
149 lines
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2024-02-14 19:45:06 +00:00
import vm from 'node:vm';
import { ViteNodeRunner } from 'vite-node/client';
import { ViteNodeRunnerOptions } from 'vite-node';
import { aq as PendingSuiteMock, ar as MockFactory, f as RuntimeRPC, p as WorkerGlobalState, as as MockMap } from './reporters-1evA5lom.js';
import 'vite';
import '@vitest/runner';
import '@vitest/snapshot';
import '@vitest/expect';
import '@vitest/runner/utils';
import '@vitest/utils';
import 'tinybench';
import '@vitest/snapshot/manager';
import 'vite-node/server';
import 'node:worker_threads';
import 'node:fs';
import 'chai';
type Key = string | symbol;
interface MockContext {
* When mocking with a factory, this refers to the module that imported the mock.
callstack: null | string[];
declare class VitestMocker {
executor: VitestExecutor;
static pendingIds: PendingSuiteMock[];
private spyModule?;
private resolveCache;
private primitives;
private filterPublicKeys;
private mockContext;
constructor(executor: VitestExecutor);
private get root();
private get mockMap();
private get moduleCache();
private get moduleDirectories();
initializeSpyModule(): Promise<void>;
private deleteCachedItem;
private isAModuleDirectory;
getSuiteFilepath(): string;
private createError;
getMocks(): {
[x: string]: string | MockFactory | null;
private resolvePath;
resolveMocks(): Promise<void>;
private callFunctionMock;
getMockContext(): MockContext;
getMockPath(dep: string): string;
getDependencyMock(id: string): string | MockFactory | null;
normalizePath(path: string): string;
resolveMockPath(mockPath: string, external: string | null): string | null;
mockObject(object: Record<Key, any>, mockExports?: Record<Key, any>): Record<Key, any>;
unmockPath(path: string): void;
mockPath(originalId: string, path: string, external: string | null, factory: MockFactory | undefined): void;
importActual<T>(rawId: string, importer: string, callstack?: string[] | null): Promise<T>;
importMock(rawId: string, importee: string): Promise<any>;
requestWithMock(url: string, callstack: string[]): Promise<any>;
queueMock(id: string, importer: string, factory?: MockFactory, throwIfCached?: boolean): void;
queueUnmock(id: string, importer: string, throwIfCached?: boolean): void;
interface ModuleEvaluateOptions {
timeout?: vm.RunningScriptOptions['timeout'] | undefined;
breakOnSigint?: vm.RunningScriptOptions['breakOnSigint'] | undefined;
type ModuleLinker = (specifier: string, referencingModule: VMModule, extra: {
assert: Object;
}) => VMModule | Promise<VMModule>;
type ModuleStatus = 'unlinked' | 'linking' | 'linked' | 'evaluating' | 'evaluated' | 'errored';
declare class VMModule {
dependencySpecifiers: readonly string[];
error: any;
identifier: string;
context: vm.Context;
namespace: Object;
status: ModuleStatus;
evaluate(options?: ModuleEvaluateOptions): Promise<void>;
link(linker: ModuleLinker): Promise<void>;
declare class FileMap {
private fsCache;
private fsBufferCache;
readFile(path: string): string;
readBuffer(path: string): Buffer;
interface ExternalModulesExecutorOptions {
context: vm.Context;
fileMap: FileMap;
packageCache: Map<string, any>;
transform: RuntimeRPC['transform'];
interopDefault?: boolean;
viteClientModule: Record<string, unknown>;
declare class ExternalModulesExecutor {
private options;
private cjs;
private esm;
private vite;
private context;
private fs;
private resolvers;
constructor(options: ExternalModulesExecutorOptions);
importModuleDynamically: (specifier: string, referencer: VMModule) => Promise<VMModule>;
resolveModule: (specifier: string, referencer: string) => Promise<VMModule>;
resolve(specifier: string, parent: string): string;
private findNearestPackageData;
private wrapCoreSynteticModule;
private wrapCommonJsSynteticModule;
private getModuleInformation;
private createModule;
import(identifier: string): Promise<Object>;
require(identifier: string): any;
createRequire(identifier: string): NodeRequire;
interface ExecuteOptions extends ViteNodeRunnerOptions {
mockMap: MockMap;
moduleDirectories?: string[];
state: WorkerGlobalState;
context?: vm.Context;
externalModulesExecutor?: ExternalModulesExecutor;
declare class VitestExecutor extends ViteNodeRunner {
options: ExecuteOptions;
mocker: VitestMocker;
externalModules?: ExternalModulesExecutor;
private primitives;
constructor(options: ExecuteOptions);
protected getContextPrimitives(): {
Object: ObjectConstructor;
Reflect: typeof Reflect;
Symbol: SymbolConstructor;
get state(): WorkerGlobalState;
shouldResolveId(id: string, _importee?: string | undefined): boolean;
originalResolveUrl(id: string, importer?: string): Promise<[url: string, fsPath: string]>;
resolveUrl(id: string, importer?: string): Promise<[string, string]>;
protected runModule(context: Record<string, any>, transformed: string): Promise<void>;
importExternalModule(path: string): Promise<any>;
dependencyRequest(id: string, fsPath: string, callstack: string[]): Promise<any>;
prepareContext(context: Record<string, any>): Record<string, any>;
export { VitestExecutor };