
1528 lines
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2024-02-14 14:10:47 +00:00
/// <reference lib="dom" />
/* eslint @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars: off */
* Adapted from babel-plugin-react-html-attrs's TypeScript definition from DefinitelyTyped.
* @see
* and
* Adapted from Reacts TypeScript definition from DefinitelyTyped.
* @see
// BUG! Prettier 3.0 removes `declare`:
// prettier-ignore
declare namespace astroHTML.JSX {
export type Child = Node | Node[] | string | number | boolean | null | undefined | unknown;
export type Children = Child | Child[];
interface ElementChildrenAttribute {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
children: {};
interface IntrinsicAttributes
extends AstroBuiltinProps,
AstroClientDirectives {
slot?: string;
children?: Children;
type AstroBuiltinProps = import('./dist/@types/astro.js').AstroBuiltinProps;
type AstroClientDirectives = import('./dist/@types/astro.js').AstroClientDirectives;
type AstroBuiltinAttributes = import('./dist/@types/astro.js').AstroBuiltinAttributes;
type AstroDefineVarsAttribute = import('./dist/@types/astro.js').AstroDefineVarsAttribute;
type AstroScriptAttributes = import('./dist/@types/astro.js').AstroScriptAttributes &
type AstroStyleAttributes = import('./dist/@types/astro.js').AstroStyleAttributes &
type AstroSlotAttributes = import('./dist/@types/astro.js').AstroSlotAttributes;
// This is an unfortunate use of `any`, but unfortunately we can't make a type that works for every framework
// without importing every single framework's types (which comes with its own set of problems).
// Using any isn't that bad here however as in Astro files the return type of a component isn't relevant in most cases
type Element = HTMLElement | any;
interface DOMAttributes {
children?: Children;
// Clipboard Events
oncopy?: string | undefined | null;
oncut?: string | undefined | null;
onpaste?: string | undefined | null;
// Composition Events
oncompositionend?: string | undefined | null;
oncompositionstart?: string | undefined | null;
oncompositionupdate?: string | undefined | null;
// Focus Events
onfocus?: string | undefined | null;
onfocusin?: string | undefined | null;
onfocusout?: string | undefined | null;
onblur?: string | undefined | null;
// Form Events
onchange?: string | undefined | null;
oninput?: string | undefined | null;
onreset?: string | undefined | null;
onsubmit?: string | undefined | null;
oninvalid?: string | undefined | null;
onbeforeinput?: string | undefined | null;
// Image Events
onload?: string | undefined | null;
onerror?: string | undefined | null; // also a Media Event
// Detail Events
ontoggle?: string | undefined | null;
// Keyboard Events
onkeydown?: string | undefined | null;
onkeypress?: string | undefined | null;
onkeyup?: string | undefined | null;
// Media Events
onabort?: string | undefined | null;
oncanplay?: string | undefined | null;
oncanplaythrough?: string | undefined | null;
oncuechange?: string | undefined | null;
ondurationchange?: string | undefined | null;
onemptied?: string | undefined | null;
onencrypted?: string | undefined | null;
onended?: string | undefined | null;
onloadeddata?: string | undefined | null;
onloadedmetadata?: string | undefined | null;
onloadstart?: string | undefined | null;
onpause?: string | undefined | null;
onplay?: string | undefined | null;
onplaying?: string | undefined | null;
onprogress?: string | undefined | null;
onratechange?: string | undefined | null;
onseeked?: string | undefined | null;
onseeking?: string | undefined | null;
onstalled?: string | undefined | null;
onsuspend?: string | undefined | null;
ontimeupdate?: string | undefined | null;
onvolumechange?: string | undefined | null;
onwaiting?: string | undefined | null;
// MouseEvents
onauxclick?: string | undefined | null;
onclick?: string | undefined | null;
oncontextmenu?: string | undefined | null;
ondblclick?: string | undefined | null;
ondrag?: string | undefined | null;
ondragend?: string | undefined | null;
ondragenter?: string | undefined | null;
ondragexit?: string | undefined | null;
ondragleave?: string | undefined | null;
ondragover?: string | undefined | null;
ondragstart?: string | undefined | null;
ondrop?: string | undefined | null;
onmousedown?: string | undefined | null;
onmouseenter?: string | undefined | null;
onmouseleave?: string | undefined | null;
onmousemove?: string | undefined | null;
onmouseout?: string | undefined | null;
onmouseover?: string | undefined | null;
onmouseup?: string | undefined | null;
// Selection Events
onselect?: string | undefined | null;
onselectionchange?: string | undefined | null;
onselectstart?: string | undefined | null;
// Touch Events
ontouchcancel?: string | undefined | null;
ontouchend?: string | undefined | null;
ontouchmove?: string | undefined | null;
ontouchstart?: string | undefined | null;
// Pointer Events
ongotpointercapture?: string | undefined | null;
onpointercancel?: string | undefined | null;
onpointerdown?: string | undefined | null;
onpointerenter?: string | undefined | null;
onpointerleave?: string | undefined | null;
onpointermove?: string | undefined | null;
onpointerout?: string | undefined | null;
onpointerover?: string | undefined | null;
onpointerup?: string | undefined | null;
onlostpointercapture?: string | undefined | null;
// UI Events
onscroll?: string | undefined | null;
onresize?: string | undefined | null;
// Wheel Events
onwheel?: string | undefined | null;
// Animation Events
onanimationstart?: string | undefined | null;
onanimationend?: string | undefined | null;
onanimationiteration?: string | undefined | null;
// Transition Events
ontransitionstart?: string | undefined | null;
ontransitionrun?: string | undefined | null;
ontransitionend?: string | undefined | null;
ontransitioncancel?: string | undefined | null;
// Message Events
onmessage?: string | undefined | null;
onmessageerror?: string | undefined | null;
// Global Events
oncancel?: string | undefined | null;
onclose?: string | undefined | null;
onfullscreenchange?: string | undefined | null;
onfullscreenerror?: string | undefined | null;
// All the WAI-ARIA 1.1 attributes from
interface AriaAttributes {
/** Identifies the currently active element when DOM focus is on a composite widget, textbox, group, or application. */
'aria-activedescendant'?: string | undefined | null;
/** Indicates whether assistive technologies will present all, or only parts of, the changed region based on the change notifications defined by the aria-relevant attribute. */
'aria-atomic'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | undefined | null;
* Indicates whether inputting text could trigger display of one or more predictions of the user's intended value for an input and specifies how predictions would be
* presented if they are made.
'aria-autocomplete'?: 'none' | 'inline' | 'list' | 'both' | undefined | null;
/** Indicates an element is being modified and that assistive technologies MAY want to wait until the modifications are complete before exposing them to the user. */
'aria-busy'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | undefined | null;
* Indicates the current "checked" state of checkboxes, radio buttons, and other widgets.
* @see aria-pressed @see aria-selected.
'aria-checked'?: boolean | 'false' | 'mixed' | 'true' | undefined | null;
* Defines the total number of columns in a table, grid, or treegrid.
* @see aria-colindex.
'aria-colcount'?: number | string | undefined | null;
* Defines an element's column index or position with respect to the total number of columns within a table, grid, or treegrid.
* @see aria-colcount @see aria-colspan.
'aria-colindex'?: number | string | undefined | null;
* Defines the number of columns spanned by a cell or gridcell within a table, grid, or treegrid.
* @see aria-colindex @see aria-rowspan.
'aria-colspan'?: number | string | undefined | null;
* Identifies the element (or elements) whose contents or presence are controlled by the current element.
* @see aria-owns.
'aria-controls'?: string | undefined | null;
/** Indicates the element that represents the current item within a container or set of related elements. */
| boolean
| 'false'
| 'true'
| 'page'
| 'step'
| 'location'
| 'date'
| 'time'
| undefined
| null;
* Identifies the element (or elements) that describes the object.
* @see aria-labelledby
'aria-describedby'?: string | undefined | null;
* Identifies the element that provides a detailed, extended description for the object.
* @see aria-describedby.
'aria-details'?: string | undefined | null;
* Indicates that the element is perceivable but disabled, so it is not editable or otherwise operable.
* @see aria-hidden @see aria-readonly.
'aria-disabled'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | undefined | null;
* Indicates what functions can be performed when a dragged object is released on the drop target.
* @deprecated in ARIA 1.1
'aria-dropeffect'?: 'none' | 'copy' | 'execute' | 'link' | 'move' | 'popup' | undefined | null;
* Identifies the element that provides an error message for the object.
* @see aria-invalid @see aria-describedby.
'aria-errormessage'?: string | undefined | null;
/** Indicates whether the element, or another grouping element it controls, is currently expanded or collapsed. */
'aria-expanded'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | undefined | null;
* Identifies the next element (or elements) in an alternate reading order of content which, at the user's discretion,
* allows assistive technology to override the general default of reading in document source order.
'aria-flowto'?: string | undefined | null;
* Indicates an element's "grabbed" state in a drag-and-drop operation.
* @deprecated in ARIA 1.1
'aria-grabbed'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | undefined | null;
/** Indicates the availability and type of interactive popup element, such as menu or dialog, that can be triggered by an element. */
| boolean
| 'false'
| 'true'
| 'menu'
| 'listbox'
| 'tree'
| 'grid'
| 'dialog'
| undefined
| null;
* Indicates whether the element is exposed to an accessibility API.
* @see aria-disabled.
'aria-hidden'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | undefined | null;
* Indicates the entered value does not conform to the format expected by the application.
* @see aria-errormessage.
'aria-invalid'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | 'grammar' | 'spelling' | undefined | null;
/** Indicates keyboard shortcuts that an author has implemented to activate or give focus to an element. */
'aria-keyshortcuts'?: string | undefined | null;
* Defines a string value that labels the current element.
* @see aria-labelledby.
'aria-label'?: string | undefined | null;
* Identifies the element (or elements) that labels the current element.
* @see aria-describedby.
'aria-labelledby'?: string | undefined | null;
/** Defines the hierarchical level of an element within a structure. */
'aria-level'?: number | string | undefined | null;
/** Indicates that an element will be updated, and describes the types of updates the user agents, assistive technologies, and user can expect from the live region. */
'aria-live'?: 'off' | 'assertive' | 'polite' | undefined | null;
/** Indicates whether an element is modal when displayed. */
'aria-modal'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | undefined | null;
/** Indicates whether a text box accepts multiple lines of input or only a single line. */
'aria-multiline'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | undefined | null;
/** Indicates that the user may select more than one item from the current selectable descendants. */
'aria-multiselectable'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | undefined | null;
/** Indicates whether the element's orientation is horizontal, vertical, or unknown/ambiguous. */
'aria-orientation'?: 'horizontal' | 'vertical' | undefined | null;
* Identifies an element (or elements) in order to define a visual, functional, or contextual parent/child relationship
* between DOM elements where the DOM hierarchy cannot be used to represent the relationship.
* @see aria-controls.
'aria-owns'?: string | undefined | null;
* Defines a short hint (a word or short phrase) intended to aid the user with data entry when the control has no value.
* A hint could be a sample value or a brief description of the expected format.
'aria-placeholder'?: string | undefined | null;
* Defines an element's number or position in the current set of listitems or treeitems. Not required if all elements in the set are present in the DOM.
* @see aria-setsize.
'aria-posinset'?: number | string | undefined | null;
* Indicates the current "pressed" state of toggle buttons.
* @see aria-checked @see aria-selected.
'aria-pressed'?: boolean | 'false' | 'mixed' | 'true' | undefined | null;
* Indicates that the element is not editable, but is otherwise operable.
* @see aria-disabled.
'aria-readonly'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | undefined | null;
* Indicates what notifications the user agent will trigger when the accessibility tree within a live region is modified.
* @see aria-atomic.
| 'additions'
| 'additions removals'
| 'additions text'
| 'all'
| 'removals'
| 'removals additions'
| 'removals text'
| 'text'
| 'text additions'
| 'text removals'
| undefined
| null;
/** Indicates that user input is required on the element before a form may be submitted. */
'aria-required'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | undefined | null;
/** Defines a human-readable, author-localized description for the role of an element. */
'aria-roledescription'?: string | undefined | null;
* Defines the total number of rows in a table, grid, or treegrid.
* @see aria-rowindex.
'aria-rowcount'?: number | string | undefined | null;
* Defines an element's row index or position with respect to the total number of rows within a table, grid, or treegrid.
* @see aria-rowcount @see aria-rowspan.
'aria-rowindex'?: number | string | undefined | null;
* Defines the number of rows spanned by a cell or gridcell within a table, grid, or treegrid.
* @see aria-rowindex @see aria-colspan.
'aria-rowspan'?: number | string | undefined | null;
* Indicates the current "selected" state of various widgets.
* @see aria-checked @see aria-pressed.
'aria-selected'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | undefined | null;
* Defines the number of items in the current set of listitems or treeitems. Not required if all elements in the set are present in the DOM.
* @see aria-posinset.
'aria-setsize'?: number | string | undefined | null;
/** Indicates if items in a table or grid are sorted in ascending or descending order. */
'aria-sort'?: 'none' | 'ascending' | 'descending' | 'other' | undefined | null;
/** Defines the maximum allowed value for a range widget. */
'aria-valuemax'?: number | string | undefined | null;
/** Defines the minimum allowed value for a range widget. */
'aria-valuemin'?: number | string | undefined | null;
* Defines the current value for a range widget.
* @see aria-valuetext.
'aria-valuenow'?: number | string | undefined | null;
/** Defines the human readable text alternative of aria-valuenow for a range widget. */
'aria-valuetext'?: string | undefined | null;
// All the WAI-ARIA 1.1 role attribute values from
type AriaRole =
| 'alert'
| 'alertdialog'
| 'application'
| 'article'
| 'banner'
| 'button'
| 'cell'
| 'checkbox'
| 'columnheader'
| 'combobox'
| 'complementary'
| 'contentinfo'
| 'definition'
| 'dialog'
| 'directory'
| 'document'
| 'feed'
| 'figure'
| 'form'
| 'grid'
| 'gridcell'
| 'group'
| 'heading'
| 'img'
| 'link'
| 'list'
| 'listbox'
| 'listitem'
| 'log'
| 'main'
| 'marquee'
| 'math'
| 'menu'
| 'menubar'
| 'menuitem'
| 'menuitemcheckbox'
| 'menuitemradio'
| 'navigation'
| 'none'
| 'note'
| 'option'
| 'presentation'
| 'progressbar'
| 'radio'
| 'radiogroup'
| 'region'
| 'row'
| 'rowgroup'
| 'rowheader'
| 'scrollbar'
| 'search'
| 'searchbox'
| 'separator'
| 'slider'
| 'spinbutton'
| 'status'
| 'switch'
| 'tab'
| 'table'
| 'tablist'
| 'tabpanel'
| 'term'
| 'textbox'
| 'timer'
| 'toolbar'
| 'tooltip'
| 'tree'
| 'treegrid'
| 'treeitem';
type CssProperty = keyof Omit<
| 'item'
| 'setProperty'
| 'removeProperty'
| 'getPropertyValue'
| 'getPropertyPriority'
| 'parentRule'
| 'length'
| 'cssFloat'
| 'cssText'
| typeof Symbol.iterator
| number
type KebabCSSDOMProperties = import('./dist/type-utils.js').KebabKeys<DOMCSSProperties>;
type DOMCSSProperties = {
[key in CssProperty]?: string | number | null | undefined;
type AllCSSProperties = {
[key: string]: string | number | null | undefined;
type StyleObject = import('./dist/type-utils.js').Simplify<
KebabCSSDOMProperties & DOMCSSProperties & AllCSSProperties
interface CSSProperties extends StyleObject {
* Extend namespace to add properties or an index signature of your own.
* For more information, visit:
interface HTMLAttributes extends AriaAttributes, DOMAttributes, AstroBuiltinAttributes {
// Standard HTML Attributes
accesskey?: string | undefined | null;
autocapitalize?: string | undefined | null;
autofocus?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
class?: string | undefined | null;
contenteditable?: 'true' | 'false' | boolean | 'inherit' | string | undefined | null;
dir?: string | undefined | null;
draggable?: 'true' | 'false' | boolean | undefined | null;
| 'enter'
| 'done'
| 'go'
| 'next'
| 'previous'
| 'search'
| 'send'
| undefined
| null;
exportparts?: string | undefined | null;
hidden?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
id?: string | undefined | null;
inert?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
| 'none'
| 'text'
| 'tel'
| 'url'
| 'email'
| 'numeric'
| 'decimal'
| 'search'
| undefined
| null;
is?: string | undefined | null;
// Microdata API
itemid?: string | undefined | null;
itemprop?: string | undefined | null;
itemref?: string | undefined | null;
itemscope?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
itemtype?: string | undefined | null;
lang?: string | undefined | null;
part?: string | undefined | null;
popover?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
slot?: string | undefined | null;
spellcheck?: 'true' | 'false' | boolean | undefined | null;
style?: string | CSSProperties | undefined | null;
tabindex?: number | string | undefined | null;
title?: string | undefined | null;
translate?: 'yes' | 'no' | '' | undefined | null;
// <command>, <menuitem>
radiogroup?: string | undefined | null;
role?: AriaRole | undefined | null;
// RDFa Attributes
about?: string | undefined | null;
datatype?: string | undefined | null;
inlist?: any;
prefix?: string | undefined | null;
property?: string | undefined | null;
resource?: string | undefined | null;
typeof?: string | undefined | null;
vocab?: string | undefined | null;
// Non-standard Attributes
contextmenu?: string | undefined | null; // Obsolete
autosave?: string | undefined | null; // Apple exclusive
color?: string | undefined | null;
results?: number | string | undefined | null;
security?: string | undefined | null;
unselectable?: 'on' | 'off' | undefined | null; // Internet Explorer
type HTMLAttributeReferrerPolicy =
| ''
| 'no-referrer'
| 'no-referrer-when-downgrade'
| 'origin'
| 'origin-when-cross-origin'
| 'same-origin'
| 'strict-origin'
| 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin'
| 'unsafe-url';
type HTMLAttributeAnchorTarget = '_self' | '_blank' | '_parent' | '_top' | (string & {});
interface AnchorHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
download?: string | boolean | undefined | null;
href?: string | URL | undefined | null;
hreflang?: string | undefined | null;
media?: string | undefined | null;
ping?: string | undefined | null;
rel?: string | undefined | null;
target?: HTMLAttributeAnchorTarget | undefined | null;
type?: string | undefined | null;
referrerpolicy?: HTMLAttributeReferrerPolicy | undefined | null;
interface AudioHTMLAttributes extends MediaHTMLAttributes {}
interface AreaHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
alt?: string | undefined | null;
coords?: string | undefined | null;
download?: any;
href?: string | undefined | null;
hreflang?: string | undefined | null;
media?: string | undefined | null;
referrerpolicy?: HTMLAttributeReferrerPolicy | undefined | null;
rel?: string | undefined | null;
shape?: string | undefined | null;
target?: string | undefined | null;
interface BaseHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
href?: string | undefined | null;
target?: string | undefined | null;
interface BlockquoteHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
cite?: string | undefined | null;
interface ButtonHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
autocomplete?: string | undefined | null;
disabled?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
form?: string | undefined | null;
formaction?: string | undefined | null;
formenctype?: string | undefined | null;
formmethod?: string | undefined | null;
formnovalidate?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
formtarget?: string | undefined | null;
name?: string | undefined | null;
type?: 'submit' | 'reset' | 'button' | undefined | null;
value?: string | string[] | number | undefined | null;
popovertarget?: string | undefined | null;
interface CanvasHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
height?: number | string | undefined | null;
width?: number | string | undefined | null;
interface ColHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
span?: number | string | undefined | null;
width?: number | string | undefined | null;
interface ColgroupHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
span?: number | string | undefined | null;
interface DataHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
value?: string | string[] | number | undefined | null;
interface DetailsHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
open?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
interface DelHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
cite?: string | undefined | null;
datetime?: string | undefined | null;
interface DialogHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
open?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
interface EmbedHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
height?: number | string | undefined | null;
src?: string | undefined | null;
type?: string | undefined | null;
width?: number | string | undefined | null;
interface FieldsetHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
disabled?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
form?: string | undefined | null;
name?: string | undefined | null;
interface FormHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
'accept-charset'?: string | undefined | null;
action?: string | undefined | null;
autocomplete?: string | undefined | null;
autocorrect?: string | undefined | null;
enctype?: string | undefined | null;
method?: string | undefined | null;
name?: string | undefined | null;
novalidate?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
target?: string | undefined | null;
interface HtmlHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
manifest?: string | undefined | null;
interface IframeHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
allow?: string | undefined | null;
allowfullscreen?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
allowtransparency?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
fetchpriority?: 'auto' | 'high' | 'low' | undefined | null;
/** @deprecated */
frameborder?: number | string | undefined | null;
height?: number | string | undefined | null;
loading?: 'eager' | 'lazy' | undefined | null;
/** @deprecated */
marginheight?: number | string | undefined | null;
/** @deprecated */
marginwidth?: number | string | undefined | null;
name?: string | undefined | null;
referrerpolicy?: HTMLAttributeReferrerPolicy | undefined | null;
sandbox?: string | undefined | null;
/** @deprecated */
scrolling?: string | undefined | null;
seamless?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
src?: string | undefined | null;
srcdoc?: string | undefined | null;
width?: number | string | undefined | null;
interface ImgHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
alt?: string | undefined | null;
crossorigin?: 'anonymous' | 'use-credentials' | '' | undefined | null;
decoding?: 'async' | 'auto' | 'sync' | undefined | null;
fetchpriority?: 'auto' | 'high' | 'low' | undefined | null;
height?: number | string | undefined | null;
loading?: 'eager' | 'lazy' | undefined | null;
referrerpolicy?: HTMLAttributeReferrerPolicy | undefined | null;
sizes?: string | undefined | null;
src?: string | undefined | null;
srcset?: string | undefined | null;
usemap?: string | undefined | null;
width?: number | string | undefined | null;
interface InsHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
cite?: string | undefined | null;
datetime?: string | undefined | null;
type HTMLInputTypeAttribute =
| 'button'
| 'checkbox'
| 'color'
| 'date'
| 'datetime-local'
| 'email'
| 'file'
| 'hidden'
| 'image'
| 'month'
| 'number'
| 'password'
| 'radio'
| 'range'
| 'reset'
| 'search'
| 'submit'
| 'tel'
| 'text'
| 'time'
| 'url'
| 'week';
interface InputHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
accept?: string | undefined | null;
alt?: string | undefined | null;
autocomplete?: string | undefined | null;
autocorrect?: string | undefined | null;
capture?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
checked?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
crossorigin?: string | undefined | null;
dirname?: string | undefined | null;
disabled?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
form?: string | undefined | null;
formaction?: string | undefined | null;
formenctype?: string | undefined | null;
formmethod?: string | undefined | null;
formnovalidate?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
formtarget?: string | undefined | null;
height?: number | string | undefined | null;
list?: string | undefined | null;
max?: number | string | undefined | null;
maxlength?: number | string | undefined | null;
min?: number | string | undefined | null;
minlength?: number | string | undefined | null;
multiple?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
name?: string | undefined | null;
pattern?: string | undefined | null;
placeholder?: string | undefined | null;
readonly?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
required?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
size?: number | string | undefined | null;
src?: string | undefined | null;
step?: number | string | undefined | null;
type?: HTMLInputTypeAttribute | undefined | null;
value?: string | string[] | number | undefined | null;
width?: number | string | undefined | null;
popovertarget?: string | undefined | null;
interface KeygenHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
challenge?: string | undefined | null;
disabled?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
form?: string | undefined | null;
keytype?: string | undefined | null;
keyparams?: string | undefined | null;
name?: string | undefined | null;
interface LabelHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
form?: string | undefined | null;
for?: string | undefined | null;
interface LiHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
value?: string | number | undefined | null;
interface LinkHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
as?: string | undefined | null;
crossorigin?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
href?: string | URL | undefined | null;
hreflang?: string | undefined | null;
fetchpriority?: 'auto' | 'high' | 'low' | undefined | null;
integrity?: string | undefined | null;
media?: string | undefined | null;
imagesrcset?: string | undefined | null;
imagesizes?: string | undefined | null;
referrerpolicy?: HTMLAttributeReferrerPolicy | undefined | null;
rel?: string | undefined | null;
sizes?: string | undefined | null;
type?: string | undefined | null;
charset?: string | undefined | null;
interface MapHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
name?: string | undefined | null;
interface MenuHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
type?: string | undefined | null;
interface MediaHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
autoplay?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
controls?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
controlslist?: string | undefined | null;
crossorigin?: string | undefined | null;
loop?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
mediagroup?: string | undefined | null;
muted?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
playsinline?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
preload?: string | undefined | null;
src?: string | undefined | null;
interface MetaHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
charset?: string | undefined | null;
content?: string | URL | undefined | null;
'http-equiv'?: string | undefined | null;
name?: string | undefined | null;
media?: string | undefined | null;
interface MeterHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
form?: string | undefined | null;
high?: number | string | undefined | null;
low?: number | string | undefined | null;
max?: number | string | undefined | null;
min?: number | string | undefined | null;
optimum?: number | string | undefined | null;
value?: string | string[] | number | undefined | null;
interface QuoteHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
cite?: string | undefined | null;
interface ObjectHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
classid?: string | undefined | null;
data?: string | undefined | null;
form?: string | undefined | null;
height?: number | string | undefined | null;
name?: string | undefined | null;
type?: string | undefined | null;
usemap?: string | undefined | null;
width?: number | string | undefined | null;
wmode?: string | undefined | null;
interface OlHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
reversed?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
start?: number | string | undefined | null;
type?: '1' | 'a' | 'A' | 'i' | 'I' | undefined | null;
interface OptgroupHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
disabled?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
label?: string | undefined | null;
interface OptionHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
disabled?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
label?: string | undefined | null;
selected?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
value?: string | string[] | number | undefined | null;
interface OutputHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
form?: string | undefined | null;
for?: string | undefined | null;
name?: string | undefined | null;
interface ParamHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
name?: string | undefined | null;
value?: string | string[] | number | undefined | null;
interface ProgressHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
max?: number | string | undefined | null;
value?: string | string[] | number | undefined | null;
interface SlotHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
name?: string | undefined | null;
interface ScriptHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
async?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
charset?: string | undefined | null;
crossorigin?: string | undefined | null;
defer?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
fetchpriority?: 'auto' | 'high' | 'low' | undefined | null;
referrerpolicy?: HTMLAttributeReferrerPolicy | undefined | null;
integrity?: string | undefined | null;
nomodule?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
nonce?: string | undefined | null;
src?: string | undefined | null;
type?: string | undefined | null;
interface SelectHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
autocomplete?: string | undefined | null;
autocorrect?: string | undefined | null;
disabled?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
form?: string | undefined | null;
multiple?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
name?: string | undefined | null;
required?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
size?: number | string | undefined | null;
value?: string | string[] | number | undefined | null;
interface SourceHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
height?: number | string | undefined | null;
media?: string | undefined | null;
sizes?: string | undefined | null;
src?: string | undefined | null;
srcset?: string | undefined | null;
type?: string | undefined | null;
width?: number | string | undefined | null;
interface StyleHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
media?: string | undefined | null;
nonce?: string | undefined | null;
scoped?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
type?: string | undefined | null;
interface TableHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
align?: 'left' | 'center' | 'right' | undefined | null;
bgcolor?: string | undefined | null;
border?: string | number | undefined | null;
cellpadding?: number | string | undefined | null;
cellspacing?: number | string | undefined | null;
frame?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | undefined | null;
rules?: 'none' | 'groups' | 'rows' | 'columns' | 'all' | undefined | null;
summary?: string | undefined | null;
width?: number | string | undefined | null;
interface TextareaHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
autocomplete?: string | undefined | null;
autocorrect?: string | undefined | null;
cols?: number | string | undefined | null;
dirname?: string | undefined | null;
disabled?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
form?: string | undefined | null;
maxlength?: number | string | undefined | null;
minlength?: number | string | undefined | null;
name?: string | undefined | null;
placeholder?: string | undefined | null;
readonly?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
required?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
rows?: number | string | undefined | null;
value?: string | string[] | number | undefined | null;
wrap?: string | undefined | null;
interface TdHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
align?: 'left' | 'center' | 'right' | 'justify' | 'char' | undefined | null;
colspan?: number | string | undefined | null;
headers?: string | undefined | null;
rowspan?: number | string | undefined | null;
scope?: string | undefined | null;
abbr?: string | undefined | null;
valign?: 'top' | 'middle' | 'bottom' | 'baseline' | undefined | null;
interface ThHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
align?: 'left' | 'center' | 'right' | 'justify' | 'char' | undefined | null;
colspan?: number | string | undefined | null;
headers?: string | undefined | null;
rowspan?: number | string | undefined | null;
scope?: string | undefined | null;
abbr?: string | undefined | null;
interface TimeHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
datetime?: string | undefined | null;
interface TrackHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
default?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
kind?: string | undefined | null;
label?: string | undefined | null;
src?: string | undefined | null;
srclang?: string | undefined | null;
interface VideoHTMLAttributes extends MediaHTMLAttributes {
height?: number | string | undefined | null;
playsinline?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
poster?: string | undefined | null;
width?: number | string | undefined | null;
disablepictureinpicture?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
// this list is "complete" in that it contains every SVG attribute
// that React supports, but the types can be improved.
// Full list here:
// The three broad type categories are (in order of restrictiveness):
// - "number | string"
// - "string"
// - union of string literals
interface SVGAttributes extends AriaAttributes, DOMAttributes, AstroBuiltinAttributes {
// Attributes which are also defined in HTMLAttributes
class?: string | undefined | null;
color?: string | undefined | null;
height?: number | string | undefined | null;
id?: string | undefined | null;
lang?: string | undefined | null;
max?: number | string | undefined | null;
media?: string | undefined | null;
method?: string | undefined | null;
min?: number | string | undefined | null;
name?: string | undefined | null;
slot?: string | undefined | null;
style?: string | Record<string, any> | undefined | null;
target?: string | undefined | null;
type?: string | undefined | null;
width?: number | string | undefined | null;
// Other HTML properties supported by SVG elements in browsers
role?: AriaRole | undefined | null;
tabindex?: number | string | undefined | null;
crossorigin?: 'anonymous' | 'use-credentials' | '' | undefined | null;
// SVG Specific attributes
'accent-height'?: number | string | undefined | null;
accumulate?: 'none' | 'sum' | undefined | null;
additive?: 'replace' | 'sum' | undefined | null;
| 'auto'
| 'baseline'
| 'before-edge'
| 'text-before-edge'
| 'middle'
| 'central'
| 'after-edge'
| 'text-after-edge'
| 'ideographic'
| 'alphabetic'
| 'hanging'
| 'mathematical'
| 'inherit'
| undefined
| null;
allowReorder?: 'no' | 'yes' | undefined | null;
alphabetic?: number | string | undefined | null;
amplitude?: number | string | undefined | null;
'arabic-form'?: 'initial' | 'medial' | 'terminal' | 'isolated' | undefined | null;
ascent?: number | string | undefined | null;
attributeName?: string | undefined | null;
attributeType?: string | undefined | null;
autoReverse?: number | string | undefined | null;
azimuth?: number | string | undefined | null;
baseFrequency?: number | string | undefined | null;
'baseline-shift'?: number | string | undefined | null;
baseProfile?: number | string | undefined | null;
bbox?: number | string | undefined | null;
begin?: number | string | undefined | null;
bias?: number | string | undefined | null;
by?: number | string | undefined | null;
calcMode?: number | string | undefined | null;
'cap-height'?: number | string | undefined | null;
clip?: number | string | undefined | null;
'clip-path'?: string | undefined | null;
clipPathUnits?: number | string | undefined | null;
'clip-rule'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'color-interpolation'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'color-interpolation-filters'?: 'auto' | 'sRGB' | 'linearRGB' | 'inherit' | undefined | null;
'color-profile'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'color-rendering'?: number | string | undefined | null;
contentScriptType?: number | string | undefined | null;
contentStyleType?: number | string | undefined | null;
cursor?: number | string | undefined | null;
cx?: number | string | undefined | null;
cy?: number | string | undefined | null;
d?: string | undefined | null;
decelerate?: number | string | undefined | null;
descent?: number | string | undefined | null;
diffuseConstant?: number | string | undefined | null;
direction?: number | string | undefined | null;
display?: number | string | undefined | null;
divisor?: number | string | undefined | null;
'dominant-baseline'?: number | string | undefined | null;
dur?: number | string | undefined | null;
dx?: number | string | undefined | null;
dy?: number | string | undefined | null;
edgeMode?: number | string | undefined | null;
elevation?: number | string | undefined | null;
'enable-background'?: number | string | undefined | null;
end?: number | string | undefined | null;
exponent?: number | string | undefined | null;
externalResourcesRequired?: number | string | undefined | null;
fill?: string | undefined | null;
'fill-opacity'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'fill-rule'?: 'nonzero' | 'evenodd' | 'inherit' | undefined | null;
filter?: string | undefined | null;
filterRes?: number | string | undefined | null;
filterUnits?: number | string | undefined | null;
'flood-color'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'flood-opacity'?: number | string | undefined | null;
focusable?: number | string | undefined | null;
'font-family'?: string | undefined | null;
'font-size'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'font-size-adjust'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'font-stretch'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'font-style'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'font-variant'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'font-weight'?: number | string | undefined | null;
format?: number | string | undefined | null;
from?: number | string | undefined | null;
fx?: number | string | undefined | null;
fy?: number | string | undefined | null;
g1?: number | string | undefined | null;
g2?: number | string | undefined | null;
'glyph-name'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'glyph-orientation-horizontal'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'glyph-orientation-vertical'?: number | string | undefined | null;
glyphRef?: number | string | undefined | null;
gradientTransform?: string | undefined | null;
gradientUnits?: string | undefined | null;
hanging?: number | string | undefined | null;
href?: string | undefined | null;
'horiz-adv-x'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'horiz-origin-x'?: number | string | undefined | null;
ideographic?: number | string | undefined | null;
'image-rendering'?: number | string | undefined | null;
in2?: number | string | undefined | null;
in?: string | undefined | null;
intercept?: number | string | undefined | null;
k1?: number | string | undefined | null;
k2?: number | string | undefined | null;
k3?: number | string | undefined | null;
k4?: number | string | undefined | null;
k?: number | string | undefined | null;
kernelMatrix?: number | string | undefined | null;
kernelUnitLength?: number | string | undefined | null;
kerning?: number | string | undefined | null;
keyPoints?: number | string | undefined | null;
keySplines?: number | string | undefined | null;
keyTimes?: number | string | undefined | null;
lengthAdjust?: number | string | undefined | null;
'letter-spacing'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'lighting-color'?: number | string | undefined | null;
limitingConeAngle?: number | string | undefined | null;
local?: number | string | undefined | null;
'marker-end'?: string | undefined | null;
markerHeight?: number | string | undefined | null;
'marker-mid'?: string | undefined | null;
'marker-start'?: string | undefined | null;
markerUnits?: number | string | undefined | null;
markerWidth?: number | string | undefined | null;
mask?: string | undefined | null;
maskContentUnits?: number | string | undefined | null;
maskUnits?: number | string | undefined | null;
mathematical?: number | string | undefined | null;
mode?: number | string | undefined | null;
numOctaves?: number | string | undefined | null;
offset?: number | string | undefined | null;
opacity?: number | string | undefined | null;
operator?: number | string | undefined | null;
order?: number | string | undefined | null;
orient?: number | string | undefined | null;
orientation?: number | string | undefined | null;
origin?: number | string | undefined | null;
overflow?: number | string | undefined | null;
'overline-position'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'overline-thickness'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'paint-order'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'panose-1'?: number | string | undefined | null;
path?: string | undefined | null;
pathLength?: number | string | undefined | null;
patternContentUnits?: string | undefined | null;
patternTransform?: number | string | undefined | null;
patternUnits?: string | undefined | null;
'pointer-events'?: number | string | undefined | null;
points?: string | undefined | null;
pointsAtX?: number | string | undefined | null;
pointsAtY?: number | string | undefined | null;
pointsAtZ?: number | string | undefined | null;
preserveAlpha?: number | string | undefined | null;
preserveAspectRatio?: string | undefined | null;
primitiveUnits?: number | string | undefined | null;
r?: number | string | undefined | null;
radius?: number | string | undefined | null;
refX?: number | string | undefined | null;
refY?: number | string | undefined | null;
'rendering-intent'?: number | string | undefined | null;
repeatCount?: number | string | undefined | null;
repeatDur?: number | string | undefined | null;
requiredExtensions?: number | string | undefined | null;
requiredFeatures?: number | string | undefined | null;
restart?: number | string | undefined | null;
result?: string | undefined | null;
rotate?: number | string | undefined | null;
rx?: number | string | undefined | null;
ry?: number | string | undefined | null;
scale?: number | string | undefined | null;
seed?: number | string | undefined | null;
'shape-rendering'?: number | string | undefined | null;
slope?: number | string | undefined | null;
spacing?: number | string | undefined | null;
specularConstant?: number | string | undefined | null;
specularExponent?: number | string | undefined | null;
speed?: number | string | undefined | null;
spreadMethod?: string | undefined | null;
startOffset?: number | string | undefined | null;
stdDeviation?: number | string | undefined | null;
stemh?: number | string | undefined | null;
stemv?: number | string | undefined | null;
stitchTiles?: number | string | undefined | null;
'stop-color'?: string | undefined | null;
'stop-opacity'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'strikethrough-position'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'strikethrough-thickness'?: number | string | undefined | null;
string?: number | string | undefined | null;
stroke?: string | undefined | null;
'stroke-dasharray'?: string | number | undefined | null;
'stroke-dashoffset'?: string | number | undefined | null;
'stroke-linecap'?: 'butt' | 'round' | 'square' | 'inherit' | undefined | null;
'stroke-linejoin'?: 'miter' | 'round' | 'bevel' | 'inherit' | undefined | null;
'stroke-miterlimit'?: string | undefined | null;
'stroke-opacity'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'stroke-width'?: number | string | undefined | null;
surfaceScale?: number | string | undefined | null;
systemLanguage?: number | string | undefined | null;
tableValues?: number | string | undefined | null;
targetX?: number | string | undefined | null;
targetY?: number | string | undefined | null;
'text-anchor'?: string | undefined | null;
'text-decoration'?: number | string | undefined | null;
textLength?: number | string | undefined | null;
'text-rendering'?: number | string | undefined | null;
to?: number | string | undefined | null;
transform?: string | undefined | null;
u1?: number | string | undefined | null;
u2?: number | string | undefined | null;
'underline-position'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'underline-thickness'?: number | string | undefined | null;
unicode?: number | string | undefined | null;
'unicode-bidi'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'unicode-range'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'units-per-em'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'v-alphabetic'?: number | string | undefined | null;
values?: string | undefined | null;
'vector-effect'?: number | string | undefined | null;
version?: string | undefined | null;
'vert-adv-y'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'vert-origin-x'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'vert-origin-y'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'v-hanging'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'v-ideographic'?: number | string | undefined | null;
viewBox?: string | undefined | null;
viewTarget?: number | string | undefined | null;
visibility?: number | string | undefined | null;
'v-mathematical'?: number | string | undefined | null;
widths?: number | string | undefined | null;
'word-spacing'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'writing-mode'?: number | string | undefined | null;
x1?: number | string | undefined | null;
x2?: number | string | undefined | null;
x?: number | string | undefined | null;
xChannelSelector?: string | undefined | null;
'x-height'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'xlink:actuate'?: string | undefined | null;
'xlink:arcrole'?: string | undefined | null;
'xlink:href'?: string | undefined | null;
'xlink:role'?: string | undefined | null;
'xlink:show'?: string | undefined | null;
'xlink:title'?: string | undefined | null;
'xlink:type'?: string | undefined | null;
'xml:base'?: string | undefined | null;
'xml:lang'?: string | undefined | null;
xmlns?: string | undefined | null;
'xmlns:xlink'?: string | undefined | null;
'xml:space'?: string | undefined | null;
y1?: number | string | undefined | null;
y2?: number | string | undefined | null;
y?: number | string | undefined | null;
yChannelSelector?: string | undefined | null;
z?: number | string | undefined | null;
zoomAndPan?: string | undefined | null;
interface DefinedIntrinsicElements {
a: AnchorHTMLAttributes;
abbr: HTMLAttributes;
address: HTMLAttributes;
area: AreaHTMLAttributes;
article: HTMLAttributes;
aside: HTMLAttributes;
audio: AudioHTMLAttributes;
b: HTMLAttributes;
base: BaseHTMLAttributes;
bdi: HTMLAttributes;
bdo: HTMLAttributes;
big: HTMLAttributes;
blockquote: BlockquoteHTMLAttributes;
body: HTMLAttributes;
br: HTMLAttributes;
button: ButtonHTMLAttributes;
canvas: CanvasHTMLAttributes;
caption: HTMLAttributes;
cite: HTMLAttributes;
code: HTMLAttributes;
col: ColHTMLAttributes;
colgroup: ColgroupHTMLAttributes;
data: DataHTMLAttributes;
datalist: HTMLAttributes;
dd: HTMLAttributes;
del: DelHTMLAttributes;
details: DetailsHTMLAttributes;
dfn: HTMLAttributes;
dialog: DialogHTMLAttributes;
div: HTMLAttributes;
dl: HTMLAttributes;
dt: HTMLAttributes;
em: HTMLAttributes;
embed: EmbedHTMLAttributes;
fieldset: FieldsetHTMLAttributes;
figcaption: HTMLAttributes;
figure: HTMLAttributes;
footer: HTMLAttributes;
form: FormHTMLAttributes;
h1: HTMLAttributes;
h2: HTMLAttributes;
h3: HTMLAttributes;
h4: HTMLAttributes;
h5: HTMLAttributes;
h6: HTMLAttributes;
head: HTMLAttributes;
header: HTMLAttributes;
hgroup: HTMLAttributes;
hr: HTMLAttributes;
html: HtmlHTMLAttributes;
i: HTMLAttributes;
iframe: IframeHTMLAttributes;
img: ImgHTMLAttributes;
input: InputHTMLAttributes;
ins: InsHTMLAttributes;
kbd: HTMLAttributes;
keygen: KeygenHTMLAttributes;
label: LabelHTMLAttributes;
legend: HTMLAttributes;
li: LiHTMLAttributes;
link: LinkHTMLAttributes;
main: HTMLAttributes;
map: MapHTMLAttributes;
mark: HTMLAttributes;
menu: MenuHTMLAttributes;
menuitem: HTMLAttributes;
meta: MetaHTMLAttributes;
meter: MeterHTMLAttributes;
nav: HTMLAttributes;
noindex: HTMLAttributes; //
noscript: HTMLAttributes;
object: ObjectHTMLAttributes;
ol: OlHTMLAttributes;
optgroup: OptgroupHTMLAttributes;
option: OptionHTMLAttributes;
output: OutputHTMLAttributes;
p: HTMLAttributes;
param: ParamHTMLAttributes;
picture: HTMLAttributes;
pre: HTMLAttributes;
progress: ProgressHTMLAttributes;
q: QuoteHTMLAttributes;
rp: HTMLAttributes;
rt: HTMLAttributes;
ruby: HTMLAttributes;
s: HTMLAttributes;
samp: HTMLAttributes;
slot: SlotHTMLAttributes & AstroSlotAttributes;
script: ScriptHTMLAttributes & AstroScriptAttributes;
section: HTMLAttributes;
select: SelectHTMLAttributes;
small: HTMLAttributes;
source: SourceHTMLAttributes;
span: HTMLAttributes;
strong: HTMLAttributes;
style: StyleHTMLAttributes & AstroStyleAttributes;
sub: HTMLAttributes;
summary: HTMLAttributes;
sup: HTMLAttributes;
table: TableHTMLAttributes;
tbody: HTMLAttributes;
td: TdHTMLAttributes;
textarea: TextareaHTMLAttributes;
tfoot: HTMLAttributes;
th: ThHTMLAttributes;
thead: HTMLAttributes;
time: TimeHTMLAttributes;
title: HTMLAttributes;
tr: HTMLAttributes;
track: TrackHTMLAttributes;
u: HTMLAttributes;
ul: HTMLAttributes;
var: HTMLAttributes;
video: VideoHTMLAttributes;
wbr: HTMLAttributes;
// SVG
svg: SVGAttributes;
animate: SVGAttributes;
circle: SVGAttributes;
clipPath: SVGAttributes;
defs: SVGAttributes;
desc: SVGAttributes;
ellipse: SVGAttributes;
feBlend: SVGAttributes;
feColorMatrix: SVGAttributes;
feComponentTransfer: SVGAttributes;
feComposite: SVGAttributes;
feConvolveMatrix: SVGAttributes;
feDiffuseLighting: SVGAttributes;
feDisplacementMap: SVGAttributes;
feDistantLight: SVGAttributes;
feFlood: SVGAttributes;
feFuncA: SVGAttributes;
feFuncB: SVGAttributes;
feFuncG: SVGAttributes;
feFuncR: SVGAttributes;
feGaussianBlur: SVGAttributes;
feImage: SVGAttributes;
feMerge: SVGAttributes;
feMergeNode: SVGAttributes;
feMorphology: SVGAttributes;
feOffset: SVGAttributes;
fePointLight: SVGAttributes;
feSpecularLighting: SVGAttributes;
feSpotLight: SVGAttributes;
feTile: SVGAttributes;
feTurbulence: SVGAttributes;
filter: SVGAttributes;
foreignObject: SVGAttributes;
g: SVGAttributes;
image: SVGAttributes;
line: SVGAttributes;
linearGradient: SVGAttributes;
marker: SVGAttributes;
mask: SVGAttributes;
metadata: SVGAttributes;
path: SVGAttributes;
pattern: SVGAttributes;
polygon: SVGAttributes;
polyline: SVGAttributes;
radialGradient: SVGAttributes;
rect: SVGAttributes;
stop: SVGAttributes;
switch: SVGAttributes;
symbol: SVGAttributes;
text: SVGAttributes;
textPath: SVGAttributes;
tspan: SVGAttributes;
use: SVGAttributes;
view: SVGAttributes;
interface IntrinsicElements extends DefinedIntrinsicElements {
// Allow for arbitrary elements
[name: string]: { [name: string]: any };