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2024-02-14 14:10:47 +00:00
import {Logger} from '../logger';
import {LegacyImporter} from './importer';
import {LegacyFunction} from './function';
* Options for {@link render} and {@link renderSync} that are shared between
* {@link LegacyFileOptions} and {@link LegacyStringOptions}.
* @typeParam sync - This lets the TypeScript checker verify that {@link
* LegacyAsyncImporter}s and {@link LegacyAsyncFunction}s aren't passed to
* {@link renderSync}.
* @category Legacy
* @deprecated This only works with the legacy {@link render} and {@link
* renderSync} APIs. Use {@link Options} with {@link compile}, {@link
* compileString}, {@link compileAsync}, and {@link compileStringAsync} instead.
export interface LegacySharedOptions<sync extends 'sync' | 'async'> {
* This array of strings option provides [load
* paths]( for
* Sass to look for stylesheets. Earlier load paths will take precedence over
* later ones.
* ```js
* sass.renderSync({
* file: "style.scss",
* includePaths: ["node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css"]
* });
* ```
* Load paths are also loaded from the `SASS_PATH` environment variable, if
* its set. This variable should be a list of paths separated by `;` (on
* Windows) or `:` (on other operating systems). Load paths from the
* `includePaths` option take precedence over load paths from `SASS_PATH`.
* ```sh
* $ SASS_PATH=node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css sass style.scss style.css
* ```
* @category Input
* @compatibility feature: "SASS_PATH", dart: "1.15.0", node: "3.9.0"
* Earlier versions of Dart Sass and Node Sass didnt support the `SASS_PATH`
* environment variable.
includePaths?: string[];
* Whether the generated CSS should use spaces or tabs for indentation.
* ```js
* const result = sass.renderSync({
* file: "style.scss",
* indentType: "tab",
* indentWidth: 1
* });
* result.css.toString();
* // "h1 {\n\tfont-size: 40px;\n}\n"
* ```
* @defaultValue `'space'`
* @category Output
* @compatibility dart: true, node: "3.0.0"
indentType?: 'space' | 'tab';
* How many spaces or tabs (depending on {@link indentType}) should be used
* per indentation level in the generated CSS. It must be between 0 and 10
* (inclusive).
* @defaultValue `2`
* @category Output
* @compatibility dart: true, node: "3.0.0"
indentWidth?: number;
* Which character sequence to use at the end of each line in the generated
* CSS. It can have the following values:
* * `'lf'` uses U+000A LINE FEED.
* * `'lfcr'` uses U+000A LINE FEED followed by U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN.
* * `'cr'` uses U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN.
* * `'crlf'` uses U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN followed by U+000A LINE FEED.
* @defaultValue `'lf'`
* @category Output
* @compatibility dart: true, node: "3.0.0"
linefeed?: 'cr' | 'crlf' | 'lf' | 'lfcr';
* If `true`, Sass won't add a link from the generated CSS to the source map.
* ```js
* const result = sass.renderSync({
* file: "style.scss",
* sourceMap: "",
* omitSourceMapUrl: true
* })
* console.log(result.css.toString());
* // h1 {
* // font-size: 40px;
* // }
* ```
* @defaultValue `false`
* @category Source Maps
omitSourceMapUrl?: boolean;
* The location that Sass expects the generated CSS to be saved to. Its used
* to determine the URL used to link from the generated CSS to the source map,
* and from the source map to the Sass source files.
* **Heads up!** Despite the name, Sass does *not* write the CSS output to
* this file. The caller must do that themselves.
* ```js
* result = sass.renderSync({
* file: "style.scss",
* sourceMap: true,
* outFile: "out.css"
* })
* console.log(result.css.toString());
* // h1 {
* // font-size: 40px;
* // }
* // /*# * /
* ```
* @category Source Maps
outFile?: string;
* The output style of the compiled CSS. There are four possible output styles:
* * `"expanded"` (the default for Dart Sass) writes each selector and
* declaration on its own line.
* * `"compressed"` removes as many extra characters as possible, and writes
* the entire stylesheet on a single line.
* * `"nested"` (the default for Node Sass, not supported by Dart Sass)
* indents CSS rules to match the nesting of the Sass source.
* * `"compact"` (not supported by Dart Sass) puts each CSS rule on its own single line.
* @example
* ```js
* const source = `
* h1 {
* font-size: 40px;
* code {
* font-face: Roboto Mono;
* }
* }`;
* let result = sass.renderSync({
* data: source,
* outputStyle: "expanded"
* });
* console.log(result.css.toString());
* // h1 {
* // font-size: 40px;
* // }
* // h1 code {
* // font-face: Roboto Mono;
* // }
* result = sass.renderSync({
* data: source,
* outputStyle: "compressed"
* });
* console.log(result.css.toString());
* // h1{font-size:40px}h1 code{font-face:Roboto Mono}
* result = sass.renderSync({
* data: source,
* outputStyle: "nested"
* });
* console.log(result.css.toString());
* // h1 {
* // font-size: 40px; }
* // h1 code {
* // font-face: Roboto Mono; }
* result = sass.renderSync({
* data: source,
* outputStyle: "compact"
* });
* console.log(result.css.toString());
* // h1 { font-size: 40px; }
* // h1 code { font-face: Roboto Mono; }
* ```
* @category Output
outputStyle?: 'compressed' | 'expanded' | 'nested' | 'compact';
* Whether or not Sass should generate a source map. If it does, the source
* map will be available as {@link} (unless {@link
* sourceMapEmbed} is `true`).
* If this option is a string, its the path that the source map is expected
* to be written to, which is used to link to the source map from the
* generated CSS and to link *from* the source map to the Sass source files.
* Note that if `sourceMap` is a string and {@link outFile} isnt passed, Sass
* assumes that the CSS will be written to the same directory as the file
* option if its passed.
* If this option is `true`, the path is assumed to be {@link outFile} with
* `.map` added to the end. If its `true` and {@link outFile} isnt passed,
* it has no effect.
* @example
* ```js
* let result = sass.renderSync({
* file: "style.scss",
* sourceMap: ""
* })
* console.log(result.css.toString());
* // h1 {
* // font-size: 40px;
* // }
* // /*# * /
* result = sass.renderSync({
* file: "style.scss",
* sourceMap: true,
* outFile: "out.css"
* })
* console.log(result.css.toString());
* // h1 {
* // font-size: 40px;
* // }
* // /*# * /
* ```
* @defaultValue `false`
* @category Source Maps
sourceMap?: boolean | string;
* Whether to embed the entire contents of the Sass files that contributed to
* the generated CSS in the source map. This may produce very large source
* maps, but it guarantees that the source will be available on any computer
* no matter how the CSS is served.
* @example
* ```js
* sass.renderSync({
* file: "style.scss",
* sourceMap: "",
* sourceMapContents: true
* })
* ```
* @defaultValue `false`
* @category Source Maps
sourceMapContents?: boolean;
* Whether to embed the contents of the source map file in the generated CSS,
* rather than creating a separate file and linking to it from the CSS.
* @example
* ```js
* sass.renderSync({
* file: "style.scss",
* sourceMap: "",
* sourceMapEmbed: true
* });
* ```
* @defaultValue `false`
* @category Source Maps
sourceMapEmbed?: boolean;
* If this is passed, it's prepended to all the links from the source map to
* the Sass source files.
* @category Source Maps
sourceMapRoot?: string;
* Additional handler(s) for loading files when a [`@use`
* rule]( or an [`@import`
* rule]( is encountered.
* It can either be a single {@link LegacyImporter} function, or an array of
* {@link LegacyImporter}s.
* Importers take the URL of the `@import` or `@use` rule and return a {@link
* LegacyImporterResult} indicating how to handle that rule. For more details,
* see {@link LegacySyncImporter} and {@link LegacyAsyncImporter}.
* Loads are resolved by trying, in order:
* * Loading a file from disk relative to the file in which the `@use` or
* `@import` appeared.
* * Each custom importer.
* * Loading a file relative to the current working directory.
* * Each load path in {@link includePaths}.
* * Each load path specified in the `SASS_PATH` environment variable, which
* should be semicolon-separated on Windows and colon-separated elsewhere.
* @example
* ```js
* sass.render({
* file: "style.scss",
* importer: [
* // This importer uses the synchronous API, and can be passed to either
* // renderSync() or render().
* function(url, prev) {
* // This generates a stylesheet from scratch for `@use "big-headers"`.
* if (url != "big-headers") return null;
* return {
* contents: `
* h1 {
* font-size: 40px;
* }`
* };
* },
* // This importer uses the asynchronous API, and can only be passed to
* // render().
* function(url, prev, done) {
* // Convert `@use "foo/bar"` to "node_modules/foo/sass/bar".
* const components = url.split('/');
* const innerPath = components.slice(1).join('/');
* done({
* file: `node_modules/${components.first}/sass/${innerPath}`
* });
* }
* ]
* }, function(err, result) {
* // ...
* });
* ```
* @category Plugins
* @compatibility dart: true, node: "3.0.0"
* Versions of Node Sass before 3.0.0 dont support arrays of importers, nor
* do they support importers that return `Error` objects.
* Versions of Node Sass before 2.0.0 dont support the `importer` option at
* all.
* @compatibility feature: "Import order", dart: "1.20.2", node: false
* Versions of Dart Sass before 1.20.2 preferred resolving imports using
* {@link includePaths} before resolving them using custom importers.
* All versions of Node Sass currently pass imports to importers before
* loading them relative to the file in which the `@import` appears. This
* behavior is considered incorrect and should not be relied on because it
* violates the principle of *locality*, which says that it should be possible
* to reason about a stylesheet without knowing everything about how the
* entire system is set up. If a user tries to import a stylesheet relative to
* another stylesheet, that import should *always* work. It shouldnt be
* possible for some configuration somewhere else to break it.
importer?: LegacyImporter<sync> | LegacyImporter<sync>[];
* Additional built-in Sass functions that are available in all stylesheets.
* This option takes an object whose keys are Sass function signatures and
* whose values are {@link LegacyFunction}s. Each function should take the
* same arguments as its signature.
* Functions are passed subclasses of {@link LegacyValue}, and must return the
* same.
* **Heads up!** When writing custom functions, its important to ensure that
* all the arguments are the types you expect. Otherwise, users stylesheets
* could crash in hard-to-debug ways or, worse, compile to meaningless CSS.
* @example
* ```js
* sass.render({
* data: `
* h1 {
* font-size: pow(2, 5) * 1px;
* }`,
* functions: {
* // This function uses the synchronous API, and can be passed to either
* // renderSync() or render().
* 'pow($base, $exponent)': function(base, exponent) {
* if (!(base instanceof sass.types.Number)) {
* throw "$base: Expected a number.";
* } else if (base.getUnit()) {
* throw "$base: Expected a unitless number.";
* }
* if (!(exponent instanceof sass.types.Number)) {
* throw "$exponent: Expected a number.";
* } else if (exponent.getUnit()) {
* throw "$exponent: Expected a unitless number.";
* }
* return new sass.types.Number(
* Math.pow(base.getValue(), exponent.getValue()));
* },
* // This function uses the asynchronous API, and can only be passed to
* // render().
* 'sqrt($number)': function(number, done) {
* if (!(number instanceof sass.types.Number)) {
* throw "$number: Expected a number.";
* } else if (number.getUnit()) {
* throw "$number: Expected a unitless number.";
* }
* done(new sass.types.Number(Math.sqrt(number.getValue())));
* }
* }
* }, function(err, result) {
* console.log(result.css.toString());
* // h1 {
* // font-size: 32px;
* // }
* });
* ```
* @category Plugins
functions?: {[key: string]: LegacyFunction<sync>};
* By default, if the CSS document contains non-ASCII characters, Sass adds a
* `@charset` declaration (in expanded output mode) or a byte-order mark (in
* compressed mode) to indicate its encoding to browsers or other consumers.
* If `charset` is `false`, these annotations are omitted.
* @category Output
* @compatibility dart: "1.39.0", node: false
charset?: boolean;
* If this option is set to `true`, Sass wont print warnings that are caused
* by dependencies. A “dependency” is defined as any file thats loaded
* through {@link includePaths} or {@link importer}. Stylesheets that are
* imported relative to the entrypoint are not considered dependencies.
* This is useful for silencing deprecation warnings that you cant fix on
* your own. However, please <em>also</em> notify your dependencies of the deprecations
* so that they can get fixed as soon as possible!
* **Heads up!** If {@link render} or {@link renderSync} is called without
* {@link LegacyFileOptions.file} or {@link LegacyStringOptions.file},
* <em>all</em> stylesheets it loads will be considered dependencies. Since it
* doesnt have a path of its own, everything it loads is coming from a load
* path rather than a relative import.
* @defaultValue `false`
* @category Messages
* @compatibility dart: "1.35.0", node: false
quietDeps?: boolean;
* By default, Dart Sass will print only five instances of the same
* deprecation warning per compilation to avoid deluging users in console
* noise. If you set `verbose` to `true`, it will instead print every
* deprecation warning it encounters.
* @defaultValue `false`
* @category Messages
* @compatibility dart: "1.35.0", node: false
verbose?: boolean;
* An object to use to handle warnings and/or debug messages from Sass.
* By default, Sass emits warnings and debug messages to standard error, but
* if {@link Logger.warn} or {@link Logger.debug} is set, this will invoke
* them instead.
* The special value {@link Logger.silent} can be used to easily silence all
* messages.
* @category Messages
* @compatibility dart: "1.43.0", node: false
logger?: Logger;
* If {@link file} is passed without {@link data}, Sass will load the stylesheet
* at {@link file} and compile it to CSS.
* @typeParam sync - This lets the TypeScript checker verify that {@link
* LegacyAsyncImporter}s and {@link LegacyAsyncFunction}s aren't passed to
* {@link renderSync}.
export interface LegacyFileOptions<sync extends 'sync' | 'async'>
extends LegacySharedOptions<sync> {
* The path to the file for Sass to load and compile. If the files extension
* is `.scss`, it will be parsed as SCSS; if its `.sass`, it will be parsed
* as the indented syntax; and if its `.css`, it will be parsed as plain CSS.
* If it has no extension, it will be parsed as SCSS.
* @example
* ```js
* sass.renderSync({file: "style.scss"});
* ```
* @category Input
* @compatibility feature: "Plain CSS files", dart: "1.11.0", node: "partial"
* Node Sass and older versions of Dart Sass support loading files with the
* extension `.css`, but contrary to the specification theyre treated as SCSS
* files rather than being parsed as CSS. This behavior has been deprecated
* and should not be relied on. Any files that use Sass features should use
* the `.scss` extension.
* All versions of Node Sass and Dart Sass otherwise support the file option
* as described below.
file: string;
* See {@link LegacyStringOptions.file} for documentation of passing {@link
* file} along with {@link data}.
* @category Input
data?: never;
* If {@link data} is passed, Sass will use it as the contents of the stylesheet
* to compile.
* @typeParam sync - This lets the TypeScript checker verify that {@link
* LegacyAsyncImporter}s and {@link LegacyAsyncFunction}s aren't passed to
* {@link renderSync}.
* @category Legacy
* @deprecated This only works with the legacy {@link render} and {@link
* renderSync} APIs. Use {@link StringOptions} with {@link compile}, {@link
* compileString}, {@link compileAsync}, and {@link compileStringAsync} instead.
export interface LegacyStringOptions<sync extends 'sync' | 'async'>
extends LegacySharedOptions<sync> {
* The contents of the stylesheet to compile. Unless {@link file} is passed as
* well, the stylesheets URL is set to `"stdin"`.
* By default, this stylesheet is parsed as SCSS. This can be controlled using
* {@link indentedSyntax}.
* @example
* ```js
* sass.renderSync({
* data: `
* h1 {
* font-size: 40px;
* }`
* });
* ```
* @category Input
data: string;
* If `file` and {@link data} are both passed, `file` is used as the path of
* the stylesheet for error reporting, but {@link data} is used as the
* contents of the stylesheet. In this case, `file`s extension is not used to
* determine the syntax of the stylesheet.
* @category Input
file?: string;
* This flag controls whether {@link data} is parsed as the indented syntax or
* not.
* @example
* ```js
* sass.renderSync({
* data: `
* h1
* font-size: 40px`,
* indentedSyntax: true
* });
* ```
* @defaultValue `false`
* @category Input
indentedSyntax?: boolean;
* Options for {@link render} and {@link renderSync}. This can either be {@link
* LegacyFileOptions} to load a file from disk, or {@link LegacyStringOptions}
* to compile a string of Sass code.
* See {@link LegacySharedOptions} for options that are shared across both file
* and string inputs.
* @category Legacy
* @deprecated This only works with the legacy {@link render} and {@link
* renderSync} APIs. Use {@link Options} with {@link compile}, {@link
* compileString}, {@link compileAsync}, and {@link compileStringAsync} instead.
export type LegacyOptions<sync extends 'sync' | 'async'> =
| LegacyFileOptions<sync>
| LegacyStringOptions<sync>;