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2024-02-14 14:10:47 +00:00
export function visitParents<
Tree extends import('unist').Node,
Check extends Test
tree: Tree,
check: Check,
visitor: BuildVisitor<Tree, Check>,
reverse?: boolean | null | undefined
): undefined
export function visitParents<
Tree extends import('unist').Node,
Check extends Test
tree: Tree,
visitor: BuildVisitor<Tree, Test>,
reverse?: boolean | null | undefined
): undefined
* Continue traversing as normal.
export const CONTINUE: true
* Stop traversing immediately.
export const EXIT: false
* Do not traverse this nodes children.
export const SKIP: 'skip'
export type UnistNode = import('unist').Node
export type UnistParent = import('unist').Parent
* Test from `unist-util-is`.
* Note: we have remove and add `undefined`, because otherwise when generating
* automatic `.d.ts` files, TS tries to flatten paths from a local perspective,
* which doesnt work when publishing on npm.
export type Test = Exclude<import('unist-util-is').Test, undefined> | undefined
* Get the value of a type guard `Fn`.
export type Predicate<Fn, Fallback> = Fn extends (
value: any
) => value is infer Thing
? Thing
: Fallback
* Check whether a node matches a primitive check in the type system.
export type MatchesOne<Value, Check> = Check extends null | undefined
? Value
: Value extends {
type: Check
? Value
: Value extends Check
? Value
: Check extends Function
? Predicate<Check, Value> extends Value
? Predicate<Check, Value>
: never
: never
* Check whether a node matches a check in the type system.
export type Matches<Value, Check> = Check extends Array<any>
? MatchesOne<Value, Check[keyof Check]>
: MatchesOne<Value, Check>
* Number; capped reasonably.
export type Uint = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
* Increment a number in the type system.
export type Increment<I extends Uint = 0> = I extends 0
? 1
: I extends 1
? 2
: I extends 2
? 3
: I extends 3
? 4
: I extends 4
? 5
: I extends 5
? 6
: I extends 6
? 7
: I extends 7
? 8
: I extends 8
? 9
: 10
* Collect nodes that can be parents of `Child`.
export type InternalParent<
Node extends import('unist').Node,
Child extends import('unist').Node
> = Node extends import('unist').Parent
? Node extends {
children: (infer Children)[]
? Child extends Children
? Node
: never
: never
: never
* Collect nodes in `Tree` that can be parents of `Child`.
export type Parent<
Tree extends import('unist').Node,
Child extends import('unist').Node
> = InternalParent<InclusiveDescendant<Tree>, Child>
* Collect nodes in `Tree` that can be ancestors of `Child`.
export type InternalAncestor<
Node extends import('unist').Node,
Child extends import('unist').Node,
Max extends Uint = 10,
Depth extends Uint = 0
> = Depth extends Max
? never
| InternalParent<Node, Child>
| InternalAncestor<
InternalParent<Node, Child>,
* Collect nodes in `Tree` that can be ancestors of `Child`.
export type Ancestor<
Tree extends import('unist').Node,
Child extends import('unist').Node
> = InternalAncestor<InclusiveDescendant<Tree>, Child>
* Collect all (inclusive) descendants of `Tree`.
* > 👉 **Note**: for performance reasons, this seems to be the fastest way to
* > recurse without actually running into an infinite loop, which the
* > previous version did.
* >
* > Practically, a max of `2` is typically enough assuming a `Root` is
* > passed, but it doesnt improve performance.
* > It gets higher with `List > ListItem > Table > TableRow > TableCell`.
* > Using up to `10` doesnt hurt or help either.
export type InclusiveDescendant<
Tree extends import('unist').Node,
Max extends Uint = 10,
Depth extends Uint = 0
> = Tree extends UnistParent
? Depth extends Max
? Tree
| Tree
| InclusiveDescendant<Tree['children'][number], Max, Increment<Depth>>
: Tree
* Union of the action types.
export type Action = 'skip' | boolean
* Move to the sibling at `index` next (after node itself is completely
* traversed).
* Useful if mutating the tree, such as removing the node the visitor is
* currently on, or any of its previous siblings.
* Results less than 0 or greater than or equal to `children.length` stop
* traversing the parent.
export type Index = number
* List with one or two values, the first an action, the second an index.
export type ActionTuple = [
(Action | null | undefined | void)?,
(Index | null | undefined)?
* Any value that can be returned from a visitor.
export type VisitorResult =
| Action
| [(void | Action | null | undefined)?, (number | null | undefined)?]
| Index
| null
| undefined
| void
* Handle a node (matching `test`, if given).
* Visitors are free to transform `node`.
* They can also transform the parent of node (the last of `ancestors`).
* Replacing `node` itself, if `SKIP` is not returned, still causes its
* descendants to be walked (which is a bug).
* When adding or removing previous siblings of `node` (or next siblings, in
* case of reverse), the `Visitor` should return a new `Index` to specify the
* sibling to traverse after `node` is traversed.
* Adding or removing next siblings of `node` (or previous siblings, in case
* of reverse) is handled as expected without needing to return a new `Index`.
* Removing the children property of an ancestor still results in them being
* traversed.
export type Visitor<
Visited extends import('unist').Node = import('unist').Node,
VisitedParents extends import('unist').Parent = import('unist').Parent
> = (node: Visited, ancestors: Array<VisitedParents>) => VisitorResult
* Build a typed `Visitor` function from a tree and a test.
* It will infer which values are passed as `node` and which as `parents`.
export type BuildVisitor<
Tree extends import('unist').Node = import('unist').Node,
Check extends Test = Test
> = Visitor<
Matches<InclusiveDescendant<Tree>, Check>,
Ancestor<Tree, Matches<InclusiveDescendant<Tree>, Check>>