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2024-02-14 14:10:47 +00:00
import type { ZodError } from 'zod';
export interface ErrorData {
name: string;
title: string;
message?: string | ((...params: any) => string);
hint?: string | ((...params: any) => string);
* @docs
* @kind heading
* @name Astro Errors
* @docs
* @message
* Unknown compiler error.
* @see
* - [withastro/compiler issues list](
* @description
* Astro encountered an unknown error while compiling your files. In most cases, this is not your fault, but an issue in our compiler.
* If there isn't one already, please [create an issue](
export declare const UnknownCompilerError: {
name: string;
title: string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [Enabling SSR in Your Project](
* - [Astro.redirect](
* @description
* The `Astro.redirect` function is only available when [Server-side rendering](/en/guides/server-side-rendering/) is enabled.
* To redirect on a static website, the [meta refresh attribute]( can be used. Certain hosts also provide config-based redirects (ex: [Netlify redirects](
* @deprecated Deprecated since version 2.6.
export declare const StaticRedirectNotAvailable: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [Official integrations](
* - [Astro.clientAddress](
* @description
* The adapter you're using unfortunately does not support `Astro.clientAddress`.
export declare const ClientAddressNotAvailable: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: (adapterName: string) => string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [Enabling SSR in Your Project](
* - [Astro.clientAddress](
* @description
* The `Astro.clientAddress` property is only available when [Server-side rendering]( is enabled.
* To get the user's IP address in static mode, different APIs such as [Ipify]( can be used in a [Client-side script]( or it may be possible to get the user's IP using a serverless function hosted on your hosting provider.
export declare const StaticClientAddressNotAvailable: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [getStaticPaths()](
* @description
* A [dynamic route]( was matched, but no corresponding path was found for the requested parameters. This is often caused by a typo in either the generated or the requested path.
export declare const NoMatchingStaticPathFound: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: (pathName: string) => string;
hint: (possibleRoutes: string[]) => string;
* @docs
* @message Route returned a `RETURNED_VALUE`. Only a Response can be returned from Astro files.
* @see
* - [Response](
* @description
* Only instances of [Response]( can be returned inside Astro files.
* ```astro title="pages/login.astro"
* ---
* return new Response(null, {
* status: 404,
* statusText: 'Not found'
* });
* // Alternatively, for redirects, Astro.redirect also returns an instance of Response
* return Astro.redirect('/login');
* ---
* ```
export declare const OnlyResponseCanBeReturned: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: (route: string | undefined, returnedValue: string) => string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [`client:media`](
* @description
* A [media query]( parameter is required when using the `client:media` directive.
* ```astro
* <Counter client:media="(max-width: 640px)" />
* ```
export declare const MissingMediaQueryDirective: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: string;
* @docs
* @message Unable to render `COMPONENT_NAME`. There are `RENDERER_COUNT` renderer(s) configured in your `astro.config.mjs` file, but none were able to server-side render `COMPONENT_NAME`.
* @see
* - [Frameworks components](
* - [UI Frameworks](
* @description
* None of the installed integrations were able to render the component you imported. Make sure to install the appropriate integration for the type of component you are trying to include in your page.
* For JSX / TSX files, [@astrojs/react](, [@astrojs/preact]( or [@astrojs/solid-js]( can be used. For Vue and Svelte files, the [@astrojs/vue]( and [@astrojs/svelte]( integrations can be used respectively
export declare const NoMatchingRenderer: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: (componentName: string, componentExtension: string | undefined, plural: boolean, validRenderersCount: number) => string;
hint: (probableRenderers: string) => string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [addRenderer option](
* - [Hydrating framework components](
* @description
* Astro tried to hydrate a component on the client, but the renderer used does not provide a client entrypoint to use to hydrate.
export declare const NoClientEntrypoint: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: (componentName: string, clientDirective: string, rendererName: string) => string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [`client:only`](
* @description
* `client:only` components are not run on the server, as such Astro does not know (and cannot guess) which renderer to use and require a hint. Like such:
* ```astro
* <SomeReactComponent client:only="react" />
* ```
export declare const NoClientOnlyHint: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: (componentName: string) => string;
hint: (probableRenderers: string) => string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [`getStaticPaths()`](
* - [`params`](
* @description
* The `params` property in `getStaticPaths`'s return value (an array of objects) should also be an object.
* ```astro title="pages/blog/[id].astro"
* ---
* export async function getStaticPaths() {
* return [
* { params: { slug: "blog" } },
* { params: { slug: "about" } }
* ];
* ```
export declare const InvalidGetStaticPathParam: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: (paramType: any) => string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [`getStaticPaths()`](
* @description
* `getStaticPaths`'s return value must be an array of objects. In most cases, this error happens because an array of array was returned. Using [`.flatMap()`]( or a [`.flat()`]( call may be useful.
* ```ts title="pages/blog/[id].astro"
* export async function getStaticPaths() {
* return [ // <-- Array
* { params: { slug: "blog" } }, // <-- Object
* { params: { slug: "about" } }
* ];
* ```
export declare const InvalidGetStaticPathsEntry: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: (entryType: any) => string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [`getStaticPaths()`](
* - [`params`](
* @description
* `getStaticPaths`'s return value must be an array of objects.
* ```ts title="pages/blog/[id].astro"
* export async function getStaticPaths() {
* return [ // <-- Array
* { params: { slug: "blog" } },
* { params: { slug: "about" } }
* ];
* ```
export declare const InvalidGetStaticPathsReturn: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: (returnType: any) => string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @deprecated Deprecated since Astro 4.0. The RSS helper no longer exists with an error fallback.
* @see
* - [RSS Guide](
* @description
* `getStaticPaths` no longer expose an helper for generating a RSS feed. We recommend migrating to the [@astrojs/rss]( instead.
export declare const GetStaticPathsRemovedRSSHelper: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [`getStaticPaths()`](
* - [`params`](
* @description
* Every route specified by `getStaticPaths` require a `params` property specifying the path parameters needed to match the route.
* For instance, the following code:
* ```astro title="pages/blog/[id].astro"
* ---
* export async function getStaticPaths() {
* return [
* { params: { id: '1' } }
* ];
* }
* ---
* ```
* Will create the following route: ``.
export declare const GetStaticPathsExpectedParams: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [`getStaticPaths()`](
* - [`params`](
* @description
* Since `params` are encoded into the URL, only certain types are supported as values.
* ```astro title="/route/[id].astro"
* ---
* export async function getStaticPaths() {
* return [
* { params: { id: '1' } } // Works
* { params: { id: 2 } } // Works
* { params: { id: false } } // Does not work
* ];
* }
* ---
* ```
* In routes using [rest parameters](, `undefined` can be used to represent a path with no parameters passed in the URL:
* ```astro title="/route/[].astro"
* ---
* export async function getStaticPaths() {
* return [
* { params: { id: 1 } } // /route/1
* { params: { id: 2 } } // /route/2
* { params: { id: undefined } } // /route/
* ];
* }
* ---
* ```
export declare const GetStaticPathsInvalidRouteParam: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: (key: string, value: any, valueType: any) => string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [Dynamic Routes](
* - [`getStaticPaths()`](
* - [Server-side Rendering](
* @description
* In [Static Mode](, all routes must be determined at build time. As such, dynamic routes must `export` a `getStaticPaths` function returning the different paths to generate.
export declare const GetStaticPathsRequired: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [Named slots](
* @description
* Certain words cannot be used for slot names due to being already used internally.
export declare const ReservedSlotName: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: (slotName: string) => string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [Server-side Rendering](
* @description
* To use server-side rendering, an adapter needs to be installed so Astro knows how to generate the proper output for your targeted deployment platform.
export declare const NoAdapterInstalled: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @description
* No import statement was found for one of the components. If there is an import statement, make sure you are using the same identifier in both the imports and the component usage.
export declare const NoMatchingImport: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: (componentName: string) => string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @message
* **Example error messages:**<br/>
* InvalidPrerenderExport: A `prerender` export has been detected, but its value cannot be statically analyzed.
* @description
* The `prerender` feature only supports a subset of valid JavaScript — be sure to use exactly `export const prerender = true` so that our compiler can detect this directive at build time. Variables, `let`, and `var` declarations are not supported.
export declare const InvalidPrerenderExport: {
name: string;
title: string;
message(prefix: string, suffix: string, isHydridOuput: boolean): string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @message
* **Example error messages:**<br/>
* InvalidComponentArgs: Invalid arguments passed to `<MyAstroComponent>` component.
* @description
* Astro components cannot be rendered manually via a function call, such as `Component()` or `{}`. Prefer the component syntax `<Component />` or `{ => <Component {...item} />)}`.
export declare const InvalidComponentArgs: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: (name: string) => string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [Pagination](
* @description
* The page number parameter was not found in your filepath.
export declare const PageNumberParamNotFound: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: (paramName: string) => string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [Images](
* - [Image component](
* - [Image component#alt](
* @description
* The `alt` property allows you to provide descriptive alt text to users of screen readers and other assistive technologies. In order to ensure your images are accessible, the `Image` component requires that an `alt` be specified.
* If the image is merely decorative (i.e. doesnt contribute to the understanding of the page), set `alt=""` so that screen readers know to ignore the image.
export declare const ImageMissingAlt: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [Image Service API](
* @description
* There was an error while loading the configured image service. This can be caused by various factors, such as your image service not properly exporting a compatible object in its default export, or an incorrect path.
* If you believe that your service is properly configured and this error is wrong, please [open an issue](
export declare const InvalidImageService: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: string;
* @docs
* @message
* Missing width and height attributes for `IMAGE_URL`. When using remote images, both dimensions are always required in order to avoid cumulative layout shift (CLS).
* @see
* - [Images](
* - [Image component#width-and-height-required](
* @description
* For remote images, `width` and `height` cannot be inferred from the original file. As such, in order to avoid CLS, those two properties are always required.
* If your image is inside your `src` folder, you probably meant to import it instead. See [the Imports guide for more information](
export declare const MissingImageDimension: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: (missingDimension: 'width' | 'height' | 'both', imageURL: string) => string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @description
* The built-in image services do not currently support optimizing all image formats.
* For unsupported formats such as GIFs, you may be able to use an `img` tag directly:
* ```astro
* ---
* import rocket from '../assets/images/rocket.gif';
* ---
* <img src={rocket.src} width={rocket.width} height={rocket.height} alt="A rocketship in space." />
* ```
export declare const UnsupportedImageFormat: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: (format: string, imagePath: string, supportedFormats: readonly string[]) => string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [Images](
* @description
* Astro does not currently supporting converting between vector (such as SVGs) and raster (such as PNGs and JPEGs) images.
export declare const UnsupportedImageConversion: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [`getStaticPaths()`](
* - [`params`](
* @description
* The endpoint is prerendered with an `undefined` param so the generated path will collide with another route.
* If you cannot prevent passing `undefined`, then an additional extension can be added to the endpoint file name to generate the file with a different name. For example, renaming `pages/api/[slug].ts` to `pages/api/[slug].json.ts`.
export declare const PrerenderDynamicEndpointPathCollide: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: (pathname: string) => string;
hint: (filename: string) => string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [Images](
* @description
* An image's `src` property is not valid. The Image component requires the `src` attribute to be either an image that has been ESM imported or a string. This is also true for the first parameter of `getImage()`.
* ```astro
* ---
* import { Image } from "astro:assets";
* import myImage from "../assets/my_image.png";
* ---
* <Image src={myImage} alt="..." />
* <Image src="" width={300} height={300} alt="..." />
* ```
* In most cases, this error happens when the value passed to `src` is undefined.
export declare const ExpectedImage: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: (src: string, typeofOptions: string, fullOptions: string) => string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [Images](
* @description
* `getImage()`'s first parameter should be an object with the different properties to apply to your image.
* ```ts
* import { getImage } from "astro:assets";
* import myImage from "../assets/my_image.png";
* const optimizedImage = await getImage({src: myImage, width: 300, height: 300});
* ```
* In most cases, this error happens because parameters were passed directly instead of inside an object.
export declare const ExpectedImageOptions: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: (options: string) => string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [Images](
* @description
* Only one of `densities` or `widths` can be specified. Those attributes are used to construct a `srcset` attribute, which cannot have both `x` and `w` descriptors.
export declare const IncompatibleDescriptorOptions: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [Images](
* @description
* Astro could not find an image you imported. Often, this is simply caused by a typo in the path.
* Images in Markdown are relative to the current file. To refer to an image that is located in the same folder as the `.md` file, the path should start with `./`
export declare const ImageNotFound: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: (imagePath: string) => string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @message Could not process image metadata for `IMAGE_PATH`.
* @see
* - [Images](
* @description
* Astro could not process the metadata of an image you imported. This is often caused by a corrupted or malformed image and re-exporting the image from your image editor may fix this issue.
export declare const NoImageMetadata: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: (imagePath: string | undefined) => string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @deprecated This error is no longer Markdown specific and as such, as been replaced by `ImageNotFound`
* @message
* Could not find requested image `IMAGE_PATH` at `FULL_IMAGE_PATH`.
* @see
* - [Images](
* @description
* Astro could not find an image you included in your Markdown content. Usually, this is simply caused by a typo in the path.
* Images in Markdown are relative to the current file. To refer to an image that is located in the same folder as the `.md` file, the path should start with `./`
export declare const MarkdownImageNotFound: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: (imagePath: string, fullImagePath: string | undefined) => string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [Images](
* @description
* Astro could not transform one of your images. Often, this is caused by a corrupted or malformed image. Re-exporting the image from your image editor may fix this issue.
* Depending on the image service you are using, the stack trace may contain more information on the specific error encountered.
export declare const CouldNotTransformImage: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: (imagePath: string) => string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @description
* Making changes to the response, such as setting headers, cookies, and the status code cannot be done outside of page components.
export declare const ResponseSentError: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: string;
* @docs
* @description
* Thrown when the middleware does not return any data or call the `next` function.
* For example:
* ```ts
* import {defineMiddleware} from "astro:middleware";
* export const onRequest = defineMiddleware((context, _) => {
* // doesn't return anything or call `next`
* context.locals.someData = false;
* });
* ```
export declare const MiddlewareNoDataOrNextCalled: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: string;
* @docs
* @description
* Thrown in development mode when middleware returns something that is not a `Response` object.
* For example:
* ```ts
* import {defineMiddleware} from "astro:middleware";
* export const onRequest = defineMiddleware(() => {
* return "string"
* });
* ```
export declare const MiddlewareNotAResponse: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: string;
* @docs
* @description
* Thrown in development mode when `locals` is overwritten with something that is not an object
* For example:
* ```ts
* import {defineMiddleware} from "astro:middleware";
* export const onRequest = defineMiddleware((context, next) => {
* context.locals = 1541;
* return next();
* });
* ```
export declare const LocalsNotAnObject: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @description
* Thrown in development mode when middleware throws an error while attempting to loading it.
* For example:
* ```ts
* import {defineMiddleware} from "astro:middleware";
* throw new Error("Error thrown while loading the middleware.")
* export const onRequest = defineMiddleware(() => {
* return "string"
* });
* ```
export declare const MiddlewareCantBeLoaded: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [Images](
* @description
* When using the default image services, `Image`'s and `getImage`'s `src` parameter must be either an imported image or an URL, it cannot be a string of a filepath.
* For local images from content collections, you can use the [image() schema helper]( to resolve the images.
* ```astro
* ---
* import { Image } from "astro:assets";
* import myImage from "../my_image.png";
* ---
* <!-- GOOD: `src` is the full imported image. -->
* <Image src={myImage} alt="Cool image" />
* <!-- GOOD: `src` is a URL. -->
* <Image src="" alt="Cool image" />
* <!-- BAD: `src` is an image's `src` path instead of the full image object. -->
* <Image src={myImage.src} alt="Cool image" />
* <!-- BAD: `src` is a string filepath. -->
* <Image src="../my_image.png" alt="Cool image" />
* ```
export declare const LocalImageUsedWrongly: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: (imageFilePath: string) => string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [Astro.glob](
* @description
* `Astro.glob()` can only be used in `.astro` files. You can use [`import.meta.glob()`]( instead to acheive the same result.
export declare const AstroGlobUsedOutside: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: (globStr: string) => string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [Astro.glob](
* @description
* `Astro.glob()` did not return any matching files. There might be a typo in the glob pattern.
export declare const AstroGlobNoMatch: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: (globStr: string) => string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [Astro.redirect](
* @description
* A redirect must be given a location with the `Location` header.
export declare const RedirectWithNoLocation: {
name: string;
title: string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [Dynamic routes](
* @description
* A dynamic route param is invalid. This is often caused by an `undefined` parameter or a missing [rest parameter](
export declare const InvalidDynamicRoute: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: (route: string, invalidParam: string, received: string) => string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [Default Image Service](
* - [Image Component](
* - [Image Services API](
* @description
* Sharp is the default image service used for `astro:assets`. When using a [strict package manager]( like pnpm, Sharp must be installed manually into your project in order to use image processing.
* If you are not using `astro:assets` for image processing, and do not wish to install Sharp, you can configure the following passthrough image service that does no processing:
* ```js
* import { defineConfig, passthroughImageService } from "astro/config";
* export default defineConfig({
* image: {
* service: passthroughImageService(),
* },
* });
* ```
export declare const MissingSharp: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [Vite troubleshooting guide](
* @description
* Vite encountered an unknown error while rendering your project. We unfortunately do not know what happened (or we would tell you!)
* If you can reliably cause this error to happen, we'd appreciate if you could [open an issue](
export declare const UnknownViteError: {
name: string;
title: string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [Type Imports](
* @description
* Astro could not import the requested file. Oftentimes, this is caused by the import path being wrong (either because the file does not exist, or there is a typo in the path)
* This message can also appear when a type is imported without specifying that it is a [type import](
export declare const FailedToLoadModuleSSR: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: (importName: string) => string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [Glob Patterns](
* @description
* Astro encountered an invalid glob pattern. This is often caused by the glob pattern not being a valid file path.
export declare const InvalidGlob: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: (globPattern: string) => string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @description
* Astro couldn't find the correct page to render, probably because it wasn't correctly mapped for SSR usage. This is an internal error.
export declare const FailedToFindPageMapSSR: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: string;
* @docs
* @description
* Astro can't find the requested locale. All supported locales must be configured in [i18n.locales](/en/reference/configuration-reference/#i18nlocales) and have corresponding directories within `src/pages/`.
export declare const MissingLocale: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: (locale: string) => string;
export declare const MissingIndexForInternationalization: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: (src: string) => string;
* @docs
* @description
* Astro could not find an associated file with content while trying to render the route. This is an Astro error and not a user error. If restarting the dev server does not fix the problem, please file an issue.
export declare const CantRenderPage: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @description
* Astro could not find any code to handle a rejected `Promise`. Make sure all your promises have an `await` or `.catch()` handler.
export declare const UnhandledRejection: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: (stack: string) => string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @kind heading
* @name CSS Errors
* @docs
* @see
* - [Styles and CSS](
* @description
* Astro encountered an unknown error while parsing your CSS. Oftentimes, this is caused by a syntax error and the error message should contain more information.
export declare const UnknownCSSError: {
name: string;
title: string;
* @docs
* @message
* **Example error messages:**<br/>
* CSSSyntaxError: Missed semicolon<br/>
* CSSSyntaxError: Unclosed string<br/>
* @description
* Astro encountered an error while parsing your CSS, due to a syntax error. This is often caused by a missing semicolon.
export declare const CSSSyntaxError: {
name: string;
title: string;
* @docs
* @kind heading
* @name Markdown Errors
* @docs
* @description
* Astro encountered an unknown error while parsing your Markdown. Oftentimes, this is caused by a syntax error and the error message should contain more information.
export declare const UnknownMarkdownError: {
name: string;
title: string;
* @docs
* @message
* **Example error messages:**<br/>
* can not read an implicit mapping pair; a colon is missed<br/>
* unexpected end of the stream within a double quoted scalar<br/>
* can not read a block mapping entry; a multiline key may not be an implicit key
* @description
* Astro encountered an error while parsing the frontmatter of your Markdown file.
* This is often caused by a mistake in the syntax, such as a missing colon or a missing end quote.
export declare const MarkdownFrontmatterParseError: {
name: string;
title: string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [Modifying frontmatter programmatically](
* @description
* A remark or rehype plugin attempted to inject invalid frontmatter. This occurs when "astro.frontmatter" is set to `null`, `undefined`, or an invalid JSON object.
export declare const InvalidFrontmatterInjectionError: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [MDX installation and usage](
* @description
* Unable to find the official `@astrojs/mdx` integration. This error is raised when using MDX files without an MDX integration installed.
export declare const MdxIntegrationMissingError: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: (file: string) => string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [Configuration Reference](
* @description
* Astro encountered an unknown error loading your Astro configuration file.
* This is often caused by a syntax error in your config and the message should offer more information.
* If you can reliably cause this error to happen, we'd appreciate if you could [open an issue](
export declare const UnknownConfigError: {
name: string;
title: string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [--config](
* @description
* The specified configuration file using `--config` could not be found. Make sure that it exists or that the path is correct
export declare const ConfigNotFound: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: (configFile: string) => string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [Configuration reference](
* @description
* Astro detected a legacy configuration option in your configuration file.
export declare const ConfigLegacyKey: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: (legacyConfigKey: string) => string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @kind heading
* @name CLI Errors
* @docs
* @description
* Astro encountered an unknown error while starting one of its CLI commands. The error message should contain more information.
* If you can reliably cause this error to happen, we'd appreciate if you could [open an issue](
export declare const UnknownCLIError: {
name: string;
title: string;
* @docs
* @description
* `astro sync` command failed to generate content collection types.
* @see
* - [Content collections documentation](
export declare const GenerateContentTypesError: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: (errorMessage: string) => string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @kind heading
* @name Content Collection Errors
* @docs
* @description
* Astro encountered an unknown error loading your content collections.
* This can be caused by certain errors inside your `src/content/config.ts` file or some internal errors.
* If you can reliably cause this error to happen, we'd appreciate if you could [open an issue](
export declare const UnknownContentCollectionError: {
name: string;
title: string;
* @docs
* @message
* **Example error message:**<br/>
* **blog** → **** frontmatter does not match collection schema.<br/>
* "title" is required.<br/>
* "date" must be a valid date.
* @description
* A Markdown or MDX entry in `src/content/` does not match its collection schema.
* Make sure that all required fields are present, and that all fields are of the correct type.
* You can check against the collection schema in your `src/content/config.*` file.
* See the [Content collections documentation]( for more information.
export declare const InvalidContentEntryFrontmatterError: {
name: string;
title: string;
message(collection: string, entryId: string, error: ZodError): string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @message `COLLECTION_NAME` → `ENTRY_ID` has an invalid slug. `slug` must be a string.
* @see
* - [The reserved entry `slug` field](
* @description
* An entry in `src/content/` has an invalid `slug`. This field is reserved for generating entry slugs, and must be a string when present.
export declare const InvalidContentEntrySlugError: {
name: string;
title: string;
message(collection: string, entryId: string): string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [The reserved entry `slug` field](
* @description
* A content collection schema should not contain the `slug` field. This is reserved by Astro for generating entry slugs. Remove `slug` from your schema. You can still use custom slugs in your frontmatter.
export declare const ContentSchemaContainsSlugError: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: (collectionName: string) => string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @message A collection queried via `getCollection()` does not exist.
* @deprecated Collections that do not exist no longer result in an error. A warning is given instead.
* @description
* When querying a collection, ensure a collection directory with the requested name exists under `src/content/`.
export declare const CollectionDoesNotExistError: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: (collectionName: string) => string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [Defining content collections](
* @description
* A content collection cannot contain a mix of content and data entries. You must store entries in separate collections by type.
export declare const MixedContentDataCollectionError: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: (collectionName: string) => string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [Defining content collections](
* @description
* Content collections must contain entries of the type configured. Collections are `type: 'content'` by default. Try adding `type: 'data'` to your collection config for data collections.
export declare const ContentCollectionTypeMismatchError: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: (collection: string, expectedType: string, actualType: string) => string;
* @docs
* @message `COLLECTION_ENTRY_NAME` failed to parse.
* @description
* Collection entries of `type: 'data'` must return an object with valid JSON (for `.json` entries) or YAML (for `.yaml` entries).
export declare const DataCollectionEntryParseError: {
name: string;
title: string;
message(entryId: string, errorMessage: string): string;
hint: string;
* @docs
* @message `COLLECTION_NAME` contains multiple entries with the same slug: `SLUG`. Slugs must be unique.
* @description
* Content collection entries must have unique slugs. Duplicates are often caused by the `slug` frontmatter property.
export declare const DuplicateContentEntrySlugError: {
name: string;
title: string;
message(collection: string, slug: string, preExisting: string, alsoFound: string): string;
* @docs
* @see
* - [devalue library](
* @description
* `transform()` functions in your content config must return valid JSON, or data types compatible with the devalue library (including Dates, Maps, and Sets).
export declare const UnsupportedConfigTransformError: {
name: string;
title: string;
message: (parseError: string) => string;
hint: string;
export declare const UnknownError: {
name: string;
title: string;