabelConfig