
534 lines
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2024-02-14 14:10:47 +00:00
const n = /[^\0-\x7E]/;
const t = /[\x2E\u3002\uFF0E\uFF61]/g;
const o = {
overflow: "Overflow Error",
"not-basic": "Illegal Input",
"invalid-input": "Invalid Input"
const e = Math.floor;
const r = String.fromCharCode;
function s(n2) {
throw new RangeError(o[n2]);
const c = function(n2, t2) {
return n2 + 22 + 75 * (n2 < 26) - ((t2 != 0) << 5);
const u = function(n2, t2, o2) {
let r2 = 0;
for (n2 = o2 ? e(n2 / 700) : n2 >> 1, n2 += e(n2 / t2); n2 > 455; r2 += 36) {
n2 = e(n2 / 35);
return e(r2 + 36 * n2 / (n2 + 38));
function toASCII(o2) {
return function(n2, o3) {
const e2 = n2.split("@");
let r2 = "";
e2.length > 1 && (r2 = e2[0] + "@", n2 = e2[1]);
const s2 = function(n3, t2) {
const o4 = [];
let e3 = n3.length;
for (; e3--; ) {
o4[e3] = t2(n3[e3]);
return o4;
}((n2 = n2.replace(t, ".")).split("."), o3).join(".");
return r2 + s2;
}(o2, function(t2) {
return n.test(t2) ? "xn--" + function(n2) {
const t3 = [];
const o3 = (n2 = function(n3) {
const t4 = [];
let o4 = 0;
const e2 = n3.length;
for (; o4 < e2; ) {
const r2 = n3.charCodeAt(o4++);
if (r2 >= 55296 && r2 <= 56319 && o4 < e2) {
const e3 = n3.charCodeAt(o4++);
(64512 & e3) == 56320 ? t4.push(((1023 & r2) << 10) + (1023 & e3) + 65536) : (t4.push(r2), o4--);
} else {
return t4;
let f = 128;
let i = 0;
let l = 72;
for (const o4 of n2) {
o4 < 128 && t3.push(r(o4));
const h = t3.length;
let p = h;
for (h && t3.push("-"); p < o3; ) {
let o4 = 2147483647;
for (const t4 of n2) {
t4 >= f && t4 < o4 && (o4 = t4);
const a = p + 1;
o4 - f > e((2147483647 - i) / a) && s("overflow"), i += (o4 - f) * a, f = o4;
for (const o5 of n2) {
if (o5 < f && ++i > 2147483647 && s("overflow"), o5 == f) {
let n3 = i;
for (let o6 = 36; ; o6 += 36) {
const s2 = o6 <= l ? 1 : o6 >= l + 26 ? 26 : o6 - l;
if (n3 < s2) {
const u2 = n3 - s2;
const f2 = 36 - s2;
t3.push(r(c(s2 + u2 % f2, 0))), n3 = e(u2 / f2);
t3.push(r(c(n3, 0))), l = u(i, a, p == h), i = 0, ++p;
++i, ++f;
return t3.join("");
}(t2) : t2;
const HASH_RE = /#/g;
const AMPERSAND_RE = /&/g;
const SLASH_RE = /\//g;
const EQUAL_RE = /=/g;
const IM_RE = /\?/g;
const PLUS_RE = /\+/g;
const ENC_CARET_RE = /%5e/gi;
const ENC_BACKTICK_RE = /%60/gi;
const ENC_CURLY_OPEN_RE = /%7b/gi;
const ENC_PIPE_RE = /%7c/gi;
const ENC_CURLY_CLOSE_RE = /%7d/gi;
const ENC_SPACE_RE = /%20/gi;
const ENC_SLASH_RE = /%2f/gi;
const ENC_ENC_SLASH_RE = /%252f/gi;
function encode(text) {
return encodeURI("" + text).replace(ENC_PIPE_RE, "|");
function encodeHash(text) {
return encode(text).replace(ENC_CURLY_OPEN_RE, "{").replace(ENC_CURLY_CLOSE_RE, "}").replace(ENC_CARET_RE, "^");
function encodeQueryValue(input) {
return encode(typeof input === "string" ? input : JSON.stringify(input)).replace(PLUS_RE, "%2B").replace(ENC_SPACE_RE, "+").replace(HASH_RE, "%23").replace(AMPERSAND_RE, "%26").replace(ENC_BACKTICK_RE, "`").replace(ENC_CARET_RE, "^");
function encodeQueryKey(text) {
return encodeQueryValue(text).replace(EQUAL_RE, "%3D");
function encodePath(text) {
return encode(text).replace(HASH_RE, "%23").replace(IM_RE, "%3F").replace(ENC_ENC_SLASH_RE, "%2F").replace(AMPERSAND_RE, "%26").replace(PLUS_RE, "%2B");
function encodeParam(text) {
return encodePath(text).replace(SLASH_RE, "%2F");
function decode(text = "") {
try {
return decodeURIComponent("" + text);
} catch {
return "" + text;
function decodePath(text) {
return decode(text.replace(ENC_SLASH_RE, "%252F"));
function decodeQueryKey(text) {
return decode(text.replace(PLUS_RE, " "));
function decodeQueryValue(text) {
return decode(text.replace(PLUS_RE, " "));
function encodeHost(name = "") {
return toASCII(name);
function parseQuery(parametersString = "") {
const object = {};
if (parametersString[0] === "?") {
parametersString = parametersString.slice(1);
for (const parameter of parametersString.split("&")) {
const s = parameter.match(/([^=]+)=?(.*)/) || [];
if (s.length < 2) {
const key = decodeQueryKey(s[1]);
if (key === "__proto__" || key === "constructor") {
const value = decodeQueryValue(s[2] || "");
if (object[key] === void 0) {
object[key] = value;
} else if (Array.isArray(object[key])) {
} else {
object[key] = [object[key], value];
return object;
function encodeQueryItem(key, value) {
if (typeof value === "number" || typeof value === "boolean") {
value = String(value);
if (!value) {
return encodeQueryKey(key);
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
return => `${encodeQueryKey(key)}=${encodeQueryValue(_value)}`).join("&");
return `${encodeQueryKey(key)}=${encodeQueryValue(value)}`;
function stringifyQuery(query) {
return Object.keys(query).filter((k) => query[k] !== void 0).map((k) => encodeQueryItem(k, query[k])).filter(Boolean).join("&");
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
var __publicField = (obj, key, value) => {
__defNormalProp(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value);
return value;
class $URL {
constructor(input = "") {
__publicField(this, "protocol");
__publicField(this, "host");
__publicField(this, "auth");
__publicField(this, "pathname");
__publicField(this, "query", {});
__publicField(this, "hash");
if (typeof input !== "string") {
throw new TypeError(
`URL input should be string received ${typeof input} (${input})`
const parsed = parseURL(input);
this.protocol = decode(parsed.protocol); = decode(;
this.auth = decode(parsed.auth);
this.pathname = decodePath(parsed.pathname);
this.query = parseQuery(;
this.hash = decode(parsed.hash);
get hostname() {
return parseHost(;
get port() {
return parseHost( || "";
get username() {
return parseAuth(this.auth).username;
get password() {
return parseAuth(this.auth).password || "";
get hasProtocol() {
return this.protocol.length;
get isAbsolute() {
return this.hasProtocol || this.pathname[0] === "/";
get search() {
const q = stringifyQuery(this.query);
return q.length > 0 ? "?" + q : "";
get searchParams() {
const p = new URLSearchParams();
for (const name in this.query) {
const value = this.query[name];
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
for (const v of value) {
p.append(name, v);
} else {
typeof value === "string" ? value : JSON.stringify(value)
return p;
get origin() {
return (this.protocol ? this.protocol + "//" : "") + encodeHost(;
get fullpath() {
return encodePath(this.pathname) + + encodeHash(this.hash);
get encodedAuth() {
if (!this.auth) {
return "";
const { username, password } = parseAuth(this.auth);
return encodeURIComponent(username) + (password ? ":" + encodeURIComponent(password) : "");
get href() {
const auth = this.encodedAuth;
const originWithAuth = (this.protocol ? this.protocol + "//" : "") + (auth ? auth + "@" : "") + encodeHost(;
return this.hasProtocol && this.isAbsolute ? originWithAuth + this.fullpath : this.fullpath;
append(url) {
if (url.hasProtocol) {
throw new Error("Cannot append a URL with protocol");
Object.assign(this.query, url.query);
if (url.pathname) {
this.pathname = withTrailingSlash(this.pathname) + withoutLeadingSlash(url.pathname);
if (url.hash) {
this.hash = url.hash;
toJSON() {
return this.href;
toString() {
return this.href;
function isRelative(inputString) {
return ["./", "../"].some((string_) => inputString.startsWith(string_));
const PROTOCOL_STRICT_REGEX = /^[\s\w\0+.-]{2,}:([/\\]{1,2})/;
const PROTOCOL_REGEX = /^[\s\w\0+.-]{2,}:([/\\]{2})?/;
const PROTOCOL_RELATIVE_REGEX = /^([/\\]\s*){2,}[^/\\]/;
function hasProtocol(inputString, opts = {}) {
if (typeof opts === "boolean") {
opts = { acceptRelative: opts };
if (opts.strict) {
return PROTOCOL_STRICT_REGEX.test(inputString);
return PROTOCOL_REGEX.test(inputString) || (opts.acceptRelative ? PROTOCOL_RELATIVE_REGEX.test(inputString) : false);
const PROTOCOL_SCRIPT_RE = /^[\s\0]*(blob|data|javascript|vbscript):$/i;
function isScriptProtocol(protocol) {
return !!protocol && PROTOCOL_SCRIPT_RE.test(protocol);
const TRAILING_SLASH_RE = /\/$|\/\?|\/#/;
function hasTrailingSlash(input = "", respectQueryAndFragment) {
if (!respectQueryAndFragment) {
return input.endsWith("/");
return TRAILING_SLASH_RE.test(input);
function withoutTrailingSlash(input = "", respectQueryAndFragment) {
if (!respectQueryAndFragment) {
return (hasTrailingSlash(input) ? input.slice(0, -1) : input) || "/";
if (!hasTrailingSlash(input, true)) {
return input || "/";
let path = input;
let fragment = "";
const fragmentIndex = input.indexOf("#");
if (fragmentIndex >= 0) {
path = input.slice(0, fragmentIndex);
fragment = input.slice(fragmentIndex);
const [s0, ...s] = path.split("?");
return (s0.slice(0, -1) || "/") + (s.length > 0 ? `?${s.join("?")}` : "") + fragment;
function withTrailingSlash(input = "", respectQueryAndFragment) {
if (!respectQueryAndFragment) {
return input.endsWith("/") ? input : input + "/";
if (hasTrailingSlash(input, true)) {
return input || "/";
let path = input;
let fragment = "";
const fragmentIndex = input.indexOf("#");
if (fragmentIndex >= 0) {
path = input.slice(0, fragmentIndex);
fragment = input.slice(fragmentIndex);
if (!path) {
return fragment;
const [s0, ...s] = path.split("?");
return s0 + "/" + (s.length > 0 ? `?${s.join("?")}` : "") + fragment;
function hasLeadingSlash(input = "") {
return input.startsWith("/");
function withoutLeadingSlash(input = "") {
return (hasLeadingSlash(input) ? input.slice(1) : input) || "/";
function withLeadingSlash(input = "") {
return hasLeadingSlash(input) ? input : "/" + input;
function cleanDoubleSlashes(input = "") {
return input.split("://").map((string_) => string_.replace(/\/{2,}/g, "/")).join("://");
function withBase(input, base) {
if (isEmptyURL(base) || hasProtocol(input)) {
return input;
const _base = withoutTrailingSlash(base);
if (input.startsWith(_base)) {
return input;
return joinURL(_base, input);
function withoutBase(input, base) {
if (isEmptyURL(base)) {
return input;
const _base = withoutTrailingSlash(base);
if (!input.startsWith(_base)) {
return input;
const trimmed = input.slice(_base.length);
return trimmed[0] === "/" ? trimmed : "/" + trimmed;
function withQuery(input, query) {
const parsed = parseURL(input);
const mergedQuery = { ...parseQuery(, ...query }; = stringifyQuery(mergedQuery);
return stringifyParsedURL(parsed);
function getQuery(input) {
return parseQuery(parseURL(input).search);
function isEmptyURL(url) {
return !url || url === "/";
function isNonEmptyURL(url) {
return url && url !== "/";
const JOIN_LEADING_SLASH_RE = /^\.?\//;
function joinURL(base, ...input) {
let url = base || "";
for (const segment of input.filter((url2) => isNonEmptyURL(url2))) {
if (url) {
const _segment = segment.replace(JOIN_LEADING_SLASH_RE, "");
url = withTrailingSlash(url) + _segment;
} else {
url = segment;
return url;
function withHttp(input) {
return withProtocol(input, "http://");
function withHttps(input) {
return withProtocol(input, "https://");
function withoutProtocol(input) {
return withProtocol(input, "");
function withProtocol(input, protocol) {
const match = input.match(PROTOCOL_REGEX);
if (!match) {
return protocol + input;
return protocol + input.slice(match[0].length);
function createURL(input) {
return new $URL(input);
function normalizeURL(input) {
return createURL(input).toString();
function resolveURL(base, ...input) {
const url = createURL(base);
for (const index of input.filter((url2) => isNonEmptyURL(url2))) {
return url.toString();
function isSamePath(p1, p2) {
return decode(withoutTrailingSlash(p1)) === decode(withoutTrailingSlash(p2));
function isEqual(a, b, options = {}) {
if (!options.trailingSlash) {
a = withTrailingSlash(a);
b = withTrailingSlash(b);
if (!options.leadingSlash) {
a = withLeadingSlash(a);
b = withLeadingSlash(b);
if (!options.encoding) {
a = decode(a);
b = decode(b);
return a === b;
function parseURL(input = "", defaultProto) {
const _specialProtoMatch = input.match(
if (_specialProtoMatch) {
const [, _proto, _pathname = ""] = _specialProtoMatch;
return {
protocol: _proto.toLowerCase(),
pathname: _pathname,
href: _proto + _pathname,
auth: "",
host: "",
search: "",
hash: ""
if (!hasProtocol(input, { acceptRelative: true })) {
return defaultProto ? parseURL(defaultProto + input) : parsePath(input);
const [, protocol = "", auth, hostAndPath = ""] = input.replace(/\\/g, "/").match(/^[\s\0]*([\w+.-]{2,}:)?\/\/([^/@]+@)?(.*)/) || [];
const [, host = "", path = ""] = hostAndPath.match(/([^#/?]*)(.*)?/) || [];
const { pathname, search, hash } = parsePath(
path.replace(/\/(?=[A-Za-z]:)/, "")
return {
protocol: protocol.toLowerCase(),
auth: auth ? auth.slice(0, Math.max(0, auth.length - 1)) : "",
function parsePath(input = "") {
const [pathname = "", search = "", hash = ""] = (input.match(/([^#?]*)(\?[^#]*)?(#.*)?/) || []).splice(1);
return {
function parseAuth(input = "") {
const [username, password] = input.split(":");
return {
username: decode(username),
password: decode(password)
function parseHost(input = "") {
const [hostname, port] = (input.match(/([^/:]*):?(\d+)?/) || []).splice(1);
return {
hostname: decode(hostname),
function stringifyParsedURL(parsed) {
const pathname = parsed.pathname || "";
const search = ? ("?") ? "" : "?") + : "";
const hash = parsed.hash || "";
const auth = parsed.auth ? parsed.auth + "@" : "";
const host = || "";
const proto = parsed.protocol ? parsed.protocol + "//" : "";
return proto + auth + host + pathname + search + hash;
const FILENAME_STRICT_REGEX = /\/([^/]+\.[^/]+)$/;
const FILENAME_REGEX = /\/([^/]+)$/;
function parseFilename(input = "", { strict }) {
const { pathname } = parseURL(input);
const matches = strict ? pathname.match(FILENAME_STRICT_REGEX) : pathname.match(FILENAME_REGEX);
return matches ? matches[1] : void 0;
export { $URL, cleanDoubleSlashes, createURL, decode, decodePath, decodeQueryKey, decodeQueryValue, encode, encodeHash, encodeHost, encodeParam, encodePath, encodeQueryItem, encodeQueryKey, encodeQueryValue, getQuery, hasLeadingSlash, hasProtocol, hasTrailingSlash, isEmptyURL, isEqual, isNonEmptyURL, isRelative, isSamePath, isScriptProtocol, joinURL, normalizeURL, parseAuth, parseFilename, parseHost, parsePath, parseQuery, parseURL, resolveURL, stringifyParsedURL, stringifyQuery, withBase, withHttp, withHttps, withLeadingSlash, withProtocol, withQuery, withTrailingSlash, withoutBase, withoutLeadingSlash, withoutProtocol, withoutTrailingSlash };