
179 lines
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2024-02-14 19:45:06 +00:00
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const utils_1 = require("@typescript-eslint/utils");
const util_1 = require("../util");
exports.default = (0, util_1.createRule)({
name: 'method-signature-style',
meta: {
type: 'suggestion',
docs: {
description: 'Enforce using a particular method signature syntax',
fixable: 'code',
messages: {
errorMethod: 'Shorthand method signature is forbidden. Use a function property instead.',
errorProperty: 'Function property signature is forbidden. Use a method shorthand instead.',
schema: [
type: 'string',
enum: ['property', 'method'],
defaultOptions: ['property'],
create(context, [mode]) {
function getMethodKey(node) {
let key = context.sourceCode.getText(node.key);
if (node.computed) {
key = `[${key}]`;
if (node.optional) {
key = `${key}?`;
if (node.readonly) {
key = `readonly ${key}`;
return key;
function getMethodParams(node) {
let params = '()';
if (node.params.length > 0) {
const openingParen = (0, util_1.nullThrows)(context.sourceCode.getTokenBefore(node.params[0], util_1.isOpeningParenToken), 'Missing opening paren before first parameter');
const closingParen = (0, util_1.nullThrows)(context.sourceCode.getTokenAfter(node.params[node.params.length - 1], util_1.isClosingParenToken), 'Missing closing paren after last parameter');
params = context.sourceCode.text.substring(openingParen.range[0], closingParen.range[1]);
if (node.typeParameters != null) {
const typeParams = context.sourceCode.getText(node.typeParameters);
params = `${typeParams}${params}`;
return params;
function getMethodReturnType(node) {
return node.returnType == null
? // if the method has no return type, it implicitly has an `any` return type
// we just make it explicit here so we can do the fix
: context.sourceCode.getText(node.returnType.typeAnnotation);
function getDelimiter(node) {
const lastToken = context.sourceCode.getLastToken(node);
if (lastToken &&
((0, util_1.isSemicolonToken)(lastToken) || (0, util_1.isCommaToken)(lastToken))) {
return lastToken.value;
return '';
function isNodeParentModuleDeclaration(node) {
if (!node.parent) {
return false;
if (node.parent.type === utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.TSModuleDeclaration) {
return true;
if (node.parent.type === utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.Program) {
return false;
return isNodeParentModuleDeclaration(node.parent);
return {
...(mode === 'property' && {
TSMethodSignature(methodNode) {
if (methodNode.kind !== 'method') {
const parent = methodNode.parent;
const members = parent.type === utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.TSInterfaceBody
? parent.body
: parent.type === utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.TSTypeLiteral
? parent.members
: [];
const duplicatedKeyMethodNodes = members.filter((element) => element.type === utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.TSMethodSignature &&
element !== methodNode &&
getMethodKey(element) === getMethodKey(methodNode));
const isParentModule = isNodeParentModuleDeclaration(methodNode);
if (duplicatedKeyMethodNodes.length > 0) {
if (isParentModule) {{
node: methodNode,
messageId: 'errorMethod',
else {{
node: methodNode,
messageId: 'errorMethod',
*fix(fixer) {
const methodNodes = [
].sort((a, b) => (a.range[0] < b.range[0] ? -1 : 1));
const typeString = methodNodes
.map(node => {
const params = getMethodParams(node);
const returnType = getMethodReturnType(node);
return `(${params} => ${returnType})`;
.join(' & ');
const key = getMethodKey(methodNode);
const delimiter = getDelimiter(methodNode);
yield fixer.replaceText(methodNode, `${key}: ${typeString}${delimiter}`);
for (const node of duplicatedKeyMethodNodes) {
const lastToken = context.sourceCode.getLastToken(node);
if (lastToken) {
const nextToken = context.sourceCode.getTokenAfter(lastToken);
if (nextToken) {
yield fixer.remove(node);
yield fixer.replaceTextRange([lastToken.range[1], nextToken.range[0]], '');
if (isParentModule) {{
node: methodNode,
messageId: 'errorMethod',
else {{
node: methodNode,
messageId: 'errorMethod',
fix: fixer => {
const key = getMethodKey(methodNode);
const params = getMethodParams(methodNode);
const returnType = getMethodReturnType(methodNode);
const delimiter = getDelimiter(methodNode);
return fixer.replaceText(methodNode, `${key}: ${params} => ${returnType}${delimiter}`);
...(mode === 'method' && {
TSPropertySignature(propertyNode) {
const typeNode = propertyNode.typeAnnotation?.typeAnnotation;
if (typeNode?.type !== utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.TSFunctionType) {
node: propertyNode,
messageId: 'errorProperty',
fix: fixer => {
const key = getMethodKey(propertyNode);
const params = getMethodParams(typeNode);
const returnType = getMethodReturnType(typeNode);
const delimiter = getDelimiter(propertyNode);
return fixer.replaceText(propertyNode, `${key}${params}: ${returnType}${delimiter}`);