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2024-02-14 14:10:47 +00:00
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<b>A collection of essential TypeScript types</b>
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Many of the types here should have been built-in. You can help by suggesting some of them to the [TypeScript project](
Either add this package as a dependency or copy-paste the needed types. No credit required. 👌
PR welcome for additional commonly needed types and docs improvements. Read the [contributing guidelines](.github/ first.
## Install
$ npm install type-fest
*Requires TypeScript >=3.2*
## Usage
import {Except} from 'type-fest';
type Foo = {
unicorn: string;
rainbow: boolean;
type FooWithoutRainbow = Except<Foo, 'rainbow'>;
//=> {unicorn: string}
## API
Click the type names for complete docs.
### Basic
- [`Primitive`](source/basic.d.ts) - Matches any [primitive value](
- [`Class`](source/basic.d.ts) - Matches a [`class` constructor](
- [`TypedArray`](source/basic.d.ts) - Matches any [typed array](, like `Uint8Array` or `Float64Array`.
- [`JsonObject`](source/basic.d.ts) - Matches a JSON object.
- [`JsonArray`](source/basic.d.ts) - Matches a JSON array.
- [`JsonValue`](source/basic.d.ts) - Matches any valid JSON value.
- [`ObservableLike`](source/basic.d.ts) - Matches a value that is like an [Observable](
### Utilities
- [`Except`](source/except.d.ts) - Create a type from an object type without certain keys. This is a stricter version of [`Omit`](
- [`Mutable`](source/mutable.d.ts) - Convert an object with `readonly` properties into a mutable object. Inverse of `Readonly<T>`.
- [`Merge`](source/merge.d.ts) - Merge two types into a new type. Keys of the second type overrides keys of the first type.
- [`MergeExclusive`](source/merge-exclusive.d.ts) - Create a type that has mutually exclusive properties.
- [`RequireAtLeastOne`](source/require-at-least-one.d.ts) - Create a type that requires at least one of the given properties.
- [`ReadonlyDeep`](source/readonly-deep.d.ts) - Create a deeply immutable version of a `object`/`Map`/`Set`/`Array` type.
- [`LiteralUnion`](source/literal-union.d.ts) - Create a union type by combining primitive types and literal types without sacrificing auto-completion in IDEs for the literal type part of the union. Workaround for [Microsoft/TypeScript#29729](
- [`Promisable`](source/promisable.d.ts) - Create a type that represents either the value or the value wrapped in `PromiseLike`.
### Miscellaneous
- [`PackageJson`](source/package-json.d.ts) - Type for [npm's `package.json` file](
## Declined types
*If we decline a type addition, we will make sure to document the better solution here.*
- [`Diff` and `Spread`]( - The PR author didn't provide any real-world use-cases and the PR went stale. If you think this type is useful, provide some real-world use-cases and we might reconsider.
## Tips
### Built-in types
There are many advanced types most users don't know about.
- [`Partial<T>`]( - Make all properties in `T` optional.
- [`Required<T>`]( - Make all properties in `T` required.
- [`Readonly<T>`]( - Make all properties in `T` readonly.
- [`Pick<T, K>`]( - From `T`, pick a set of properties whose keys are in the union `K`.
- [`Record<K, T>`]( - Construct a type with a set of properties `K` of type `T`.
- [`Exclude<T, U>`]( - Exclude from `T` those types that are assignable to `U`.
- [`Extract<T, U>`]( - Extract from `T` those types that are assignable to `U`.
- [`NonNullable<T>`]( - Exclude `null` and `undefined` from `T`.
- [`Parameters<T>`]( - Obtain the parameters of a function type in a tuple.
- [`ConstructorParameters<T>`]( - Obtain the parameters of a constructor function type in a tuple.
- [`ReturnType<T>`]( Obtain the return type of a function type.
- [`InstanceType<T>`]( Obtain the instance type of a constructor function type.
You can find some examples in the [TypeScript docs](
## Maintainers
- [Sindre Sorhus](
- [Jarek Radosz](
- [Dimitri Benin](
## License
(MIT OR CC0-1.0)