
322 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2024-02-14 14:10:47 +00:00
import spawn from "spawndamnit";
import fs from "fs";
import path from "path";
import { getPackages, Package } from "@manypkg/get-packages";
import { GitError } from "@changesets/errors";
import isSubdir from "is-subdir";
import micromatch from "micromatch";
export async function add(pathToFile: string, cwd: string) {
const gitCmd = await spawn("git", ["add", pathToFile], { cwd });
if (gitCmd.code !== 0) {
console.log(pathToFile, gitCmd.stderr.toString());
return gitCmd.code === 0;
export async function commit(message: string, cwd: string) {
const gitCmd = await spawn(
["commit", "-m", message, "--allow-empty"],
{ cwd }
return gitCmd.code === 0;
export async function getAllTags(cwd: string): Promise<Set<string>> {
const gitCmd = await spawn("git", ["tag"], { cwd });
if (gitCmd.code !== 0) {
throw new Error(gitCmd.stderr.toString());
const tags = gitCmd.stdout.toString().trim().split("\n");
return new Set(tags);
// used to create a single tag at a time for the current head only
export async function tag(tagStr: string, cwd: string) {
// NOTE: it's important we use the -m flag to create annotated tag otherwise 'git push --follow-tags' won't actually push
// the tags
const gitCmd = await spawn("git", ["tag", tagStr, "-m", tagStr], { cwd });
return gitCmd.code === 0;
// Find the commit where we diverged from `ref` at using `git merge-base`
export async function getDivergedCommit(cwd: string, ref: string) {
const cmd = await spawn("git", ["merge-base", ref, "HEAD"], { cwd });
if (cmd.code !== 0) {
throw new Error(
`Failed to find where HEAD diverged from ${ref}. Does ${ref} exist?`
return cmd.stdout.toString().trim();
* Get the SHAs for the commits that added files, including automatically
* extending a shallow clone if necessary to determine any commits.
* @param gitPaths - Paths to fetch
* @param options - `cwd` and `short`
export async function getCommitsThatAddFiles(
gitPaths: string[],
{ cwd, short = false }: { cwd: string; short?: boolean }
): Promise<(string | undefined)[]> {
// Maps gitPath to commit SHA
const map = new Map<string, string>();
// Paths we haven't completed processing on yet
let remaining = gitPaths;
do {
// Fetch commit information for all paths we don't have yet
const commitInfos = await Promise.all( (gitPath: string) => {
const [commitSha, parentSha] = (
await spawn(
short ? "--pretty=format:%h:%p" : "--pretty=format:%H:%p",
{ cwd }
return { path: gitPath, commitSha, parentSha };
// To collect commits without parents (usually because they're absent from
// a shallow clone).
let commitsWithMissingParents = [];
for (const info of commitInfos) {
if (info.commitSha) {
if (info.parentSha) {
// We have found the parent of the commit that added the file.
// Therefore we know that the commit is legitimate and isn't simply the boundary of a shallow clone.
map.set(info.path, info.commitSha);
} else {
} else {
// No commit for this file, which indicates it doesn't exist.
if (commitsWithMissingParents.length === 0) {
// The commits we've found may be the real commits or they may be the boundary of
// a shallow clone.
// Can we deepen the clone?
if (await isRepoShallow({ cwd })) {
// Yes.
await deepenCloneBy({ by: 50, cwd });
remaining = => p.path);
} else {
// It's not a shallow clone, so all the commit SHAs we have are legitimate.
for (const unresolved of commitsWithMissingParents) {
map.set(unresolved.path, unresolved.commitSha);
} while (true);
return => map.get(p));
export async function isRepoShallow({ cwd }: { cwd: string }) {
const isShallowRepoOutput = (
await spawn("git", ["rev-parse", "--is-shallow-repository"], {
if (isShallowRepoOutput === "--is-shallow-repository") {
// We have an old version of Git (<2.15) which doesn't support `rev-parse --is-shallow-repository`
// In that case, we'll test for the existence of .git/shallow.
// Firstly, find the .git folder for the repo; note that this will be relative to the repo dir
const gitDir = (
await spawn("git", ["rev-parse", "--git-dir"], { cwd })
const fullGitDir = path.resolve(cwd, gitDir);
// Check for the existence of <gitDir>/shallow
return fs.existsSync(path.join(fullGitDir, "shallow"));
} else {
// We have a newer Git which supports `rev-parse --is-shallow-repository`. We'll use
// the output of that instead of messing with .git/shallow in case that changes in the future.
return isShallowRepoOutput === "true";
export async function deepenCloneBy({ by, cwd }: { by: number; cwd: string }) {
await spawn("git", ["fetch", `--deepen=${by}`], { cwd });
async function getRepoRoot({ cwd }: { cwd: string }) {
const { stdout, code, stderr } = await spawn(
["rev-parse", "--show-toplevel"],
{ cwd }
if (code !== 0) {
throw new Error(stderr.toString());
return stdout.toString().trim().replace(/\n|\r/g, "");
export async function getChangedFilesSince({
fullPath = false,
}: {
cwd: string;
ref: string;
fullPath?: boolean;
}): Promise<Array<string>> {
const divergedAt = await getDivergedCommit(cwd, ref);
// Now we can find which files we added
const cmd = await spawn("git", ["diff", "--name-only", divergedAt], { cwd });
if (cmd.code !== 0) {
throw new Error(
`Failed to diff against ${divergedAt}. Is ${divergedAt} a valid ref?`
const files = cmd.stdout
.filter((a) => a);
if (!fullPath) return files;
const repoRoot = await getRepoRoot({ cwd });
return => path.resolve(repoRoot, file));
// below are less generic functions that we use in combination with other things we are doing
export async function getChangedChangesetFilesSinceRef({
}: {
cwd: string;
ref: string;
}): Promise<Array<string>> {
try {
const divergedAt = await getDivergedCommit(cwd, ref);
// Now we can find which files we added
const cmd = await spawn(
["diff", "--name-only", "--diff-filter=d", divergedAt],
let tester = /.changeset\/[^/]+\.md$/;
const files = cmd.stdout
.filter((file) => tester.test(file));
return files;
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof GitError) return [];
throw err;
export async function getChangedPackagesSinceRef({
changedFilePatterns = ["**"],
}: {
cwd: string;
ref: string;
changedFilePatterns?: readonly string[];
}): Promise<Package[]> {
const changedFiles = await getChangedFilesSince({ ref, cwd, fullPath: true });
return (
[...(await getPackages(cwd)).packages]
// sort packages by length of dir, so that we can check for subdirs first
.sort((pkgA, pkgB) => pkgB.dir.length - pkgA.dir.length)
.filter((pkg) => {
const changedPackageFiles: string[] = [];
for (let i = changedFiles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const file = changedFiles[i];
if (isSubdir(pkg.dir, file)) {
changedFiles.splice(i, 1);
const relativeFile = file.slice(pkg.dir.length + 1);
return (
changedPackageFiles.length > 0 &&
micromatch(changedPackageFiles, changedFilePatterns).length > 0
export async function tagExists(tagStr: string, cwd: string) {
const gitCmd = await spawn("git", ["tag", "-l", tagStr], { cwd });
const output = gitCmd.stdout.toString().trim();
const tagExists = !!output;
return tagExists;
export async function getCurrentCommitId({
short = false,
}: {
cwd: string;
short?: boolean;
}): Promise<string> {
return (
await spawn(
["rev-parse", short && "--short", "HEAD"].filter<string>(Boolean as any),
{ cwd }
export async function remoteTagExists(tagStr: string) {
const gitCmd = await spawn("git", [
const output = gitCmd.stdout.toString().trim();
const tagExists = !!output;
return tagExists;