
129 lines
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2024-02-14 14:10:47 +00:00
import { pathToFileURL } from 'node:url';
import { workerId } from 'tinypool';
import { ViteNodeRunner, ModuleCacheMap } from 'vite-node/client';
import { resolve, normalize } from 'pathe';
import { e as environments } from './vendor/environments.sU0TD7wX.js';
import { i as isChildProcess, s as setProcessTitle } from './vendor/base.QYERqzkH.js';
import { createRequire } from 'node:module';
import { c as createRuntimeRpc, a as rpcDone } from './vendor/rpc.w4v8oCkK.js';
import 'node:console';
import '@vitest/utils';
import './vendor/index.cAUulNDf.js';
import './vendor/global.CkGT_TMy.js';
function isBuiltinEnvironment(env) {
return env in environments;
const _loaders = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
async function createEnvironmentLoader(options) {
if (!_loaders.has(options.root)) {
const loader = new ViteNodeRunner(options);
await loader.executeId("/@vite/env");
_loaders.set(options.root, loader);
return _loaders.get(options.root);
async function loadEnvironment(ctx, rpc) {
var _a;
const name =;
if (isBuiltinEnvironment(name))
return environments[name];
const loader = await createEnvironmentLoader({
root: ctx.config.root,
fetchModule: (id) => rpc.fetch(id, "ssr"),
resolveId: (id, importer) => rpc.resolveId(id, importer, "ssr")
const root = loader.root;
const packageId = name[0] === "." || name[0] === "/" ? resolve(root, name) : ((_a = await rpc.resolveId(`vitest-environment-${name}`, void 0, "ssr")) == null ? void 0 : ?? resolve(root, name);
const pkg = await loader.executeId(normalize(packageId));
if (!pkg || !pkg.default || typeof pkg.default !== "object") {
throw new TypeError(
`Environment "${name}" is not a valid environment. Path "${packageId}" should export default object with a "setup" or/and "setupVM" method.`
const environment = pkg.default;
if (environment.transformMode !== "web" && environment.transformMode !== "ssr") {
throw new TypeError(
`Environment "${name}" is not a valid environment. Path "${packageId}" should export default object with a "transformMode" method equal to "ssr" or "web".`
return environment;
const __require = createRequire(import.meta.url);
let inspector;
function setupInspect(config) {
var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h;
const isEnabled = config.inspect || config.inspectBrk;
if (isEnabled) {
inspector = __require("node:inspector");
const isOpen = inspector.url() !== void 0;
if (!isOpen) {;
if (config.inspectBrk)
const isIsolatedSingleThread = config.pool === "threads" && ((_b = (_a = config.poolOptions) == null ? void 0 : _a.threads) == null ? void 0 : _b.isolate) === false && ((_d = (_c = config.poolOptions) == null ? void 0 : _c.threads) == null ? void 0 : _d.singleThread);
const isIsolatedSingleFork = config.pool === "forks" && ((_f = (_e = config.poolOptions) == null ? void 0 : _e.forks) == null ? void 0 : _f.isolate) === false && ((_h = (_g = config.poolOptions) == null ? void 0 : _g.forks) == null ? void 0 : _h.singleFork);
const keepOpen = && (isIsolatedSingleFork || isIsolatedSingleThread);
return function cleanup() {
if (isEnabled && !keepOpen && inspector)
if (isChildProcess())
setProcessTitle(`vitest ${workerId}`);
async function run(ctx) {
const prepareStart =;
const inspectorCleanup = setupInspect(ctx.config);
process.env.VITEST_WORKER_ID = String(ctx.workerId);
process.env.VITEST_POOL_ID = String(workerId);
let state = null;
try {
if (ctx.worker[0] === ".")
throw new Error(`Path to the test runner cannot be relative, received "${ctx.worker}"`);
const file = ctx.worker.startsWith("file:") ? ctx.worker : pathToFileURL(ctx.worker).toString();
const testRunnerModule = await import(file);
if (!testRunnerModule.default || typeof testRunnerModule.default !== "object")
throw new TypeError(`Test worker object should be exposed as a default export. Received "${typeof testRunnerModule.default}"`);
const worker = testRunnerModule.default;
if (!worker.getRpcOptions || typeof worker.getRpcOptions !== "function")
throw new TypeError(`Test worker should expose "getRpcOptions" method. Received "${typeof worker.getRpcOptions}".`);
const { rpc, onCancel } = createRuntimeRpc(worker.getRpcOptions(ctx));
const beforeEnvironmentTime =;
const environment = await loadEnvironment(ctx, rpc);
if (ctx.environment.transformMode)
environment.transformMode = ctx.environment.transformMode;
state = {
// here we create a new one, workers can reassign this if they need to keep it non-isolated
moduleCache: new ModuleCacheMap(),
mockMap: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(),
config: ctx.config,
durations: {
environment: beforeEnvironmentTime,
prepare: prepareStart
providedContext: ctx.providedContext
if (!worker.runTests || typeof worker.runTests !== "function")
throw new TypeError(`Test worker should expose "runTests" method. Received "${typeof worker.runTests}".`);
await worker.runTests(state);
} finally {
await rpcDone().catch(() => {
if (state) {
state.environment = null;
state = null;
export { run };